
css width interval

Ok, here's a problem I've never run into before. I would like to use CSS to specify that an elements width should always be in 10 pixel intervals. So, for example, if the width of an element is 11, it would get bumped up to 20, 56 => 60, 138 => 140, etc... I doubt CSS has a way to do this but thought I'd ask anyway. Something like this ...

Spread out elements over a fixed width div?

Hi Is there way to spread out elements, (eg: <li>'s inside a <ul>), within a div? EG: I have 3 elements, so they all get 30% EG: I have 5 elements, so they get 20% What is the best way to do this? ...

How do I set a Silverlight Grid layout ColumnDefinition width to "*" programatically?

So I'm creating columns dynamically for a Grid layout in Silverlight (V3.0, C#): LayoutRoot.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition()); and you can specific that the width of the column be "auto" with LayoutRoot.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition() { Width = GridLength.Auto }); But how to you set it to be "*" (share with...

DIV Width Not Expanding To Fit Width Of Child DIVs - IE7

I have a page with an ASP.NET Gridview on it...this Gridview is located in a child DIV inside a parent DIV. That Gridview can often go wider than the parent DIV width set. In IE6 the MAINDIV (Parent DIV) would expand to fit the expanded Gridview contained within the child DIV. In IE7 the DIV will not expand so it overlaps the DIV and ...

how to fix a document.body is null-error

Hi, I'm having a document.body is null error in my javascript because I use: $(window).width() as value to assign to a variable in my $(document).ready(function(){}); I would be very grateful to anyone who could help me with this. Kind regards edit: sorry if this all was unclear. I have a demo at: http://www.wpmonk.com/demo/...

Displayed layout width doesn't match coded width (drupal site)

I'm working on a drupal website with a fixed-width div layout. Everything lines up and etc., but for some reason the whole thing is about 15px wider than it should be. The width should be 900px but shows up as something like 915px. It's even stretching the background image of the header div. This happens in Firefox, not IE (for who knows...

DIVs not abiding by CSS rules

Hi, I'm having some troubles with my HTML and CSS, in that the HTML on my siet isn't doing what I've put down in the CSS. I'm trying to make a block of text have width: 50, but it doesn't seem to be working. Here's a code snippet: <div id="welcome"> <h2>Welcome!</h2> hello, this is some text. <p> text before that text down there. v ...

Changing the width of Window when using pages in WPF

Hi Im using pages in the WPF project that im currently working on. However i can't seem to figure out how to change the width of a page, or rather, the width of the window that hosts the pages? Setting the page width property only changes the width of the page inside the window frame. Setting the with of the mainwindow or navigationwi...

matplotlib border width

I use matplotlib 0.99 so, I can`t change width of border of subplot.. how can I do it? code like it: fig = plt.figure(figsize = (4.1, 2.2)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) and then, ax.patch.set _ linewidth(0.1) or ax.get _ frame().set _ linewidth(0.1) doesn`t work! but legend.get _ frame().set _ linewidth(0.1) works fine. ...

Image native width in jquery

With jQuery, i change the src of an image on click $("#thumb li img").click(function() { var newlinkimage = $(this).attr("src"); newlinkimage = newlinkimage.substring(14,17); $("#avant img").attr("src", 'retouche-hr' + newlinkimage + '-a.jpg'); $("#apres img").attr("src", 'retouche-hr' +newlinkimage + '-b.jpg'); The problem is, th...

How to automatically add <img> height and width in Visual Studio?

When I drop an html image onto my page (vs2005) the height and width attributes are not specified. Do I really have to edit the html by hand to add these? Or is there an automatic method? ...

How to verify html DIV's width and height on server side?

I was wondering if it's possible to verify a DIV's width and height on server side (PHP) without running any browser? It seems it's not possible without writing a parser, which is no worth. One Rube Goldberg way I could think of is, convert that DIV into html (using html tidy), then into PDF and then get the size. Highly inefficient. E...

listen browser width / height changes with jquery

Hi, I have some divs that are set with position absolute (CSS) when the page is ready, and are positioned relative to another fixed div, wich works fine. However, before the page is loaded and everything is set, if the page is resized, those absolute divs don't follow the changes, moving to other places, wich I think they are given valu...

How To Set The CheckBoxList Properties?

I have a checkboxList with some 50 values. but I want only 5 to be displayed and navigate others using scroll bar. I tried using <asp:CheckBoxList CheckBoxes="true" Width="250px" Height="120px" RepeatColumns="5" RepeatDirection="Vertical" RepeatLayout="Flow" runat="server" SelectionMode="Multiple" /> ...

IE6 Shrink-wrap with Rounded Corners

In FF and IE8 things look pretty good. I have a mock up of the drop down that I'm trying to create with rounded corners at bottom here: www.geowinedb.org/drop-down-test/test.html. In IE6 the mega div is extending to the far left edge of the window. What do I need to change/add (e.g. underscore hacks) to get the drop-down to shrink-wra...

Adjust Width & Height of a Control (ASP.NET)

Hi, I am just starting to study ASP.NET from my WPF Knowledge. I think the UI designing is very difficult in ASP.NET compared to WPF XAML design. I have a problem in my UI layout. In WPF we use Width=" * " and Height=" * " to adjust height and width of the controls like listview, listbox so that the application can run in any resolut...

ASP.NET Listview Column Width

In windows applications we can change the listview's column width by just dragging the header of the column. How can I done that in a ASP.NET listview? ...

CSS need div to extend it's containers width

This is my current HTML structure. The footer div is sitting alone in the BODY. <div id="footer"> <div class="container"> <div id="footer-bg"> <div class="footer1"> <p class="p1">asd</p> <p class="p2">asd</p> </div> <div class="footer2"> <p class=...

How to find the actual width of grid component with scrollbar in Delphi

I have a grid component (DBGrid) which has lots of columns on it. Because of large number of columns, a scrollbar was created, and thus some part of grid remains hidden. I need to find out what is the real width of DBGrid, including the part which is not shown due to scroll bar. But Width property gives only the width of the component it...

Using the jQuery width() and height() methods

Can you use the .width() and .height() methods to increase the height like $('x').width('+=2px') or $('x').height('+=2px')? I couldn't find any information about this on the jQuery website, but I also haven't seen anything to suggest that this doesn't work. ...