
How to override the "always show" attribute of a flash plugin in my wannabe-hidden div?

I have a flash object that I am trying to show and hide along with the rest of my hidden div. Without the flash object, the hidden div works great. When the page loads, this style keeps the div hidden: <style> div {display:none;} p {display:none;} div p {display:none;} </style> But when I add the flash object it always appears. <div ...

The Youtube video in my hidden DIV only starts to load after the DIV is shown

I have a Youtube clip in a hidden DIV on my page. After the page has loaded I wanted the video to load quietly in the background so that when the user clicks the button to "un-hide" the DIV, the video will be ready to go. But the way I have it now, the video starts to load only after the user clicks the button. Is there a change I cou...

Why does jQuery show/hide use display:none instead of visibility:hidden?

display:none means that the element isn't rendered as part of the DOM, so it's not loaded until the display property changes to something else. visibility:hidden loads the element, but does not show it. Why does jQuery use display:none for its show/hide functions instead of switching between visibility:hidden and visibility:visible? ...

Customizing Datapoints in silverlight charts

Hi, I am working on a silverlight application that pulls in objects from a web service and dynamically populates a chart (lineseries) based on object attributes. The problem is that I have too many datapoints (dots) on the lineseries and I was wondering if there is a way to remove them. I used Setter to collapse the visibility of the d...

PHP print_r and static member

I've got an instance of a DB object that's passed to a Session object, because the Session object has several methods that make use of DB object to execute SQL statements I had plan to store this DB object in Session object property. Through testing I found that print_r exposed the DB object stored in the Session object property; includ...

How can I toggle the main menu visibility using the Alt key in WPF?

I'd like the main menu in my WPF app to behave like the main menu in IE8: it's not visible when the app starts pressing and releasing Alt makes it visible pressing and releasing Alt again makes it invisible again repeat until bored How can I do this? Does it have to be code? Added in response to answers submitted, because I'm stil...

best way to give editors ability to assign background images in drupal 6

I've got a design in drupal that calls for a different background image on different pages. I'd like to make it easy for the site editors to assign the image. My first thought was adding a cck field to the Page type where they could assign the image. That will work nicely for node pages, but won't work for views pages. I guess instead of...

How can I hide a Paragraph in a FlowDocument?

Is there any way to use databinding to show or hide a Paragraph within a FlowDocument? (I want to use MVVM, but with a FlowDocument as my view.) Paragraph doesn't have a Visibility property. I'm not sure what else to look for. ...

How to make a real private instance variable?

I want to make an instance variable that can't be accessed from outside. Is something like that possible in objective-c? I remember Apple has private variables and stuff like that, but if people know about them, they can use them. Apple calls that "private API", but obviously others can access that stuff if they find out what's in there....

X11: waiting until a window is visible?

I'm running X across a slow network connection. How can I tell when a window has become visible? I need to wait so that I can perform another operation on the visible window. xterm -T foo & # how to flush the display, or wait until the window is visible? # polling the visibility would be acceptable as well xmovewindow foo 10 20 upd...

Setters/Getters, Visibility [ OOP ] in PHP

I'm in the process of reformatting my class ( seen below ) - I think I made the mistake of setting everything with the same visibility in my class, whereas properties should really be private and getters/setters should be public in most cases. To grab a property I just do $path->propertyname but I've noticed its more practical to have s...

jQuery: Make a Button Visible When a TextBox Has Contents

Given: I have a textbox and a hidden button. Wanted: When the textbox is neither null nor empty, show the button. When the textbox is null or empty, hide the button. Question: How should I do this? Should I use jQuery and bind to the textbox's keyup event? ...

Show/hide QDockWidget?

I have a dock widget, now I want to add a "Window" menu to show/hide the widget. Easy enough to do with showPropWinAct = new QAction(tr("&Properties"), this); showPropWinAct->setStatusTip(tr("Show properties window")); showPropWinAct->setCheckable(true); connect(showPropWinAct, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), propertiesWindow, SLOT(setVisible(bo...

PHP Scope and Class Instance Interaction

It seems as though different instances of a class can know about each others' private member variables. I have provided some code that attempts to showcase my issue, and I will try to explain it. We have a class with a private member variable, $hidden. modifyPrivateMember sets the value of $hidden to 3. accessPrivateMember takes an Obj...

Encapsulating and inheriting methods

Hi all I'm wondering if it's possible to encapsulate the methods of a class, but then expose them within a consuming class. For example (JFTR, I know this code is wrong) class Consumer{ public function __construct($obj){ $this->obj = $obj; } public function doCommand(){ $this->obj->co...

jQuery div visibility toggle not working

I have several divs for displaying demo boxes of graphics, and code boxes for displaying sample code for using the graphics. What I want to do is make the code boxes invisible until you click on the demo box - which should make the code box slide into view. (See here to see how it looks) This should be super simple with jQuery, as I've ...

To collapse div and p by CSS

How can you collapse div and p -elements if they are empty by CSS such that the tags are not shown for the user in the source code? These elements are in my source code although they are empty. This causes bugs with the rest of the site. I run this unsuccessfully div.unsuccessful, div.unsuccessful p { visibility: collapse; ...

What online tool could be use to keep gantt charts or similar for all team members?

We want to keep an online gantt chart for all developers, so we can view task load. ...

Are Expression Blend design-time specific visuals possible?

I'm trying to design some UserControl classes in Blend 3. I want parts of them to be "collapsed" when created at runtime, but I want to be able to edit their component parts without fiddling with code every time I want to build. It works with sample datasources, as the following example illustrates. But it doesn't appear to work with ot...

C#/WPF: Make a GridViewColumn Visible=false?

Does anyone know if there is an option to hide a GridViewColumn somehow like this: <ListView.View> <GridView> <GridViewColumn Header="Test" IsVisible="{Binding Path=ColumnIsVisible}" /> </GridView> <ListView.View> Thanks a lot! Edit: For clarity Unfortunately, there is no "IsVisible" Property. I'm looking for a way t...