
Streaming videos from wifi + bonjour conforming cameras to iPhone

Is it possible to stream videos from a bunch of video cameras or any device for that matter to iPhone if the devices conform to Bonjour. My concern was if the devices host their services over a wifi, how will my Iphone app manage to read and understand data(or video feed in this case) from different kinds of devices. I came across the...

HTML5 Video Volume

Hi, i'm currently working on a HTML5 video player, i got it working fully everywhere, except on the freakin iPad. Basically, i can control everything, except the sound, i have a mute button, it works fine on Google Chrome, FF3.6 and Safari on Mac OS, but on the iPad no matter what value i put in video.volume, there is no change happenin...

How do I insert video greater than 1MB with api direct method

I am using the service to insert a video entry. It is failing with a url fetch error complaining that the file is too large. It is a pretty small video (1.7MB). In an ideal world, there is a natural way to break up the file as necessary and stream it in chunks. Is there an api to do this already. Here is the code I am usin...

GWT & HTML5 Video in Mobile Safari

I'm trying to code a site in GWT that plays videos with HTML5. Everything works great on the desktop, but mobile Safari on both the iPhone and iPad do not play the video. I can play a video using Video for Everybody. I've even copied the code to my own plain HTML page, and it works flawlessly. If I serve that same code via a GWT widg...

Convert uploaded video to Silverlight WMV

Can one of you smarties point me to some beginner content for converting an uploaded video to WMV? I've got a file upload, and database entry all done, but I'm finding information / tutorials on Windows Media Encoder 9 scarce. ...

MPMoviePlayerController on large videos causes massive memory spike, and a level 1 memory warning

When viewing images my application hums along nicely with low memory consumption, once I try to watch a video using MPMoviePlayerController memory usage spikes way up, dwarfing the previous memory graph and if I play the video it causes a 'memory warning. Level=1' message. The video files (mp4) aren't even that big, 40MB or so, and it d...

H.264 in Firefox

Hi all, As I understand it Firefox does not support H.264 encoded video using the tag. I've been told that Flash will quite happily handle such content however I have no experience with Flash nor do I have access to Adobe Creative Suite. I'm developing primarily for Firefox users and recoding our video content to OGG would not be pract...

Pay per view video solution

Hello, We are planning on building a pay per view (PPV) video solution but we have no idea from where to start. Here are the current givens: it will be hosted on Linux using PHP Database: MySQL And by PPV I mean: - going to website, selecting a movie to watch/download - going to payment portal and paying - being now able to watc...

Overlay bitmap on live video

Hi i want to Overlay bitmap on live video. Iam trying to do this with the directshow sample. I edited PlayCapMonker sample and added some functions to enable this. i did this with the procedure explained in below link Now i am gettting errors Error 2 error C4430: missing type specifier - int...

How to overwrite i-frames of a video?

I want to destroy all i-frames of a video. Doing this I want to check if encrypting only the i-frames of a video would be sufficient for making it unwatchable. How can I do this? Only removing them and recompressing the video would not be the same as really overwriting the i-frame in the stream without recalculating b-frames etc. ...

How can I record an rtsp video stream to a file from a linux command line?

I have a net cam which provides a rtsp stream via the default 554 port. I can view the stream perfectly using VLC (GUI mode) when I open rtsp:// (the "1234" is the [default] password the device requires to be in the url, for those who want to restrict access to the stream) What I need is to have a cli-only linux box re...

jQuery plugins for HTML5 video playback?

I'm looking for a good jQuery plugin that allows HTML5 video playback, with graceful fallback to Flash (and potentially further, to default system player, etc). I've googled, but nothing I've found has been quite what I'm looking for. Any suggestions? ...

Splitting/Merging 3gp files using a java library

Hi, I'm wondering if there's a java library out there that can manipulate 3gp files. Mostly I'm interested in splitting or merging existing video files. I've looked at JMF (java media framework), but it doesn't support 3gp…and FFmpeg looks promising, but it's not clear that the library allows splitting/merging of existing files. Does ...

How can I scale an OSMF player in ActionScript 3/Flex

I am trying to create a simple video player SWF using the open source media framework in Flex 4. I want to make it dynamically scale based on the dimensions of the video, input by the user. I am following the directions on the Adobe help site, but the video does not seem to scale properly. Depending on the size, sometimes videos play lar...

need php script to change video format from flv to any other format (mpeg,avi)

hello all, i want to convert flv video(downloaded from you tube) to any other format, i had search a lot, but every script changed any other format into flv while i need flv to any other format. please suggest me any link or php script that convert flv to any other format. one more question :why flv is preferred for video?? ...

encrypting assets (video files) in Adobe AIR

Hi I am trying to create a video player in Adobe AIR. I want to encrypt the video files so that they are not sharable outside the player. I don't want to jump through hoops to create a rock-solid system but something simple that just prevents 90-95% of the users from sharing the content. I have been through a related question on SO at ...

Streaming and conversion of video from 3rd Parth

Hi, I am working on a App where video has to be displayed.All these video are in .flv format, Is there any mechanism by using that I can convert this video to .mov or .m4v (supported by iphone) on the fly, so that user can view those video on their iphone or ipod. Thanks, Ashish ...

video processing with opencv

i'm trying to detect car in a video file.i can do background subtraction and the moving cars are visible as foreground object. but i can't draw rectangle around the car. how can i do it? or how can i say in a particular area of the frame there is a car/or there is no car now.please help. ...

Multiple flash video players on w3c-valid page is slow

I have a web site that displays a column of flash videos. The page is w3c-valid. The problem is that the page loads very slowly and sometimes crashes my web browser. Until the page is fully loaded, the videos are slow to respond and play. Is there a way to make these videos load their preview images only? What should I do to speed the p...

How to write Javascript function to obtain bitmap data from Html 5 Video player?

So I have simple video tag on HTML 5 page playing OGG video. I want to take Its RGB colors in format of array (assuming we know width and height) conteining colors for each pixel (from pixel 1,1 to maxWidth,maxHeight) like { {R:Color, G:Color, B:Color}, {R:Color, G:Color, B:Color} ,... } ...