
ASP.NET MVC Add View Dialog missing options

i am following the NerdDinner tutorial and have gotten to "Adding a View" (middle of the page). When i right-click the controller and select "Add view", i get a dialog that is mising the "View Content" and the "ContentPlaceHolder ID" options. Does anyone know why i cant see these option...

Embedded Views in Drupal

I'm trying to straighten out the front page of my drupal-based website. I want to display a static bit of content at the top (no link the way a sticky node would be) and then a list of the most recent posts underneath. Doing a view of all content with the 'static' node stick is pretty close, although I don't want it to summarize the ...

How do you access the current RouteData from View in .net MVC?

If I want to directly access the RouteData (the current action or parameter values for example) from the View, rather than having to pass it in from the controller as part of the ViewData, what class would i use? ...

MySQL Views: Sub-Joins

I am wanting to have a view table that aggregates rows from four tables. The first primary table is client and is just a primary key unique id and a profile_id. The second table, profile, holds all of the firstname, address, zipcode kind of information. The third table is email; there can be many email objects to one client object but t...

Is it Possible to Merge Cells in a datagrid view

hi all is there any way to merge cells in a datagrid view or atleast can we show on the screen like some columns in the grid belongs to one group. for example ill take three columns: column1: year field(a drop down type) column2: month field(a drop down type) column3: date field(a drop down type) all these three should be grouped to d...

iPhone view not displaying

Hi, I am having difficulty geting a very simple view to display. This view has a custom view controller that is manages by a switching view controller. The XIB has one UIViewController component on it with its Image property set. The view controller is as follows: InstructionsViewController.h #import <UIKit/UIKit.h> @interface Instru...

oracle-inline view

Why inline views are used..?? ...

Newbie question attribute from associated table not showing up in index view

Hi I know this is something simple I am doing wrong. I have three tables, installation, neighborhood, schools Installation: has_many :schools has_many :neighborhoods Neighborhood: has_many :installations has_many :schools Schools: belongs_to :installations belongs_to :neighborhoods I can't figure out how to show the name...

Do table hints in the view definition affect the view?

hi We know that we can use table hints when selecting records in our own queries. my question is: when we create a view and use table hints such as "Nolock", "Holdlock", etc ... and then save the view in SQL server, does the table hint we used affect the view? ...

Remove Subviews from Window.

in my iPhone application two different view is there. it is set two different viewControll class. i mean i displaying 1 view by this code. BacodeViewController *proview=[[BacodeViewController alloc]initWithNibName:@"PorpertyP" bundle:nil]; [self setProPView:proview]; [proview release]; [proview.view removeFromSuperview]; ...

Refreshing Table View Rows

I have a segmented control that changes the data in the table view. [self.mySexyTableView reloadRowsAtIndexPaths:updatedPaths withRowAnimation:UITableViewRowAnimationTop]; Let's say that I display 5 rows for tab one, 2 rows for tab two. When the second tab is clicked the first two rows get new values but the old data from tab one for ...

MySQL View check if data is NULL

I need to put a Case in the Select to check if the Data I'm adding to my view is NULL, in which case I want it to just enter a zero, or not. ...

MySQL: Group and sum from different tables. Help!

Let's suppose we have three tables T1 ID |Type| Class | Points 111|1 |a101 | 12 111|1 |b104 | 10 112|2 |a112 | 40 118|1 |a245 | 30 186|2 |c582 | 23 T2(Data for Type = 1 only) ID |Type|EPoints 111|1 |4 118|1 |3 T3(Data for Type = 2 only) ID |Type|EPoints 112|2 |9 186|2 |15 And we want to h...

Android textview in view

Hi, I have a view that I would like a text view to popup over when events happen. I have done this before (a long time ago) but can't remember how I did it... My code is for the view element, upon adding the textview I would like it to show over the top. Thanks public class test extends View{ public test(Context context) { super(con...

ASP.NET MVC: Stack overflow error when calling Html.RenderPartial()

Hi everybody. I have a Controller called ActivationController with a LogOn action, which renders the view LogOn.aspx. LogOn.aspx renders a partial view called LogOn.ascx: <%@ Page Title="" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage" %> <asp:Content ID="Content1" ContentPlaceHolderID="T...

Creating public synonym at system level

I have created public synonym as suggested in my other question about creating view at system level. Having said that I have created individual public synonym out of the view so that I don't have to connect to the individual domain anymore. My problem now is how to create a master kind of public synonym to capture all those synonyms whic...

Proper 'cleartool mkview' for ClearCase Snapshot view creation

Good afternoon, seems like I am somewhat stuck in CC-land these days, but I have one (hopefully) final question regarding proper CC-handling: When using the CC View Creation Wizard with the two steps / details below, I can create a proper Snapshot view on my machine perfectly fine, however when trying to do the same with the mkview com...

Mysql Datevalue()=Date()

I'm trying to split a table in two views depending on whether the field "Date" is today or not. I have tried using WHERE DATEVALUE(table.Date)=DATE(), but I get an error at saving saying that the last ) has wrong syntax. I tried adding a group by, but apparently everything after the ) gives me the same message about wrong syntax) Am I ty...

sIFR: visible on local, not remote

When working on a static mirror of the site, the sIFR is rendered correctly using Dreamweaver's live view. When viewing site locally in a browser, the regular text is printed, as expected. However, when uploaded and viewed from a remote web server, neither is visible. I am using version 3 of sIFR, and the site can be viewed here, with a...

Android, add new view without XML Layout

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 6:09 pm Post subject: How to show small View? I need a little help from people with expirience. I hope it's easy. I just want to show new View (creating it without XML layouts) above main program's view. It's to integrate ad block: I wrote such code: AdView ad = new AdView(this); ad.layout(10,...