
Android gesture detect problem

I have a my main.xml as a ViewFlipper which imports 5 views for my program. If I wrap the whole main.xml in GestureoverlayView I can detect gestures just fine with my listener, however, it displays the gesture on the screen. I don't want the gestures shown i just want them detected so I tried applying the touch listener to the ViewFlipp...

Google Chrome display JSON AJAX response as tree and not as a plain text

I cannot find an answer to this one: My AJAX calls return JSON data. In Google Chrome Developer Tools > Resources > XHR when I click on the resource on the left and then on the Content tab I see the JSON string as a string and not as a tree as Firebug and Firebug Lite do. How do I force Chrome to diplay it as a tree. Is there a Content...

CakePHP: Fields not populating in Edit screen

Simple question from an absolute n00b. I'm trying to create an edit content screen based on the code given in the Blog Tutorial on the Cake site. Here's my edit function in the controller (it's named Contents): function edit( $id = null ) { $this->Content->id = $id; Debugger::dump( $this->Content->id ); if( empty( $this->...

PDFTK - and the ability to change the default view

Hi All, I have been merging PDFs using PDFTK with great success, the pages that are used to generate the pdf are set to 'click to show one page at a time' (basically the whole of the first page is displayed when the pdf opens, based on the height of the page). however the generated pdf defaults back to filling the reader based on its w...

Kohana 3: How to provide API functions in template/view like WordPress?

I'm working on a project which allows the advanced user to define their own way of showing the information and access some basic API. For example, I provide a show_search_box() function so that the user can call this function in the view file when they want to show the standard search box, or they could call the function with parameters ...

iPhone View Switching

I have what I think is a simple problem. I have three views in my app, View1, View2, View3. I know how to go from View1 to View2, and from View2 to View3, but how do I go from View3 back to View1? I am using the following method in the View1ViewController.m to go from View1 to View2: [self presentModalViewController:view2ViewController...

Drupal: Sub views?

I have a parent/child relationship (based on the cck node reference field). Recipe Group contains a node reference to the type Recipe. It's a 1 to many relationship. What I need to do is create a view that displays the recipe group information, and then under it, the recipes that have been assigned to it's cck field. So RecipeGroup1...

Android: Loading groupviews dynamically

Hi guys, I am trying to figure out how to load different groupviews dynamically. I am creating application that will have menu with 4 categories and each category will have several sub-menu items. I have created four LinearLayouts with sub-menu buttons inside (they are separate xml files). Now I want to display appropriate sub-menu in m...

SQL: How to create view from a recursive query?

Question: I have a view which I want to derive from a recursive query. The query is of the same structure as this one here: And represents a treeview as an ordered dataset. How can I create a view which does this: ;WITH Tree (ID, [NAME], PARENT_ID, Depth, Sort) AS ( SELECT ID, [NAME], PARENT_I...

Which is the actual view i can see on my iphone?

Hi.. How can a check which is the actual view i can see on my iphone? thank you! ...

iPhone Autorotate: Replace rotation animation with fade-in/fade-out?

Someone else asked a similar question previously, but I am interested in knowing whether the autorotate feature of the iPhone SDK will allow us to replace the rotation animation with another transition, such as a fade-in/fade-out. For a modal view, we can set the modalTransitionStyle but there is no such property for autorotate. If I c...

Showing a List View when a button is clicked: Android

Hey Guys, I am trying to implement a drop down list when a button is clicked. So, I have a text view and a button in a navigation bar(nav.xml) and a corresponding list view. This navigation bar is included in another page( products.xml) when the button is clicked i get the list view right below the button(which is what i want to ac...

Navigating to a nested xib

I have a menu view (Menu.xib) that has several options. One of the options is 'Games' which when touched goes to a list of games (GamesList.xib). On this view there is an '+' button to add a new game (AddGame.xib). What I would like to do is from the menu, click Add Game option which will load GamesList and then AddGame. So when I have ...

How to overlay a button programmically?

What I would like to accomplish is to, at runtime, place a button in the middle of the screen, as the very top layer, overlaying anything below it. (It's not big, so it will not completely cover the screen, just whatever happens to be below it.) I looked at creating a custom dialog, however that blocks all other user input. I want all...

Ruby Rail View Chain

I am new to Ruby on Rail and I have some questions. I have used the Builder to output XML. render :template => "xxx/yyy.xml.builder" However I want to add a filter to modify the output (i.e. signing it). I prefer not to generate the XML and modify it in the controller as I think it is a responsibility of a view. Is there any chain me...

Create a sort of "" from multiple objects

Here is what I would like to achieve: have an Ext.grid.GridPanel show data from multiple stores. Put in "DB terms", basically showing what would be a "view" of the content of more than one store. The benefit of this approach, as opposed to using cell-renderers, is that all columns would be sortable and searchable. For this to work an o...

iPhone: part of view gets pushed off screen

Hello, I've implemented two different transition techniques to try with my app, one button for each one. I use presentModalViewController:myView for the first button and CATransition on the second. The ModalView one works but my CATransition has a bug: it slides the entire view a little off screen, as shown in pictures, with a white fr...

Cocoa View does not apply changed font for label

Hi, I'm trying to change the font of a lable in a UIView for my iPhone App. The change of the 'Font' in the Attribute Inspector does not have any effect on the font. Any idea? Thanks, Stefan ...

game search tree, Do I have to build the tree first?

hi all, in game search tree there are many algorithms to get the optimal solution, like minimax algorithm. I start learn how to solve this problem with minimax algorithm, the algorithm clear. but I'm confused about the tree itself, in games like tic tac toe number of node not very huge, but on others like chess there are many nodes. i th...

Remove dinamically created Items from view in Android

Hi, i have used the following code to create table row TableRow TRow = new TableRow(a); TextView TxtViewProvider = new TextView(a); TxtViewProvider.setText(gradeText); // TxtViewProvider.setBackgroundColor(Color.RED); if (bold == 1) TxtViewProvider.setTypeface(Typeface.DEFAULT_BOLD); TxtViewProvider.setTextColor(Color.BLACK); ...