
How Can i Center a Simple HTML Page?

I have HTML page that appears in browser as: I want to make the page to appear centered and compact as: I made the borders visible in the first picture to reveal the structure. Here is the HTML source code: <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <div id="body"> <div id="masthead"> <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspa...

How can we measure size of a web page in firefox/IE?

I have to find the size of a web page (in pixel). To be precise, I click on a link, it opens a new web page. Now I want to know the size of newly opened web page. I tried using Measureit add-on. I also tried to use IE Developer Toolbar. How we can do this in firefox/IE? ...

XML and Javascript: the right tool for the job?

Hello, For years I've been reading about XML and I have just not quite grokked it. Most documents I see about it simply explain the syntax (extraordinarily easy to understand) and say that it's portable: I've worked with Unix my whole life so the idea of putting things in plain text to be portable is hardly revolutionary. My specific ...

How do I get this page programatically?

Here is the page THE LINK TO LYRICS SITE If I use normal method, all I get is the "http://lyricsvip.com" and not the lyrics. ...

on first load no javascript work at all

I am having strange problem, whenever my site is loaded for the first time in the browser, its jquery and slider doesnt work at all........ then when i refersh the page it loads it properly.... I am using Firefox latest 3.6.8 version CSS is loaded before jquery and slider scripts here is the link for website link text I fixed the butto...

Access for the path C:\ is denied.

if i save my webpage as html it is giving me the error: Access for the path C:\ is denied -ftp. in http locally it is working. it is storing in the desktop. but after publishing in ftp server it is showing this error how to resolve this errror ...

How to convert webpage to image using c#

how to convert webpage as a image? i have a aspx page display in browser, i need to get the webpage as an image. how to save the webpage as a image pls help... ...

return title of web page i'm visiting in a UIWebView

Hi, I created programmatically a view that contains a navigation bar like Safari, a web view and a toolbar... In the navigation bar I put a label and two text field, one for type URL and one for type search. But how can I use the label to show the web view page title? I tried this code but don't work! :( nomeSito.text = [webView strin...

How to get a BATCH file executed from a web page?

Hi All, I have a one line batch file that I want to call from a web page via a button what is the best way to achieve this? The BATCH File is as follows: c:\R\bin\Rscript.exe "c:\Users\user\Desktop\Shares.R" Or is it possible just to call the R script straight from the web page and skip the BATCH file altogether, Can this be done? I...

Java library for detecting list items on webpages

Most of the webpages now-a-days contain lists of things, or chunks of html patterns that repeat a lot. For example: Facebook status messages on homepages. Digg/Hacker News StackOverflow homepage Is there a Java library for detecting such lists. It will involve some amount of pattern matching and intelligence. Thanks. ...

Advantage of placing webpages in separate directories?

My question is there really an advantage by placing each webpage in it's own directory compared to putting them in a directory? ( www.example.com/ and www.example.com/b.php ) vs ( www.example.com/ and www.example.com/b/ ) ...

Insert video and sound into mobile site

How to I embedd/link sound and video inside a mobile site (should target "all" mobiles with support for video and sound? What formats should I target? ...

Read out a website every 5 seconds - how to do it fast?

Hi, I wanna read out a server status webpage every x seconds. Site is: http://www.ffxiv-status.com/ how to do it easily and fast? I found this lines in Google, to read out the page source: WebClient wClient = new WebClient(); string strSource = wClient.DownloadString("http://www.google.de"); I could split the page then wth string a...

C++ output with webpages

Is it possible to have a c++ program like this... #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { cout << "Hello World!"; return 0; } And have it's output on a webpage like this... <html> <head> <title>C++</title> </head> <body> <div src = "cpp.exe"></div> </body> </html> ...

Posting data to a web page from SQL Server trigger

Is it possible to post data from a SQL Server trigger to an external web page via POST or GET method? For example, I want to post value of a field "BOOKID" on INSERT trigger to http://www.example.com/newbook.php?id=XXXXX ...

Pass through XML from another website

I am trying to pass through some XML from an external website. What is the best way of doing this, through c# webpage or asp.MVC? ...

[C#] Is There Anyway to Read a Webpage's Text Faster?

I need to read the text of a webpage programmaticly (not html source, but it doesn't matter). It takes too much time with "WebClient().DownloadString()" and the time is very important in the program. Any tips to do that faster? Thanks... ...

Website log in auto fill

I want to auto fill in a web page and then submit the data in C#. How can I do this? ...

How can I create my web pages Read Only for peoples?

I have a website http://www.bccfalna.com/ and the contents on this site are in HINDI Language. I want to make all these pages read only for peoples so that they can not copy the content. Since I have written some books in HINDI Language on Computer Technology and I know that there are very few Information in HINDI language on the Inter...

How do you allow users to dynamically create a web page within a web app?

For example, when a user adds a question to a Q&A site, that question typically gets its own web page, and that web page was created on-the-fly. How can you do this with PHP? Could anyone point me to any resources? Thanks. ...