
OpenCV : How to display webcam capture in windows form application?

generally we display webcam or video motion in opencv windows with : CvCapture* capture = cvCreateCameraCapture(0); cvNamedWindow( "title", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE ); cvMoveWindow("title",x,y); while(1) { frame = cvQueryFrame( capture ); if( !frame ) { break; } cvShowImage( "title", frame ...

How to access gallery -> Camera Media videos and display it in List on button Click?

i am beginner in Android app development i am working on a app which lists the videos and images and uploads them from android phone to the windows server, Button Listvideo = (Button) findViewById(; Listvideo.setOnClickListener(this); help me out with the listing images and videos........................ ...

Android: transparent videos

Hi guys, I was wondering if it is possible to run transparent video? (the background should be something else, like a picture, or view, shown from the camera, etc.)? Any idea if this is possible and how it's done? (should I use openGL, or smthn else)? 10x in advance, Danail ...

Android: Processing video and sound on phone

Hi guys, I want to merge a sound file and a video file (remove the sound from the video file and replace it with my own sound) and this should happen on the phone. I have done this through ffmpeg, but I can't do that now. Any help appreciated, 10x, Danail ...

Good Video tutorials on C# core concepts.

Are there any good Video tutorials on C# core concepts ...

How can i create my own video chat using Flash ?

Hello. I would like to create a video chat. no text, just 1-1 video, which is very simple. Is it possible with Flash 10? Does it cost any money to use Stratus ? Do you know if there something similar already out there ? Thank you. ...

IE8 positions DIV overlay wrong way and keeps playing video when it's hidden.

Hi! Please take a look at: (the Overview tab, on the diagram). The issue is wjen you click on any of the diagram elements say "Character Groups" all browsers, except IE8 behave well - that is they display the overlay, start playing a video, and when the overlay is closed, ...

how to recognize video codec of a file with ffmpeg

I have often problems reading AVI file with my TV dvd player if they are not divx or xvid (DX50,i.e., is not readable). I'd like to make a fast script to recognize the video codec of these files before burn it on cdrom/dvd. The command : ffmpeg -i file.avi give the "container" of the video stream (mpeg4,mpeg2,etc), not the codec. A...

Accessing iPhone/iPod video gallery

Hi everyone, how I can access the video galley in my iPhone view SDK. What the object I must to use to this that task. I want to show all videos ( on iPhone/iPod ) in my app and then upload selected videos on web server. Thanks. ...

Detect End of Video Playback in Web Page

Is there a widely supported video playback technology for web pages that provides an event/hook that can be captured from Javascript when playback reaches the end of the stream? My goal is to provide a web page that plays a video and then asks the user a question about the video once playback is complete. The question would be hidden o...

Developing iPhone Application, How do i get video "length" from a video saved to my app docs folder?

Basically i record / import video , it saves to the docs folder and im trying to figure out how to get the length (time) so i can display it for each individual video.. I have a column in the database for it and the neccessary code to display it, just not sure how to get it.. Any help is greatly appreciated ...

Storing Video and Indexing Content

Revisiting this in case someone has a suggestion: I've been asked to either create or find a system that meet the following requirements... 1) Allow upload of video files - Current solution: PHP to upload to a directory above the web root, and then I'll verify users before allowing access to stream. 2) Tag the files with meta info abo...

iPad status bar sticking after rotation during video play

I am having a terrible time getting this to work, and the Apple Developer forum has been of no help. I have an application that plays video and when the moviecontrols are displayed and the iPad is rotated, the status bar sticks to the orientation that the video was in before the orientation begins. Then there is a 20px gap at the top of...

How to determine whether or not a video format is supported

Hi, I've had to write an application that lists and plays tutorial videos along with accompanying text. It works well but since the videos are added by the user I need a way of checking to see whether or not a video can be played on the machine. I'm not sure whether or not there is an easy way to try test the file (and catch errors) or...

Splitting video camera source so 2 applications can access, on Windows

I need to access a video camera simultaneously in 2 applications. I have found some solutions, such as WebcamSplitter and Splitcam, but I don't want an application - I want something that can be integrated into my application, and controlled via some sort of API or configuration file. Here's a usage scenario: Split video source name = ...

Fastest 2D frame rate possible with android NDK, my try included, better options available?

Fastest 2D frame rate possible with android NDK, my try included, better options available? I used the NDK and OpenGL ES 2.0 to display a frame as a texture on a GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP. This was done on a HTC Desire, same hardware as Nexus One. I tried to load multiple GL_RGBA textures and switch between the textures, because the normal fill...

Beginner video capture and processing/Camera selection

I'll soon be undertaking a research project in real-time event recognition but have no experience with the programming aspect of video capture (I'm an upperclassman undergraduate in computer engineering). I want to start off on the right foot so advice from anyone with experience would be great. The ultimate goal is to track events such ...

What is Sony BIVL framework?

What is Sony BIVL framework? How to develop a application in that? How to i put my video's on BIVL? ...

JWPlayer black screen on initial playback

I have JWPlayer on a clients' site. The client complains that sometimes on initial load, the jwplayer will autostart playback as intended but with a black screen. Sound is alright, and the progress indicator in the transport is moving. No matter what I do, I can't recreate the error on my machine. I'm using version 5 of JWPlayer. Her...

Video For Windows disable FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING

I am using Video For Window's AVIFile functions. When I use AVIFileOpen I notice that it uses the flag FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING when creating the .avi file. ProcessMonitor shows the that file was created with "no buffering". This flag is causing performance issues and I was wondering if there is a way to use this function without that flag...