
Where to write method drawRect: for UIViewController and UITableViewCell in iPhone SDK

Hello guys, I have a UIViewController in which I want to draw a square. So do I need to create a UIView for that and add the created view to my viewControllers view. Like Is there any way to do that or can I override the drawRect: method for my controllers view to draw that square. ...

What is the best practice for displaying multiple views in Codeigniter?

I'm trying to determine the best practice for calling multiple views from the same method in a controller. Is it preferable in the controller to make one view call, then have that view call all the views it needs, or call all the views you need in sequence in the controller? Example: function index(){ //set all data variables ...

MVC with Qt widget that uses a QAbstractTableModel subclass

Hi, I'm doing some refactoring. I'm implementing a Model-View-Controller pattern. The view is a Qt widget. Originally, the Qt widget created a new instance of a QAbstractTableModel subclass on the heap. Lets call it FooTableModel. e.g Widget::Widget(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent) m_model(new FooTableModel(this)) { Should I ...

Frustrating: Can't force IE 8 into "Compatibility view"!

I've got two very different websites. Both of them have different errors when displayed in the "Internet explorer 8" browser mode! When clicking the "Compatibility view" button next to the address bar both of the sites look great. When I afterwards look at the "Browser mode" and "Document node" by using the built-in "Developer tools", I...

QT Model/View programming with complicated data structures

Greetings, I am not a professional application developer so am probably not as familiar with the model/view design pattern as I should be. Nonetheless, I am trying to use it in a hobby app and failing miserably. The primary problem I am having is that the data I am trying to display and modify is not easily represented with an extension...

how to pass data from view to controller in mvc

What is the best way to pass random data from a view to a controller. I have a number of views that are identical except for a few pieces of state information. instead of creating a page for each webpage, I want to have one page and I just pass over these variables dynamically. ...

Accessing a TabBarItem from within one of the ViewControllers

Hi there, i'm searching for a way to disable a TabBarItem from within the ViewController of one of the TabBars Tabs. I'm even not sure if this is about the View Hierarchy or what to really search for. I tried a lot but didn't come up with a solution. Right now I worked arround it by saving a reference to the tabbar in a singelton objec...

Tutorial: Add another screen (credits) without adding a subview?

Any help to the above title would be so helpful. I have an app that I am working on that currently has a tab bar that delegates you to go to a. page 1 or b. page 3, with the tab bar being an invisible page 2... I need to add a credits button to p.3 but every tutorial I see is how to add it with a subview. I can not do this because of ...

Landscape animation bug when popping view controller in iPhone app

I've recently added landscape autorotation to my iPhone navigation based application, however I'm having a bizarre issue which I have no idea how to fix or whether my code is even the cuplrit. Its bizarre because I'm implementing everything as per the autorotation docs on Apple's developer center (that is responding to shouldAutorotateTo...

Accessing Controller Properties from a View

I have a User object on a Base controller, this is the standard type of User object you have with the .Net Membership Provider. I need this is decide if users have access to actions, views, and so on. I am having a problem whereby I want to display user information on the Masterpage. Like a login view from WebForms. I tried to access t...

How is ENFORCED the separation of concerns in ASP.NET MVC ?

I have been studying, playing with and working with ASP.NET MVC since Preview 1 in 2007 (december). I have been a fan of it since 2008 and I support it all the way. However I keep hearing and reading "ASP.NET MVC enforces a strict separation of concerns", including reading it in Professional ASP.NET MVC 1.0 by Rob Conery, Scott Hanselma...

Making a MySQL view easier to update & load

I'm having a view that's actually a combination of 2 other views, which in they turn are the split of Table1 join Table2. The split in the 2 view is based on whether the column of the table1 EnterDate=curDate(), which determines the way a new column is calculated ( NewColumn=(Table2.Cpx-Table1.Px)*Table1.Size if EnterDate=curdate() and N...

Need reference for MVC View-markup syntax...

I'm getting started with .NET MVC. I have experience with C# and I'm getting confortable with controllers and models. I'm however not very knowledgeable when it comes to writing views. I'm struggling to find a good reference on the matter. Available code samples are usually simple and oriented towards demonstrating the overall MVC m...

SQL Server: View and DateTimes

I have the following table Foo: start | end | cause -------------+-------------+---------- 2007/12/22 | 2008/02/12 | 2 2008/03/18 | 1900/01/01 | -1 there are stored various periods of time. cause '-1' and end '1900/01/01' means the time period has no end. Under certain conditions, the application using thi...

Generic view 'archive_year' produces blank page

I am using Django's generic views to create a blog site. The templates I created, entry_archive_day, entry_archive_month, entry_archive, and entry_detail all work perfectly. But entry_archive_year does not. Instead, it is simply a valid page with no content (not a 404 or other error. It looks like it sees no objects in **object_lis...

SQL Server Indexed View syntax for joined DB

I'm trying to set up an index on a VIEW of mine. First error was 1939, Schema Binding required. Ok, no problem with that. ALTER VIEW xyz WITH SCHEMABINDING AS abc Now, in this VIEW I'm using one local table [dbo].][ReleantTable] and two joined tables from other databases on the same server: OtherDbName..OtherRelevantTable Altering ...

Why do SQL Server Views needs to be refreshed every once in a while

I'm doing quite a lot of backend developing the past few days, and as we're working with central database scripts, I just write plain old SQL upgrade scripts, and execute them to the database. Well fine and all, but why do have to write 'refresh view' scripts, and execute them every time I add or edit some fields to a view. SQL Server ...

View not completely covering the entire screen

Hey guys, Once again I've searched for about 45 minutes for an answer to this question and I thought I might have found the answer but then the situation I was reading wasn't exactly like the one I'm running into. when I add my view it seems that it's not completely covering the window I was able to get rid of the status bar at the to...

How to indicate a columns as NOT NULL in a view?

I'm trying to use a view to create an ADO.NET entity using a view. However, that view does not have a single column that is NOT NULL. One thing that occurred to me was to create a NOT NULL column on the view to use as a 'primary key' for the view. This worked, but the field is still reported as NULL. Is there a way to force or trick SQ...

Ruby on Rails: One to many relationship view

New to rails and trying to get a one to many relationship up and running. I have it working in the Model and Controller, but I'm having trouble getting it up and running in the views. class Project < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :non_labor_expenses end class NonLaborExpense < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :project end I manually c...