
one liquid div with one fixed size div

I am trying to build a layout which has a fixed width div and a liquid width div beside it : <div id="main" style="width:100%; height:500px; background-color: #ccc;"> <div id="right" style="float: right; width:100px; height:500px; background-color: red;"> </div> <div id="left" style="float: right; width: auto; height:500px; ...

PHP send plain text mail and force fixed-width charset

I want to force the reader's email client to display my php-generated plain text emails with a fixed width charset. Thunderbird displays the email with a fixed width charset. However, Gmail and Outlook (and probably more clients) do not. Is this a config setting with my mail server or something I'm doing wrong? Any help would be great...

Cross-browser method for getting width and height of a DIV?

This is my first post, so please go easy on me. I'm sure I'm doing everything wrong. However, I couldn't find any posts that answered the question above. I use jQuery. I'm trying to find a way to get the current width and height of a DIV element, even if they're set to "auto". I've found many ways to do this, but no method returns the s...

ColumnDefinition MinWidth doesn't work correctly

Hi, I'm using a Grid in WPF (xaml) and I'm have some strange effect when using the MinWidth property in a ColumnDefinition. For example, when I use 9 ColumnDefinition and every ColumnDefinition has the 'Width="*"' property and one of the middle columns also has a MinWidth property then the size of the other columns is wrong. Well, it's...

Centring fixed width DIV inside 100% width parent DIV

I have a setup similar to below: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"&gt; <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml”&gt; <div id=“a” style=“width: 100%”> <div id=“b” style=“width: 200px; margin: 0 auto”> </div> </div> And this centres fine in everything except IE...

Flex - Label layout issue: shorter text means wider label

Hi Would anybody know why the following code results in the first label being wider than the second one? The first box (shorter text) measures 21 pixels in width, the second box 19 pixels. <mx:VBox> <mx:HBox id="lbl1" backgroundColor="#6789ad"> <mx:Label fontWeight="bold" color="white" text="0" /> </mx:HBox> <mx:HB...

Flex 3 UIComponent width property not working

I have a flex 3 application in which I draw my own UI. It is a player-style app, so it has a bar that fills as the media plays. I do this with this code: bgRect=new UIComponent(); bgRect.graphics.lineStyle(0); bgRect.graphics.beginFill(0xFFFFFF,1); bgRect.graphics.drawRect(0,0,399,20); bgRect.graphics.endFill(); bgRect.addEventListener(...

HTML input textbox with a width of 100% overflows table cells

Does anyone know why the input elements with a width of 100% go over the table's cells border. In the simple example below input box go over the table's cells border, the result is horrible. This was testet and it happens in the same way on: FF, IE7 and Safari. Does it make sense for you? Am I missing something, do you know about a possi...

layout problem: keeping a fixed width in CSS with varying text

The "span" tag that encompasses the text I'm trying to display is of 500px width. Now, every time I insert a text longer than that width, it crosses over to complete the text. That only happens when the text has no spaces (like: sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss you get the picture. I'...

Dynamic Padding (jQuery)

$('#menu .sub-right').css( 'paddingLeft', $('#menu .sub-left').width() ); nor $('#menu .sub-right').css({'padding-left': $('#menu .sub-left').width()}); ...these work. What am I doing wrong? Thanks! ...

tables insive divs not the same size as divs inside divs?

Hi, When I set the outside div to 100% and both the inside div and table to 100% the internal table is not the same size as the internal div. The internal table is about 2px less to the right. Anyone know why this happens? Also on the 2nd table in IE there is a big gap between the infobar2 and the table, i have no idea why. Any helps i...

Is it possible to get the width of a character when using OpenGL bitmap fonts?

I am trying to align my bitmap font text in my OpenGL application but I can't find anything on getting the width of each character. This is my renderText function: def renderText( self, text, fontFace, position ): ..... (omitted code to make post shorter) glRasterPos2i( position[0], self.windowSize[1] - position[1] ) glPushA...

IE8 CSS width, can't use percents?

Anyone have any problems with this? px and em work fine, % does nothing. I just want to extend this div the length of the screen in IE8. Microsoft, please. Been looking for a while to now avail. CSS #topPane {width:100%; height:100px; background-color:#0C9;} HTML <div id="topPane">a</div> ...

position content relative to a fluid width element set to position:fixed

I have a layout with the following requirements An image on the left side, and content on the right side. The image is pinned to the bottom left of the viewport The image does not move when the user scrolls The image resizes to 100% height of the viewport, up to it's max height. (I don't want the image to distort in it's attempts to be...

Site wider than browser without horizontal scrollbars

I've got a site that I am working on that has greebles on the top left, top right, bottom left and bottom right corners. The full width of this is roughly 1100px. The actual content area is within the 960px layout. I want the site to be properly centered right down to 960px, with the extra imagery disappearing out the right and left...

Tricky CSS Layout

So I am making a website with quite a problematic layout. There are four corner images TL, TR, BL and BR indicated by black blocks. The dark orange area is the main content (to a width of 960px), with the outside area denoted by the green arrow as the browser window. See diagram: The top image represents the site at its narrowest po...

ipad splitview tableviewcontroller width

How do you change the width of the uitableviewcontroller in an iPad sdk 3.2. It seems that it is fixed just like the iphone uitableview. Thanks for your help! ...

How do I make Views fill the full width of their parent in my Android app?

I have the following layout defined for one of my Activities: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <TableLayout android:id="@+id/TableLayout01" android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="fill_parent" xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"&gt; <TableRow android:id="@+id/TableRow01" android:layout_...

Change width of UITableViewController on iPhone

Does anyone know how to change the width of a uitableviewcontroller? I was thinking maybe I could do it in interface builder because I can't figure it out in the code. Thanks! ...

How to set the same column width in a datagrid in flex at runtime?

HI, In flex, I have a datagrid with 22 columns. I initially display all the columns. The width of each column right is uniform. Now when i change the visiblity of a few columns, the width of each column varies. How do i maintain a uniform column width for each column whether or not there are any invisible columns?... Also how do i get t...