
Iphone Ref Movie loading time

Hi all We deliver videos to iphones using a Ref Movie but with a dynamic content reference so the same Ref Mov template can be used for serving all our different videos by dynamically writing a video path. Now when we serve a regular Ref Mov created in QT the Ref Mov becomes active/clickable within a split second but when we use the d...

play video landscape Iphone sdk 3.2 4.0 with standard api

how to play video landscape with standard api? video play only portrait !!! change the app orientation landscape is not useful, because video start portrait forever. i have a portrait app with a button, when pressed video must play landscape. yourmoviecontrollername setOrientation:UIDeviceOrientationPortrait animated:NO]; is not al...

Resizing video best practices (frame size)

I have read the following which is from Best Practices for Encoding Video with the VP6 Codec on the Adobe website here - It is talking about common video ratios (320x240, 640x480) Although these ratios are standard, and should be used to avoid distorting the v...

Anyone able to get video resolution from the media content provider in Android?

I'm getting null back for the 'Video.Media.RESOLUTION' column on a Nexus One and Droid. Anyone been able to successfully query for the resolution of a video file in Android? ...

html5media & flowplayer wmode issues...

I'm working on our new homepage and need to implement a solution that will run a video across iphone/ipad and the standard web browsers. I found a pretty decent solution with html5media - but ran across an issue with a jquery dropdown falling behind the the swf object (this only happens on FF & IE - w...

Where specifically do UIImageWriteToSavePhotosAlbum or UISaveVideoAtPathToSavedPhotosAlbum save their data?

Simple question I think and I'll be trying ot myself to see... When people talk about using UIImageWriteToSavePhotosAlbum or UISaveVideoAtPathToSavedPhotosAlbum is the "saved photos album" the "Camera Roll" or the "Photo Library" (or something else either than these two) that I see in the Photo Albums application? I don't think the doc m...

Android 2.1 - Video issue

Why does my video playing app crash when I try to run on a Droid 2.1 device, but works fine with myTouch 1.6? Thanks Chris LogCat shows 06-07 18:13:13.444: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(4252): java.lang.IllegalStateException 06-07 18:13:13.444: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(4252): at Method) 06-07 18:1...

Play RTSP/MMS/Http live video feeds in WPF

I'd like to pull a live video feed into WPF but the MediaElement doesn't appear to support these protocols. An example video stream is here (BP oil leak live feed): Are there any solutions for playing live streaming formats in WPF? I had hopes for using the VideoLan Do...

youtube - video upload failure - unable to convert file - encoding the video wrong?

I am using .NET to create a video uploading application. Although it's communicating with YouTube and uploading the file, the processing of that file fails. YouTube gives me the error message, "Upload failed (unable to convert video file)." This supposedly means that "your video is in a format that our converters don't recognize..." I h...

Ipad MPMovieplayerController video loads but automatically pauses when played

Hello I am trying to get the MPMovieplayerController to work. I load a video everything goes wel i even see the first frame but then it automatically pauses, if i press play it pauses again. In the simulator it works perfectly but on the ipad device it gives the problem. I can even seek through the video and i see the frame i seeked to ...

Apple HTML5 progressive streaming

Is there a copy of the file saved to the ipad/ipod when using progressive http download (apple segmented) that the user could potentially copy off the device? meaning, is this scenario considered 'safe' from a content protection pov: 1. user comes to websites with movies behind paywall 2. user selects a movie to watch online (progressiv...

What's the best way to integrate video chat into a website?

I want to make video/audio chat(both one-to-one and chatroom) available on my website through web browser, and no download or login required. My back end is php+mysql. What's the available (and free) solutions out there? What are their pros and cons? ...

Red5 / Adobe Streaming server live streaming

Is it possible to capture/encode a video file on a slow machine, then upload it live to a Red5 or Adobe Streaming server, and have that server stream to file live to flash clients? If so, what protocol is used to stream the data from the encoding machine to the Red5 / Adobe server? I see a lot of things about RTMP, but am I correct tha...

C# .NET Socket realtime video Block unblock

when i send realtime media message, socket were blocked and shut down itself. how can i deal with this case? some answers are buffer is not large enough,so can someone give me some demo?thanks ...

Hyperlinks and iPad videos

Hello everybody, I'm trying to develop something in the cloud incorporating video, text and images. However, any hyperlinked content that appears above or below the video is unclickable, as the video takes the focus on the iPad. This isn't a problem with Safari in general, as it works on Desktop Safari. Thankyou, BH ...

iPad/iPhone HTML5 video loading

I'm trying to load on the fly on the iPad/iPhone and notice that I cannot place a div above this. I put the overlay in the html so that it's generated on page load and not added via javascript and the video when its created is absolutely positioned below this element. This works on a PC, I'm wondering if since it was created via js th...

iPad Video Playback only delivers audio, not visuals.

Hi guys, Recently we've developed an iPhone app for an external company, and everything works fine in the app. There is a section where the app pulls video from the client's server, and streams it into the iPhone's MPMoviePlayerController. This works fine on the iPhone and iPodTouch - both the video and the audio show up just great. T...

Embedding Videos onto your website

I have a website where I am embedding a video onto. I am just wondering if having an embedded video on the page would make the video load and buffer, and run less smoothly, than if the video where actually placed on the page? Thanks ...

Movies from property lists?

hi, is it possible to play movies out of a property list? Like is there's a "tag" with the filename in it which gets replaced by the actual iphone/ipad player? The movies are h.265 codec... thanks ...

save videos in project's folder when uploaded from other project

hi, i want to upload video using Telerik editor from one project and it has to be saved in folder of other project. is this possible. if yes then how? thank you. ...