
Quicktime logo! Can it be hidden / disabled?

Hi there, just wondering if it is possible to hide/disable the quicktime logo when displaying .MOV video on my site? Because the size of the video is large (3MB), I have included a rotating loading animation, however once the video player loads, the Quicktime logo hides the animation, which makes the user less likely in my opinion to wa...

Is it possible to view multiple video files with android simultaneously ?

Hello, I would like to play three or more video streams on my Nexus One with the VideoView class (or other). Unfortunately the other streams always stop after I start the next video. Always one at the same time is playing, but not more - even if I use threads. Does anybody have an idea how to solve this? Thanks for help. ...

DirectShow EVR resizing window problem

So I've been looking into the world of media playback for windows and I've started making a C# Media Player using DirectShow. I started off using the VRM-7 windowed video renderer and it was brilliant except it had a couple of small problems (multi monitors, fullscreen). But after some research I found that it's deprecated and I should b...

Can I make a web based video recording?

I want to have a web site which switches the web camera of users, makes a video recording and send results to my web server. Is it possible to do that? I think it should be. For example such sites as starts web camera. Should it be done with the Adobe Flash technologies? Is it hard to do that? ...

Android phones: how does the video out feature work?

Hi, I'm searching for android phones that can use video out to the tv for a research project. I'm considering the HTC Touch Pro. Is there anything I have to do specifically to get the video out to work (for displaying my app on the tv)? or will the phone just display a running app on the tv without extra work? Thanks, I hope the post ...

Webcam capture and convert to avi

Im trying to make a program that captures a video from the webcam and sound from the microphone but im getting stuck at the part where ive try to make a movie out of still images ive heard you need to use directshow but it doesnt jet work for me Does someone know a good piece of example code that captures video and sound and can encod...

How to read and write images and video with php?

I am creating a downloadable zip file. In that zip, I want to add php, html, and images and videos. All of them are in other folders. I can read and write php and html files from other files/folders. But I don't know how to read and write (or move from one folder to anther folder) images and videos. I will appreciate any help. Th...

Getting true video Height/Width from ASF videos

I am trying to convert an ASF video with FFmpeg using an interface called mediahandler. The issue is, the metadata on the ASF video appears to be corrupt. It states that the video is 640x240, and 4:3 aspect ratio. The aspect ratio is correct, but obviously the resolution is not. This causes the converter to incorrectly scale the video,...

Expanding videoplayer like CNN-website, prerably jQuery-based

I'm wondering if anyone knows of a script/plugin, jquery-based or otherwise, which could be used to achive the effect that can be found on I'm talking about the videos that are representet by a small thumbnail, that when clicked expands in to the text and plays. I'm by no means a JS-guru, and me and flash isn't the bestest of ...

Insert FLV video in latex document

Hi, I'm trying to insert a flv video in a latex document. I've tried the following : \begin{figure}[h!] \centering \includegraphics[scale=1]{animation/animation1.flv} \caption{My animation} \label{Anim1} \end{figure} But it's not working at all ! Does anyone know how to do this ? I would avoid to convert the video because I don't know...

Retrieve default camera video extension from Windows Mobile

Is there any way to find out what is the default video extension for camera application? I am using CameraCaptureDialog to make the user use the camera and save the image to a specific file which then I consume in the application. However, there is a problem with the videos. Emulator gives .wmv video file while some devices I've been te...

Video match anlysis

Hi every body I am looking forward to find an algorithm to detect a pattern in a given video file. Actually I am going to index moments in a tennis match video at which service (first kick after a goal) is shot. PS1: sorry for broken English. PS2: I DO NOT know anything about tennis except that you need a ball to play!! ...

Programatically access orientation of an iPhone video

I need to access a video returned by the UIImagePickerController and know if it was recorded portrait or landscape. I've seen references to mov_read_tkhd but I'm not sure if that will do the job, or indeed how to include the necessary libraries. ...

Webcam video stream processing.

Hi Guys, I'm working with an image processing project, my final goal is to detect features on a real time video and finally track those features. I will be working with an Embedded Processor Platform called Freescale's i.MX515, it is a 32-bit media processor running on Ubuntu 9.04. Right now I'm working on the algorithms to locate the ...

How does bing video search extract video from so many different websites?

Are they decompiling the flash or something like this? I can't imagine how they have done it. ...

Whats wrong with this video embed code?

Following embed code is from but it doesn't work in Internet Explorer 8. Firefox no problems. Any recommendations for improvements? Thanks for your time! <object width="480px" height="294px" id="_36313041" data="

FFmpeg + iPhone - Interesting (incorrect?) video encoding results

I'm encoding some video on the iPhone by running the png image data through swscale to get YUV420P data then encoding that frame using the MSMPEG4V1 codec. In the api docs, avcodec_encode_video should return the number of bytes used from the output buffer by that encode operation. There are 234,000 bytes going into the encoder, but the ...

Is there a web tool framework for building a video editing/manipulation widget other than custom Flash?

I am looking to build a widget for a site which allows users to tag images from individual frames of a video file but would prefer not to have to build a custom Flash tool. Is there an existing free library or framework which simplifies things like this in a webapplication setting? Features would also involve basic video playback funct...

Need help with video streaming with web-embedded Windows Media Player Component

Hello, I need to be able to play a .wmv video in a Windows Media Player component on a web page starting at a particular specified point in the video right away. I can embed the component and play the video. The problem is that even if I specify the location with The PARAM “currentPosition”, the video starts to play from the beginning...

How to detect time on a playing Flash video

Hi I have a video playing on my page. I want to show and hide some div's when the video reaches a certain point. Lets say hide something on 10th second and show it again on 20th second. I can easily do it in HTML5 with video tag and currentTime attribute but for IE I have to create the same functionality and I think with flash based v...