
dynamic video streaming in flash

Hello, Is there any way to do dynamic video streaming in flash without using Flash Media Server (FMS) 3.5 as it's a very expensive software but using some open-source software or in any other way. It will be really helpful if you can provide me the solution as quickly as possible. It's really very urgent. ...

I have some questions about building an AIR app for use with a connected projector.

For an app I'm working on, I'd like to have a control panel window and a video output window to use for projecting video with an attached projector. I have built many Flash applications but this will be my first time using AIR so I have some questions. Is it possible to have two seperate windows as part of one AIR application? Can one ...

Adding video and flash functionality to the Ajax Control Toolkit HTMLEditor

Greetings, I'm looking for a way to extend the functionality of the HTMLEditor control that the Ajax Control Toolkit supplies for I would like to add video and flash functionality to the editor (buttons, allowed tags, etc). To my knowledge, this is rather easy: plop in an embed tag with the correct parameters and it just works;...

Add comment in MP4

Hi there, I have a bunch of MP4-Files and need to add comments to them. They are very different in nature, so I can't rely on an embedded MP3-File. Is there any way to simply "tag" or add a short comment to the file? ...

How to synchronize two MediaPlayers or MediaElements in WPF?

I am trying to implement a system in WPF that plays two synchronized videos on two screens. I thought that if I bundled the two corresponding MediaTimelines into a single ParallelTimeline and control the timelines from the clock controller of the ParallelTimeline the clocks of the media timelines would be driven from the same clock and t...

Where to get streaming (live) video and audio from camera example app for Android?

Where to get streaming (live) video and audio from camera example for Android? Suppose I want to create some live video streaming service app so I'll have some cool server at the back end. And I know how to do that part. Suppose I have some stand alone app for PCs now I want to go on to mobile devices. So I want to see some sample app g...

BlackBerry - video player - FramePositioningControl is null

I'm developing a blackberry application that plays video from the server. I've used Player.start() and Player.stop() for playing and pausing a video. But I also need rewind, forward and seek bar controls in my application. I tried using FramePositioningControl for these controls. But the following code is returning null. FramePositionin...

Best Language for dynamically watermarking videos?

I'm looking to dynamically add watermarks to a video on a website. What, in your opinion, is the best language and library to do so? ...

Downloading You tube videos?

Hi, I want to download you tube videos programatically (using Java). How can i convert you tube video link to a downloadable URL. Browser plays youtube videos with following code. I tried downloading from URL but it is not returning video bytes. Thanks Lalit ...

Force windows video driver reload. Is it possible at all?

Hi there, Some drivers use parameters written in the registry to configure themselves when they get loaded at boot time. I can modify those values and then reboot, but I would like to know if it is possible to force the driver reload, making the changes effective without rebooting. Specifically, I am talking about the video driver (nvi...

Algorithm video tutorial

There are quite a few algorithm lectures on the web, but what I'm looking for is a video tutorial where I can watch somebody coding on screen, going from a blank document to an algorithm that solves a problem. Language doesn't really matter. There are lots of video tutorials like this about a certain language, but is there one that teach...

Best way to store parameter data for lazy loading videos in the form of embed/object elements?

As of now on my results page there are ~20-30 embed elements: <embed width=420 height=240 src=http://something.swf?foo=bar&amp;baz scale="noscale" type="application/x-shockwave"> I was thinking along the lines of something like defining an object and populating it as such: window.videos = []; <div class="video-1 video-"> <script>vi...

streaming in mp4 videos in flash

Hi, Could u please send me the code or any link for doing streaming in mp4 videos playing in a flash player. The mp4 video is playing. But I am not able to do streaming. Please reply soon. I need it very urgently. thanks madhu ...

Is it possible to get download progress of video/image in HTML5 ?

Hello, Almost every flash player has an option to display how much of buffer (or % of total video) is downloaded to the client. At the moment I don't see it in any implementation of html5 video player. The real problem I am trying to solve is to have a way of knowing % of downloaded asset (image/swf/video whatever). In flash its easy b...

How to write a Media Center plugin like the Netflix plugin? Source code/reference samples?

I am looking to write a Windows Media Center plugin just like the Netflix WMC plugin. Once logged in, I know the streaming urls that I need to hook in to. Any source code, reference samples would be great. Found one on codeplex for swedish TV channels, but right now it's not working for some reason... Previously asked the following qu...

Embed Youtube video in

Hey everyone, I have a textbox where users can enter the link to a YouTube video. I'd like to have an <object> on my page which gets populated with the YouTube video. I tried accessing an <object> from the codebehind (with runat=server) set to true, but I couldn't. Thanks for any help ...

Where to start learning about audio or video codecs ?

Hi, I am very much confused to know what happens inside the codecs. I want to learn about the elements inside audio encoders and decoders. Would be very happy if you can provide me some links where i can find some good study material. Thanks precisely i would like to know how the codec parses the a media file. ...

How to mention real image instead of dummy image in ffmpeg api-example.c

Hi, I am using video_encode_example function from api-example.c of ffmpeg, which basically creates 25 dummy images and encodes into a one second video. How ever i am unable to mention real images instead of dummy ones. If any one know how to do this for xcode objective C, pl submit a reply. Below is the function /* * Video encoding ex...

How to get video and audio streams from web cameras with Java?

How can I get video and audio streams from web cameras with Java (in a cross-platform way)? For example, we have a computer with 3-4 USB web cameras; we want to get their streams and make them visible in the user interface. How can we perform such a thing? I need code for a simple app which would find ALL cameras on the computer and let...

File Comparison Strategies

I'm searching for strategies one might use to programmatically find files which may be duplicates of each other. Specifically in this case, videos. I'm not looking for exact matches (as nice as that would be in the land of rainbows and sunshine). I'm just looking to collect pairs of video which content might be the same so that a huma...