
Security settings for this service require 'Anonymous' Authentication but it is not enabled for the IIS application that hosts this service.

I am using IIS V5.1. Integrated windows authentication I have a following web config: <system.serviceModel> <bindings> <wsHttpBinding> <binding name="wsHttpEndpointBinding"> <security mode="Transport" /> </binding> </wsHttpBinding> </bindings> <services> <service behaviorConfigura...

Minimal client which supports message-level security over the channel interface

I'm trying to build a minimal client for a WCF service, using the WSHttpBinding with SecurityMode: Message over a direct channel interface. My current code is very simple: EndpointIdentity i = EndpointIdentity.CreateX509CertificateIdentity(clientCertificate); EndpointAddress a = new EndpointAddress(new Uri("http://myServerUrl"), i); WS...

WCF Content-Length HTTP header on outbound message

I'm in a tough situation in which a Java web service endpoint hosted on an IBM HTTP Server (IHS) requires a Content-Length header, although it supposedly conforms to HTTP/1.1. If I send the header, everything works. If I leave it off, I get a 500 error response informing me that my POST entity body was empty (even though it was not). We...

WCF service instance will not close despite only calling oneway method

I have a WCF service running inside a windows service on a remote machine. In the WCF service's contract, I have a method that takes a long time to run set up as [OperationContract(IsOneWay = true)] void Update(myClass[] stuff); Everything works fine, the method gets called, I can see what it needs to do start getting done. The prob...

IDispatchOperationSelector question

Hello, i built a service with a custom operation selector, the selector simply looks at a specific element in the message body ( and ignores the action) to specify which method to call on a contract. This works fine, and i can see that the server code is being invoked now, however the client throws an exception saying that the action o...

Can calling Abort() on an IClientChannel proxy throw an exception?

Based on documentation and articles it is recommended to call Abort() on a client proxy if an unexpected exception/fault is encountered. See the following (simplified): MyServiceClient proxy = null; try { proxy = new MyServiceClient(); proxy.DoSomething(); proxy.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { if (proxy != null) ...

Why does my client send request so slowly?

I have WCF client to send request to a service. And my business code call the client API to send 300+ requests per second. But my client only sends about 50 to service according to te performance counters of my service and WCF ServicePoint. And I have increased ServicePointManager.DefaultConnectionLimit to 1000 in code, and setted maxCo...

WCF Pass extra security data through all service calls

Client side I need to pass a piece of information (for this example lets say a string) to every service call I make. The services use this string (currentRole) along with user/pass credentials to retrieve a user's set of claims associated w/their current role. The solutions I have come across thus far are: 1) Modify message headers as...

Multiple name spaces in a soap fault message causing FaultException deserialization to fail

We're connecting to a web service and the fault message we're getting back isn't deserializing (at all), and no version of class that I can make will deserialize correctly. We have no control over the server side of things. The server does not allow for discovery, so adding ?WSDL to the end of the URL of the endpoint results in an error,...

Deploy WEB Service Consumer module

We have recently added some functionality to our web site that requires adding a service reference to an api in an external domain. Adding the reference to a VS2008 project createed a sub-folder in the "Service References" folder and added 18 files to that folder that appear to represent the classes in the api. The api provider also ha...

WCF service hosted in IIS with netTCP binding

I have a WCF service hosted in IIS7 with netTCP enabled. This is my web.config in %apppath%\ , where the SVC file is. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <system.serviceModel> <services> <service name="Search.Querier.WCF.Querier" behaviorConfiguration="SearcherServiceBehavior"> <host> <...

Simple query regarding WCF service.

Hi All, I have a WCF service which has two methods exposed: Note: The wcf service and sql server is deployed in same machine. Sql server has one table called employee which maintains employee information. Read() This method retrieves all employees from sql server. Write() This method writes (add,update,delete) employee info in emplo...

WCF call throws: "The provided URI scheme 'http' is invalid; expected 'net.tcp'." exception

I have a WCF service hosted in IIS7. This is the app.config for my service hosted in IIS <system.serviceModel> <bindings /> <services> <service behaviorConfiguration="querierSearch.Querier.WCF.QuerierBehavior" name="querierSearch.Querier.WCF.Querier"> <endpoint address="net.tcp://localhost:808/querierSearc...

WCF - There was no endpoint listening at net.tcp://..../Querier.svc that could accept the message

WCF - There was no endpoint listening at net.tcp://myserver:9000/SearchQueryService/Querier.svc that could accept the message. I have the net.tcp protocol enabled on the IIS application Windows firewall is off The net.tcp binding is set to port 9000 for the entire IIS application. My web.config is very standard: <system.serviceMode...

How can I consume a WCF service using a local WSDL file?

Hi. I need to consume a WCF service based on a (preferably single) wsdl file. The environment is VS-2008 (sp1), and I will be using a customized "Add Service Reference" macro to generate an error handling proxy. I want to be able to do this, by supplying a WSDL file that I get from the service provider (I do not want to supply a host ...

How to add SOAP headers in Silverlight?

Hello all... I'm trying to secure a data service used by my Silverlight, and am looking at using a custom SOAP header obfuscated into the SL and HTTPSed. I've found any number of examples showing how to do this using IClientMessageInspector, IEndpointBehavior, and a few other things. Okay... it all looks straightforward enough. My pr...

WCF WebHttpBinding Testing Tool

I'm developing WCF RESTful Services and looking for a testing tool/invoker for calling these services without writing client code. Can anybody refer me to a tool for invoking RESTful services especially services using the WCF WebHttpBinding? ...

WCF named pipe client notification/detection of pipe state change

I have two .NET C# windows forms applications that are communicating with each other via WCF named pipes. One of the applications is hosting a WCF service and the other is the client. Communication is working fine, the client can call service methods and callbacks work fine, etc. However, one issue I am having is if the host applicati...

Client timeout when using WCF through Spring.net

I'm using WCF through Spring.net WCF integration link text This works relatively fine, however it seems that WCF and Spring get in each other's way when instantiating client channels. This means that only a single client channel is created for a service and therefore the clients get a timeout after the configured timeout is expired sinc...

WCF -> ASMX and Cookies

Hi all, I have a web application that communicates to a WCF service through a WCF client. At the point my code is invoked, authentication cookies have been issued and I have a dependency on an ASMX service that expects those authentication cookies. I need to pass the cookies from the web application through the WCF client to the WCF se...