
I would like to know to create a youtube like flash player

I basically want to embed a swf object and then feed different videos to it. Right now, I made a xml driven video player, however, I would have to create a new swf and xml list for each video I want to embed on my site. This is a real drag and pain. What is the procedure to make a universal player like youtube. FYI: I can't use flow play...

raw h.264 packet capture and playing in VLC

Hi, I am capturing packets off the network from a video conference HDX. The video is sent in RTP and is encoded in H264. I am trying to capture these packets and generate a video file. I wrote raw H264 data from the packets to disk and i am trying to play it in VLC. VLC just shows a green box. Am i being too naive in my approach with...

Creating a dynamic (video) Overlay on Google Maps on Android 2.1

I'm trying to create a map overlay for displaying a video stream (MJPEG) on top of a Mapview. Currently I've a standalone activity that creates a data thread for fetching MJPEG video frames. I'm using a handler to send a frame (as a Bitmap) from the data thread to the main activity which then updates the UI. I'm not sure how to impl...

How do i optimize my video website for all search engines?

I've a site which has numerous videos under various categories and already my video pages are crawled and indexed but i want them to listed as videos instead of indexed pages. So how do i optimize or whether i should submit any special kind of sitemaps to search engines? I want to focus on all search engines but more on google obvious...

video tutorial for learning python?

Anyone knows video tutorial resource for learning Python (the one that is similar to for learning .NET)? ...

CSS Hide Youtube Video not working in IE

I have a youtube video like so... <object id="video_1" class="a_video ....... However the css for a_video: display:none; Isn't hiding it in IE. Anyone know how to hide embedded youtube videos in IE? ...

How to do Simple video streaming with ffserver on windows?

I found a tutorial for configuring server here but it is for linux... how to do such thing on windows? (with a real web cam) ...

How to make a live stream redirector?

So I have a local URL like http://localhost:port/ with live video stream in it. I need to send it over TCP to http://any_address:AnyPort/ how to do such thing in WPF, C#? CODE WANTED!) ...

iPhone - Play a video on both 3.0 and 4.0 OS / SDK ?

Hi, Since 3.2 iPhone OS SDK, playing a video is really different. So I was wondering if there is a way to make video play in full screen with a compatible code (both < and >3.2) without writing code for the two cases. I think we'll have to write 2 versions of our classes handling video playing... Thy ! ...

What's the best webserver software for video?

Hi, we have a collection of FLV files, to be displayed by FlowPlayer flash-app in a website. The scripts and handling of data are done with Apache/MySQL/PHP. As the video files are static files they should be served by a more static oriented webserver like lighttpd or nginx, like it's done with photos. What's the best webserver for ser...

How to display video on html page in firefox

I did looked at this question, but the asker didn't got any reply. Still, I'm giving it a try. I want to embed a video file on a html page. The code works fine on IE but doesn't work on firefox. The code: <object id="WMPlay" width="640" height="480" classid="CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6" codebase="http://activex.microsof...

Uploading youtube videos through a common account

Is it possible to have users of my site upload videos from their home computers onto MY youtube account? What does that involve and can someone point me to some relevant examples. I DONT want to host the videos myself, even temporarily, unless completely unavoidable.These will be short videos though, maybe about a min or two long, not h...

I'm implement http live streaming video from my webserver to iPhone. Will I get rejected for bandwidth?

Apache webserver setup added: AddType application/x-mpegURL .m3u8 AddType video/MP2T .ts to "httpd.conf" file. Movie file preparation I have 3 movie files (9mb - 25mb each). Used QuickTime to convert movies into iPhone format. Used mediafilesegmenter to convert .m4v into 10-second segments of .ts files, with an accompanying .m3u8 ...

how to implement video and audio merger program ?

Hi guys I want to make a program which takes video and audio and merges them. Video Type or audio type is not important for me. I just want to make so- called program. How can i make this ? does any library exist for this ? (I know there are many program about this topic but i want to learn how to implement such a program.) Help me ple...

What's a good video upload storage solution?

What's a good video upload storage solution? I'm trying to find a way to offload bandwidth to another storage solution (something like S3), but at the same time, also trying to find a solution which is geared for video storage. Are there any solutions out there for this? Or should I just use S3? Thanks! ...

How can i embed a video player in moodle.?

1). i have some video files that will be played with the help of a video player. 2). i want to embed a video player in my script which will play these video files in moodle 1.9. 3). i can not upload those video files on some video hosting sites because those are copy protected. How can i achieve such functionality Please help Thanks...

Formula for Live Video Streaming Bitrate

I am simply looking for the formula that should be used here. All the results I've found base "finding the bitrate" off of already existing video. I'm talking about LIVE streaming. (indeterminate length) So, I know some basic parts of it, but I just need to know if I'm right or missing anything. For Kbps: Resolution * Framerate / ...

Multiple video overlay - need advice

Hi, I'm working on a project and I need some advice. Just some background, Im not a programmer though at times I do some fiddling and I am generally comfortable with more specific terms. Now for the actual issue, I have a folder with 10 small videos (4/7 secs max each) and I would like to display them full screen looping and overlaid...

How can you buffer two online videos alternately while playing one of them?

On my website, I want my user to be able to launch video 2 at any point in the middle of video 1 without waiting or refreshing the window. How can I buffer the two videos such that I buffer video 1 enough to let it start playing, and then buffer just enough of video 2 that if the user launches it at any point, he does not have to wait to...

QT Jambi HTML5 Video

Is it possible to use the HTML5 <video> element within a QT Jambi QWebView? I have set up a basic app, but it doesn't display <video> elements. ...