
Does visual studio 2010 Premium include the contract tools?

According to this feature matrix, Visual Studio 2010 Premium (RC) includes "static code analysis". However, adding calls to Contract.Requires at the start of my methods doesn't seem to have any effect. I don't get runtime exceptions if the contract is violated. I don't get compiler warnings if a contract cannot be proven. I also can't f...

Install Visual Studo 2010 Beta 2 beside VS2008

I am too paranoid to install VS2010 Beta 2 on my production machine beside VS2008 without hearing from people who have already took the plunge. I know MS says it's OK, but that does not necessarily mean it will work. Has anyone successfully installed VS2010 Beta 2 (preferably Ultimate edition) on their production machine with no negativ...

How to reference .NET 4.0 assembly within .NET 3.5 projects

I would like to do some Office Interop stuff using .NET 4.0, but developing the rest of my projekt using VS2008 and .NET3.5. How can I now use the functionality from the .NET 4.0 assembly within my other solution. Loading CLR 4.0 assemblies into a 2.0 AppDomain won't work, does it? ...

Visual Studio 2010 and 2008 mixed development environment possible?

We are looking at migrating to Visual Studio 2010. Is it possible for some developers to use Visual Studio 2010 and other to use 2008 on the same solution/projects? How will it affect our VSTF builds (VSTF Server 2008)? ...

visual studio 2010 beta 2, javascript/jquery intellisense not working

has anyone experienced a similar problem? ive recently upgraded my solution to 2010 beta 2 and now i have lost javascript/jquery intellisense support, it worked fine with visual studio 2008! thank you Raj. ...

Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 Installation Prob

Hi, I was running VS2010 Beta 1 and was wrapped this morning to see Beta 2 available. The (big) problem after the 'successful' installation though: On opening Visual Studio I get this message: "The 'Visual Studio XML Editor Package' package did not load correctly." If I continue through to a project, code windows will open okay but XA...

Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 and PHP

Seems like Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2 has PHP syntax highlighting. But is there any way to create PHP files or projects from VS itself? If yes, how can I create one? P.S. Don't suggest vs.php ( please, as I'm looking for it's alternative. ... mvc migration from vs 2008 to vs2010

i am trying to open my vs 2008 solution in vs 2010 beta 2. it converted the solution file and brings in the unit test project but it can't seem to bring in the main project. it kicks off the vs conversion wizard and says that it completed successfully but the project doesn't show up. has anyone seen this? any suggestions? ...

Installing Azure SDK on Visual Studio 2010 Beta 2

I am currently setting up a development VPC to test some new technology. I have installed VS 2010 Beta 2. I now want to install the Azure development tools. The latest download that I have been able to find is the July CTP. This is suposed to work with Beta 1. I get the following error message: Visual Studio 2008 is currently install...

Web Access in Visual Studio 2010

I try to upgrade a plug-in that was on webaccess 2008. Whe were using WebAccessSession to get the user name of the current user logged (WebAccessSession.Current.Connection.UserName ). I Imagine now that it is in tfsConnection but I'm not sure. Is there any documentation that tells what really changes between Team Foundation Server 200...

BadImageFormatException IIS hosted WCF service Win7 x86, VS2010b2

Hi My system is Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit. Running Visual Studio 2010 beta 2 targeting .Net 4. I have a project containing service contracts. A project containing the services. And an ASP.NET Web Application that is hosting the services in IIS. I've written my own Clients using the ChannelFactory().CreateChannel()... Whenever I run m...

Upgrading MVC project in VS 2010 b2: The project type is not supported by this installation

Consider the scenario of upgrading an ASP.NET MVC project. This question is around up-converting a .sln with a .csproj that is of type ASP.NET MVC 1.0. The conversion log shows this The Visual Studio conversion wizard log gives this exception: The project file 'C:\MvcForums\MvcForums.csproj' cannot be opened. The project type i...

How to change F# related colors in VS 2010

I know about Options->Fonts and Colors. But there is no option for F# strings(i want to change color to make them look exactly like c# strings)! And maybe someone know about Microsoft plans on F# editor (refactoring and etc)? ...

Will IntelliTrace(tm) (historical debugging) be available for unmanaged c++ in future versions of Visual Studio?

I love the idea of historical debugging in VS 2010. However, I am really disappointed that unmanaged C++ is left out. IntelliTrace supports debugging Visual Basic and C# applications that use .NET version 2.0, 3.0, 3.5, or 4. You can debug most applications, including applications that were created by using ASP.NET, Win...

Visual Studio 2010 script debugger doesn't work for me

I just installed VS 2010 Beta 2 and wanted to play with an ASP.NET MVC 2 project. I simply added some script (alert('hello');) into the Home controller's index.aspx view, and I can see it executing. When I try to set a breakpoint, however, it never gets hit. I also tried to use the "debugger" keyword, and when I do, I get a disappoint...

Visual Studio 2010 beta 2 and WiX?

Has anybody been using WiX with 2010? I'm not able to get my install projects to work in 2010 and I can't find any info on getting this to work/future plans for support. ...

Why does Visual Studio 2010 have rendering problems in VMware?

We were testing our WPF application on Windows XP in the VMware Player (with VMware Tools) and noticed that dropdowns were buggy in that all the choices would appear when you clicked on the ComboBox but as you moused over them they would disappear. We then noticed that Visual Studio Express 2010 has the exact same problem with its menus...

Building Silverlight Toolkit with VS2010 Beta 2

I'm trying to build the latest drop of the Silverlight Toolkit with VS2010 Beta 2. I get errors on all the projects: "Analysis of Silverlight assemblies is not supported." The error code is CA0055. The error goes away if I uncheck Code Analysis in the project properties. Builds just fine in VS2008. What's the problem? ...

Develop seamlessly in both VC++ 2010 and VC++ 2008 on the same work ?

Hi, I'd like to synchronize a VC++ 2010 project with a VC++ 2008 one. Is it even possible ? Basically, if I'm adding/deleting/renaming a file to a project in VS2010, I'd like it to be added/deleted/renamed to the corresponding VS2008 project. Project options synchronization would be awesome too, but not necessary. I don't need a solutio...

Visual studio 2010 Setup and Deployment Projects?

For those of you who are testing VS 2010 (or stay up-to-date with the blogs).. are there new features for building MSI's in VS 2010? ...