
how to generate abstract for a video?

Hello everyone, For a video file (e.g. wmv file or other format), I need to generate abstract for the video. The abstract is expected to be in text format. Any mature tools or algorithms? Better (not a must) if open source tools/SDKs so that I can modify for my special needs. thanks in advance, George ...

Service for converting SWFs with ActionScript to Video (MPEG, AVI, or MOV)

The SWF files generated by our application are a basic template that reference external resources (images, and textual data) that actionscript uses to fuel the display. Thus the SWF is responsible for the creative layout of the screen the flash player. It is the results of this actions script, images, and textual data that need to be c...

Generating video or images of geometrical objects from data

Hello, I'm working in a course's project to predict the velocity and position of the solar system planets (and other objects). It will be really cool if I can visualize the predicted objects data, if it's possible generating 3D images, if in video that's amazing. Do you know any library that lets me to use this data to generate an ima...

Changing video on mouseclick?

I have two videos, and I want to loop the first video until the user clicks the mouse, at which point I want to switch to playing the second video. Does anyone know what the best way to do this would be? Edit: Sorry, to clarify, I would prefer to use HTML 5 (assuming this is possible). I am trying to have the two videos swapped out seam...

video streaming infrastructure

We would like to set-up a live video-chat web site and are looking for basic architectural advice and/or a recomendation for a particular framework to use. Here are the basic features of the site: Most streams will be broadcast live from a single person with a web cam, etc., and viewed by typically 1-10 people, although there could be...

Video with transparent background on page above image background.

Hi! I want to embed some video into my HTML page. As background I want to use big picture. And above it I want to insert loop video with (i.e.) walking man. So, can I embed video (without flash and any player controls) in page? Can I decode video with transparent background? Is there any codecs which support transparent background (al...

Which video format(s) should a webapp serve?

I need to put up a few videos on a Webapp and I'm a bit lost. My requirements are: DRM is not a concern at all it should work on the iPhone (and iPad) and on the main browsers (Safari, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera). it is not a problem at all if the video doesn't play on Linux (because it's a video/screencast of a Windows/OS X so...

silverlight video streaming with mkv?

Where I can read documentation on how to implement mkv (containing h.264) video streaming in silverlight (any version). Or of a player that already does this? I can't find any information about it, just some blog posts where people claimed to have done it. ...

Video Recording on iPhone

I have this iPhone app, which plays streaming video from a source(Just video, no audio). Is there any mechanism by which i can capture this streaming video or record them, for later playback? ...

Navigation graphics overlayed over video

Hey, Imagine I have a video playing.. Can I have some sort of motion graphics being played 'over' that video.. Like say the moving graphics is on an upper layer than the video, which would be the lower layer.. I am comfortable in a C++ and Python, so a solution that uses these two will be highly appreciated.. Thank you in advance, Ri...

Mobile Video Detection

Hi, I'm using DeviceAtlas to detect mobile phones, I was wondering if anyone had some good resources in terms of standard codecs, video dimensions that are used and how you go about serving video to mobile devices. Thanks! -Aaron ...

How to input live video Stream to Microsoft Encoder.

There is a facility in Microsoft Encoder to give input from a file or from a device such as webcam for streaming. But i haven't found a way to give live video stream to encoder. i.e. How to make encoder listen to particular UDP port. From which encoder will take input stream and encode it and push to windows media server. Any help will ...

Flash causing jerky javascript animations

Hi Guys, I'm developing a site which has a flash background playing a small video loop scaled to fill the whole background. Over the top I have a number of HTML elements which are animated using javascript. The problem I am having is that (predominantly in FF, but also in others to a lesser degree) the flash seems to be causing my javas...

wpf show video in ecllipse shape

Hi, I want to show a video in an ecllipse shape. How can i do it? Can i use the Clip property on it? how? Thanks. ...

Is there any free opensource (GNU GPL, LGPL etc) Comet Video Chat? (PHP)

Is there any free opensource (GNU GPL, LGPL etc) Comet Video Chat? (PHP) I want to integrate it into my own CMS I am creating. ...

how to accomplish sliding video effect

I was wondering if there is a jQuery plugin to recreate the " video effect? ...

How to make convert operation from .MOV to 3GP in Java

Hi guys I wanna convert ".MOV" extentioned files to 3GP extentioned Files in java. Currently i m using Java Media Framework for creation opetion of .MOV file. But now my need is converting these videos to 3GP. I googled my issue but i couldnt get any solution. How can i do this? Any help will be appreciated. ...

continously add picture to video

Every x minutes I grab an image from a network-cam. Now i want to add this picture to an existing video file - on the fly. I don't want to keep numerous image files and then encode them once in a while with e.g. mencoder mf://@${LIST} -mf type=jpg:fps=${FPS} ... The video format/codec doesn't really matter, as long as standard tools ...

Playing video on a web browser from a web server

Hi. I need to play videos stored on a web server from a web browser. I was thinking of using Flash to achieve this. I found this article Is there a better approach? Also when the video is playing or is paused, I'd like to be able to read the current time of playback fr...

How to play sequence video continuously on iPhone?

I'm trying to play two videos continuously using MPMoviePlayer. I let the second video play when the MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification is posted. [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(playSecondMovie) ...