
How do I create a view with a picker on the bottom and a table view on the top?

Hi - first time asker, long-time lurker. I am trying to create an iPhone view that has a date/time picker on the bottom half of the screen, and a grouped, single-section, four-row table view on the top half of the screen (almost identical to the one Apple shows in Fig. 2-4 of their View Controller Programming Guide (but then never goes ...

How to add View Controller with Tab Bar interfaced View Controller

I have created Window based Tab Bar controller app, One Tab Bar of viewController has been interfaced with WebVIew ..I am looking to create another view once touch event happened in that WebView.. //TabBarViewController.m - (void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event { TabMainView *mainView = [[TabMainView alloc] ...

Accessing functions in a parent controller

I have made a ViewController in XCode for an iPhone project I'm working on, but I have a question about nested ViewControllers and what the best way to access a parents ViewController functions? Essentially, at the moment I have a SwitchViewController with MenuViewController (nested) and GameViewController (nested, which renders OpenGL ...

How can I pass information between 2 different View Controllers?

Hi, This is a simple question: I have 2 different view controllers, and each one has its own data stored in its .m file. I want to take a value, for instance, an integer value (int i=3;) that is declared in ViewController1 and pass it to ViewController2, so I will be able to use that value in the second view controller. Can anyone plea...

How do I get a reference to a rootViewController to a sub-view?

An answer posted for one of my previous questions brings up another question; I am calling a new view controller, "RuleBuilder," from my rootViewController. The rootViewController holds a reference to a contacts array. How do I get a reference to that array into the RuleBuilder? I tried adding UITableViewController *rootViewControlle...

Inter-ViewController parameters passing in iPhone programming... how to?

I read: and was wondering what is the difference between [[UIApplication sharedApplicaton] delegate] and extern struct* global ? Conceptually, I don't see how [[UIApplication sharedApplicaton] delegate] not being a ...

IPhone UIView:Is it possible to enable userinteraction only on subviews?

Hi guys, I created a viewcontroller that displays a button which is used to slide a view onto the screen. The idea is to place for instance three such viewcontrollers onscreen, resulting in three buttons at the bottom of the screen providing navigation. The viewcontrollers get stacked, so to the top one is now overlaying the other vie...

call addsubview again causes slowdown

hi guys, i am writing a little music-game for the iphone. I am almost done, this is the only issue which keeps me from rolling it out. any help to solve this is much appreciated. this is what i do: at my appDelegate I add my menu-view-screen to the window. the menu-view-screen acts as a container and controls which view gets presented ...

How return a value from view2 to view1 when using navigation bar

Hi All, I am New to the iPhone Development. How can i carry a string value from view2 to view1 when using navigation bar. I have no problem in carrying string values from view1 to view2 to view3 using pushviewcontroller But when i come back to previous views using Back button of navigation bar, I cannot able to hold string v...

how do I get the program to Know which annotation is selected and be able to access properties of it?

So far my program can display a database of custom annotation views. Eventually I want my program to be able to display extra information after a button on the annotation bubble is clicked. Each element in the database has a unique entry Number, so I thought it would be a good idea to add this entry number as a property of the custom ann...

how to unlock rootviewcontroller header file in iphone

Hi Acidentally locked my rootviewcontroller.h file in my application, so if i write some code in that file it shows "Not Writable RootViewController.h", i am a beginer so please help me how to unlock that .h file. thanks in advance ...

Remove UIViewController from UIScrollView?

Hi, i add different View with (setPageID) to a ScrollView, but know i get a Memory problem on rotaion and i want to remove the actualy not showed view... how can i do this or how can i remove the memory problem? Thanks!!! - (void)setPageID:(int)page { if (page < 0) return; if (page >= self.listOfItems.count) ret...

What's the correct way to represent a linear process in CocoaTouch (UIKit)?

I need to represent a linear process (think wizard) in an iPad app. In principle I could use a UINavigationController and just keep pushing new controllers for each step of the process. But this seems rather inefficient since the process I'm modeling has no notion of navigating backwards so all previous views would pointlessly stay aro...

How to debug memory allocation issues?

Hi I am writing an iPhone app that that is trying to create a second a view when the user clicks on an element in UITableView. The code looks like ReplyToViewController *reply = [[ReplyToViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"ReplyTo" bundle:nil]; reply.delegate = self; Message *message = [resultData objectAtIndex:indexPath.row]; ...

get UIView's viewcontroller (iphone)

I've done this to get the view: [self.superview viewWithTag:10] But how can I get that view's viewcontroller. Just like you can get the the viewcontroller's view I want to go the other way so I can send a message (call a method) to that viewcontroller. eg: [[self.superview viewWithTag:10].viewController doSomething]; (obviously tha...

How to create two sections of the same screen using a custom view controller

I was wondering if someone could tell me how to create a custom view controller which will split the screen into two sections and manage the sections seperately in the same manner that the iPad Zillow app does this? See if you are unfamiliar with the app. Thanks. ...

How to message an object?

I am working in objective-C trying to write an iphone app. Background: There is a navigation controller managing my view controllers. My FirstLevelViewController on viewDidLoad creates a few SecondLevelViewController Objects, stores them in an array, and then loads them when various table cells are pushed. In addition, on viewDidLoad,...

Push viewController on navigationController animated bottom to top iphone sdk

Hi all, Is it possible to push a viewController on navigationController which is animated not horizontally but vertically [bottom to up]? Thanx in advance. ...

How to move to First viewController from last View controller among multiple view controllers

Hii...i am new to iPhone programming..can anybody help me out please...!! I have multiple First ViewController called HomeViewController i called the method [self presentModalViewController:aboutViewController animated:YES]; in a IBAction for aboutButton to move to AboutViewController and in the AboutViewController i ...

pushViewController problem with touches

Hi, I've got following problem with the recognition of touch-Events First of all I push a programmatically created view with a lot of imageViews inside. Before I click the button to push this view all touch-Events are called correctly, but after pushing the new view no touch-Events are called. Thanks for help! ...