
Can you combine the WSDL and XSD data from a WCF service?

Is it possible to create a single file to generate a client from a WCF generated WSDL file (and any additional XSD files that are also generated from this service) I can generate a valid client using svcutil.exe passing both the wsdl file and each xsd file, but I have a customer who is using a PHP tool to generate this and I wanted to s...

How do I get a DataMemberAttribute use a boolean type

I have a simple test app that pulls an xml doc from a rest interface. The data element has a couple of string fields and a couple of boolean fields. I creates a simple entity class and put a DataContractAttribute on it and then added DataMemberAttributes to each data member. I then use HttpResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsDataContract() to ...

How can I specify an alternate config file for a WCF client?

I am working on a large system, for which I have to use WCF to access a web service. My test code works fine, now I need to integrate my WCF client code into the larger system. I cannot add to the existing 'app.config' file, and would like specify a separate .config file for use by my client code. How best can I accomplish this? Than...

WCF Client DLL Internet Delivery Problem

We are creating a WCF service with a companion client DLL (.Net) that we will be delivering to a user's GAC via a web page. The DLL knows how to communicate with and how to interface with the service, and will allow the web page to communicate with the WCF service via client-side Javascript calls. The user's machine will be executing the...

Consuming .net wcf rest service via reflection

I am trying to consume a wcf rest service via reflection if possible. Take a look at the code below: public static object WCFRestClient<T>(string method, string uri, params object[] args) { object o; object ret; using (ChannelFactory<T> cf = new ChannelFactory<T>(new WebHttpBinding(), uri)) ...

Errors using SvcUtil.exe on a wsdl to generate proxy class - xs:group element

I'm trying to use SvcUtil against a wsdl file to generate proxy classes, but I'm getting an element missing error that I think is related to schema group elements. Does anyone know for a fact if svcutil can handle ? And if so will it handle xs:group elements that have ref attributes that point to the group definition that lives in anot...

Create WCF client programmatically...

Hello all, I have a website with a Silverlight-enabled WCF service. The service works fine, and I can browse to the WSDL page in the browser with no problems. Now, I am trying to create a client in a DLL. I need to create the whole client programmatically though, because it is being called in a DLL, which for whatever reason (by design...

Can add one Service Reference for multiple WCF Service Contracts

I have multiple Service contracts defined in one WCF library which are hosted under a Windows Service. These Services are exposed as follows in Windows Service config file: <services> <service behaviorConfiguration="ReportingComponentLibrary.TemplateServiceBehavior" name="ReportingComponentLibrary.TemplateService"> <endpoint a...

How to ensure that a machine name is valid and running?

I have a wcf service deployed on mulitple machines on the intranet. User can access the machine through internet by connecting its machine through SSL (secured connection of the client network). User has a client application to consume web service deployed on mulitple machine on client network. I get the machine name from the client ...

Is it possible to hack a WCF client to pass message credentials w/out SSL?

I wrote a custom WCF binding a while back to allow my load balanced farm to host services via IIS. The reason for the custom binding was that each server didn't have SSL but needed the ability to accept a client credential of username + password. The proxy in front of this farm has SSL so the traffic would be encrypted outside the fire...

How Do I Correctly Use DisplayInitializationUI in WCF to Prompt the User for Credentials to Authenticate and use Web Services in a Different Domain?

I have a WPF client that connects to a set of WCF web services. We have a Dev, Test, Volume and Production domains, with the services available on a server in each domain. The domains do not have trust relationships. The goal is to have the client connect the the services of any other domain. If the client and server are on the same dom...

There was no endpoint listening at <URI> that could accept the message. This is often caused by an incorrect address or SOAP action.

I have two WCF clients consuming a 3rd party web service. These two clients execute the same method call. In the one case it works every time, in the other I get the "There was no endpoint listening ..." message. As far as I can tell, the only difference between the two calls is that they are in two different client exes, and that mea...

What is the proper life-cycle of a WCF service client proxy in Silverlight 3?

I'm finding mixed answers to my question out in the web. To elaborate on the question: Should I instantiate a service client proxy once per asynchronous invocation, or once per Silverlight app? Should I close the service client proxy explicitly (as I do in my ASP.NET MVC application calling WCF services synchronously)? I've found pl...

WCF proxy client generated with wsdl not matching for ServiceContract, XmlSerializerFormat attributes.

Hi, I am developing WCF services in .net 3.5 framework and hosting them in IIS 5.1 windows xp sp3 with basicHttpBiding. Services consuming client developed in .net 2.0 framework. For this I generated proxy client using WSDL.EXE. This tool generates proxy class without any problem, but the problem it adds for every property adds extra pr...

WCF Http to Tcp Proxy

I have a number of WCF services on my internal network which are hosted by IIS 6 using the basicHttpBinding. There are several existing applications which use these services by using the dynamic proxy "CreateChannel()" method. I'm building a mobile application which runs outside of our network, using a cellular connection, where it is ...

WCF - ASMX - CommunicationException

So I've got a WCF client consuming an ASMX web-service. Everything works fine, except exception handling. Where I should get a (non-contractual) FaultException, i get the CommunicationException. What may be wrong? Here goes the relevant data: SOAP response (seems to be according to specification): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf...

How do you move the MSDN "Self-Hosted" WCF example away from localhost?

Hello, I've gone through the MSDN WCF - Getting Started Tutorial, and it went great until I tried to move the client from one machine in my domain to another in my domain. When I moved the client peice to the other machine in my network, it gave me an SecurityNegotiationException. Here is what I've done: I defined a service contra...

How to ensure that the WCF ChannelFactory uses Binding settings in xml configuration (MaxArrayLength is ignored)

How to ensure that the WCF ChannelFactory uses Binding settings in xml configuration (MaxArrayLength is ignored) Hi, I am new to Wcf and and writing my first Wcf service and client. I prefer not to use tools to generate config; I would rather write the config myself. The problem I am trying to solve is of a client communicating with a s...

WcfSvcHost.exe not running when I debug a Wcf Library

Hi, I have WCF library project which I have recently done some minor refactoring on eg changing the namespace and changing it location on disk. I also removed the app.config, because I thought the app.config is used by whatever hosts the wcf service. I have since noticed that I can no longer debug the library using the WcfSvcHost like ...

What happens when a WCF client specifies multiple endpoints for the same contract?

Will it consume from all of them? Will it throw an exception? ...