
Loading a video file using emgucv

Hey all, I need to know how to load a video file using emgucv in C#. I just need some guidance. I also need some guidance on how to use the emgucv API(I have one documentation which came with the installation), so I dont have to keep asking questions when I can find it already in the API(NOTE: For instance, I went through a vide...

Inserting HTML5 video using JavaScript for iPad

Hello, I am trying to insert a video into HTML using jQuery for iPad but all I see is a black screen. If I add the video tag directly to the HTML page all seems to work fine. Here is what I have in my JavaScript and I call this using a function for onClick event. var html = ""; html += '<video id="someVideo" width="'+settings.width+'"...

Differences between iPhone/iPod Simulator and Devices

Hi, since I started iPhone/iPod Development I have come across some differences between how the simulator and how real device react. Maybe I will come across some other differences I will have to figure out as well, maybe other people haven't met these problems here (YET) and can profit from the knowledge, and maybe you know some problem...

what is .motn file?

In a flash based project, i got a few files with extension as ".motn". I am not sure what this file is or more importantly, with what editor/tool i can work on this file. What i guess is this might be a way to create flv movies, out of pictures , vectors and otehr data, but it's just a guess.So, basically i have two doubts: 1. what is a ...

Javascript ended event when video playback ends on android

I have been trying to create a web page that will redirect the user after he has watched a video (or if he aborted the playback). I've got this working on the iphone but can't really figure out how it works on the android. On the Iphone i have found two ways of doing this. using the tag to embed the quicktime plugin and then adding a e...

Render Silverlight Animation to video file

Hi guys I need to be able to render a silverlight storyboard animation to video. The animated content itself could be simple UIElements, Images or even two or more videos playing at the same time. Several ideas came to mind like RenderTargetBitmap on a single frame basis, but: 1) I've never tested this against video embedded content ...

How is frame duration calculated for repeating decimals?

If I have a video that plays at 30fps, then the duration of each frame is 1/30th of a second or 33.333333... milliseconds. Assume you were implementing a video player, how would you handle the fact that the duration of each frame is represented by a repeating decimal? For example, if you truncate the duration of the 1st 29 frames to 33...

Combine Video and Audio Streams (Qt, OpenCV, PortAudio,libsnd?)

Hey everyone, I was wondering, how would I combine recorded audio and video into one if I have them in separate files? Preferably using OpenCV and PortAudio/libsnd. Thanks in advance. ...

Anyone familiar with mp4 data structure?

Where in the mp4 file structure is the duration of it? ...

Large Video Uploads via a website

Some of the problems that can happen are timeouts, disconnections, and not being able to resume a file and having to start from the beginning. Assuming these files are up to around 5gigs in size, what is the best solution for dealing with this problem? I'm using a Drupal 6 install for the website. Some of my constraints due to the ser...

Streaming a video on iPhone and then storing it on the device

I've been told that some apps have video streaming which streams initially and when completely downloaded the video is stored to the user's device for quick and internet-free subsequent viewing. Firstly, is this possible? Secondly, could you point me towards resources demonstrating how it could be done, or possibly offer some insight to...

Play video in UIWebView from NSData

Hello there, Does anybody know how to play a video in a UIVebView ? The video comes from the iphone library, when I pick it, I store it in core data as binary data. If i use the local url of the video it's working fine, the problem I have is that the this url refers to a folder named "tmp", and I don't know the lifetime of it. If I ca...

android mediarecorder exception

I try to use the MediaRecorder class to record a video but I get an exception : failed to get Camera parameters. Prepare failed. Here's my code : camera =; recorder = new MediaRecorder(); recorder.setCamera(camera); recorder.setVideoSource(VideoSource.CAMERA); recorder.setPreviewD...

Video and Audio Drift

Hey everyone, I was wondering, how much does recorded audio and video drift from their actual recording time usually? (So like, perhaps a frame is dropped or something) I'm recording both separately (into unsigned 8 bit PCM (44100 Hz) and raw image data files) and I was wondering how much I can expect each to drift. Thanks in advance!...

How do I disable auto- poster image generation on the video tag?

I'm using the 'poster' attribute on a video tag and the way it seems to work at least in webkit browsers is that it loads the poster image and then once enough of the video has loaded, it replaces that poster with an auto-generated poster from the video file itself. However, my poster images don't match the auto-generated posters which ...

Introduction into video compression tech

Is it useful to study the H.261 specification for an introduction into modern video compression technology, or should I start somewhere else? I'm not sure where to start, but H.261 seems simple enough to make it easy to grasp the concepts. ...

Which set(s) of video lectures for computer science?

Possible Duplicates: What are your favorite CS video lectures? Where can I find video lectures on software engineering? As most of you know a couple of top universities (MIT, Stanford, etc) around the world are now publishing videos of their lectures online. I am advancing to the third and final year of my computer science ...

how can i start a video from a specific second in as3

hi, i have a problem about action script 3. i have a flv video and its totaltime is 6 seconds. i want to start it from 2. seconds with seekSeconds(). if i write bigger than 6 values in seekSeconds it will only play the video from head to end.İf i write smaller than 6 ,it won't work.what can i write in seekSeconds() to start the video fr...

streming video generation ?

Hello first of all thank for viewing this code :) I've been trying to do live video broadcast from my iPhone :( which doesn't supports video recording :D ... wat i did is managed to write code to upload bunch of images captured at 10fps from iPhone plus some audio to my server ... At server end im using few commands which does the fol...

Video display with openGL

I want to display very high resolution video directly with OpenGL. The image data is going to be processed on the GPU and I want to avoid a round-trip back to the PC to show the video in a standard bitmap based window. Cross platform is nice, Windows only would be OK (so would nvidia only) Anyone have any links to ways doing this? ...