
A better way (or alternative) to calculate Pixel and % in CSS?

I'm not saying that I'm lazy to do math, but is there a better way to perform this task: I have a page that with width: 960px, inside it has 2 divs that are width: 50%. That's quite simple, but if I want to add 1px border I have to calculate 960/0.5 minus the extra pixels of the borders, they should be 4px but strangely they are counted ...

css layout question: a height 100% div (more divs inside as well) with two fixed height divws

Here is the HTML Code: <div id="header"> </div> <div id="container"> <div id="leftbar"> </div> <div id="content"> </div> </div> <div id="footer"> </div> And here is what I want to achieved, even though it's not valid CSS, but I think you will understand my point: html,body { ...

dynamic calculation of UILabel width in UITableViewCell

Hi everyone, I am building a custom, in-application settings view based on UITableViewCellStyle1 (or so). I'm trying to dynamically calculate the width of the left label (title) of a cell in order to determine how wide my text field on the right can be. When I launch the app in the simulator and the view loads, the width of the title la...

CSS IE6 IE7 Set child element's width when parent element's position is relative.

I'm trying to set a width for a child element which parent's position is relative. But when I give a width to child larger than parent's width, the parent's width in FireFox will be changed. And which in IE6/IE7, I must change the parent's width then the child's can be changed. Now, I need to change the child's width but not change it's ...

Fixed-Fluid Columns in Table

<table> <tr> <td>Fixed-Width Column: 250px</td> <td>Fluid Width Column: remaining width</td> </tr> </table> I'm not creating a page layout with this, and I need to use Table. Is there any way to achieve this cross-browser? I'm already using jQuery on this project, if that helps? Thanks in advance for your help. ...

Can I make Swing JButtons have smaller margins?

I prefer buttons with minimal margins, about as wide as their text caption. Is there a way to achieve that in a JButton in Swing? What I am seeing in practice now is that even if I try to use setMaximumSize() and similar, it just ends up eating the text caption, cutting it off to the right. But it does not reduce the margins. ...

Making a div expand its width to fit fixed width content in IE 6 and 7

I need a div with a border to wrap around arbitrarily sized fixed-width content (this means I do not know what that fixed width will be, it changes from page to page). The below html does what I'd expect in IE 6, that is, if you size the browser window down to less than the width of the content (in this case a fixed-width <p>, but it c...

CSS width/height pixel and percentage calculation combintaion?

Is there a way to set the height/width CSS properties to something like that: 100% - 50px So if the total 100% is 1000px, then the end result would be 950px. And the 100% is set by the browser size. Thank you. UPDATE: What I'm trying to do is: I have two div, the first div's height is 50px, I would like the second div's height to cove...

width of the bar in Jfreechart

Is there a way to adjust the width of the bars in a Barchart.I create my chart with the following code. final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createBarChart("Report", // chart title "Date", // domain axis label "Number", // range axis label dataset, // data PlotOrientation....

Combine onload and onresize (jQuery)

$('.content .right').width($(window).width() - (480)); $(window).resize(function(e) { $('.content .right').width($(window).width() - (480)); }); Is there a better way to rewrite this more compactly? I want to call the function onload as well as on resize. Thanks! ...

Why is my menu DIV overflowing its parent?

The menu div is overflowing the parent. "Science is but a perversion of itself..." <div id="header"> <h1>TITLE</h1> </div> <div id="navwrap"> <ul class="nav"> <li><a id="homenav" href="index.html">Home</a></li> <li><a id="linksnav" href="#">Links</a></li> <li><a id="contactnav" href="#">Contact</a><...

javascript: finding the absolute size of an anchored link

Hi guys I need to calculate the position, height and width of every anchored link in my page. I know how to find the x,y coords, but I have a problem with the height and width. The problem appears when the link has children inside (images, divs etc), so heightOffset and widthOffset won't work. Is there a way to do this without going on ...

Pocket IE has some maximum width for textboxes?

I have a page running on WinMo 6.1 Pocket IE. It seems I cannot make a textbox wider than 219 pixels, is this the case? I've tried width="100%" width="300px" style="width: 100%;" style="width: 300px;" columns="50" but no matter what I do, the textbox will not grow beyond 219 pixels wide, which looks kinda dorky on a 320x screen. Do...

Calculate width dynamically (jQuery)

HTML: <div class="parent"> <div class="one"></div> <div class="two"></div> <div class="three"></div> </div> jQuery parentWidth = $(".parent").outerWidth(true); oneWidth = $(".parent .one").outerWidth(true); twoWidth = $(".parent .two").outerWidth(true); $('.parent .three').width( parentWidth - oneWidth - twoWidth); But ...

How to get width of gridview column when AutoGenerateColumns is true.

I have a gridview that I need to get the width of columns for after the gridview is databound. I have to have AutoGenerateColumns=true because the columns for the datatable that the gridview is bound to is not going to be fixed. The problem I'm having is the gridview columns collection is not populated when AutoGenerateColumns is true....

Get window inner width and height of android built in webbrowser at all zoom levels

hi, I am trying by using javascript to get the window width and height of the build in webbrowser but can't find the right method, currently it seems the DOM doesn't know about the zoom level changes. Thanks ...

Total width of DIV problem

Hi all, I have a DIV section that would like to use it as a "component" in a variety of contexts. For "component", I mean it will be automatically included in some places of the HTML page that could not be foreseen. The required behaviour of the DIV section is that it's width should be always 100%, meaning it should totally fill the pa...

Jquery animated horizontal accordion menu has a bug in Safari

Hi there! I'v been trying to make a simple accordition menu homepage. The link is: http://prorevizija.agenda.si/fileadmin/templates/index.html The page displays well in firefox 3, IE 7 has some lack in speed, but in Safari and Chrome right after the close animation is performed ( i use 'toggle' to open and close) there is a 'blink' as i...

How to Set Width for Columns in LISTBOX ??

I have a Listbox in to which I am binding the data coming from a DataTable I am using VisualStudio 2003, .net 1.1 For Each dr As DataRow In dt.Rows Dim li As New ListItem(dr("BIPAD").ToString().PadRight(25, Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW((160))) + dr("TITLENAME").ToString()) lbMagTilteByCategory.Items.Add(li) ...

Get browser width and hide element depending on size?

Hello. Is it possible to detect what width a browser window is and hide an element on page if its lower than 1024? In JQuery perhaps? :-) ...