
should wildcards belong to CNAME or A NAME?

should wildcards belong to CNAME or A NAME? Both looks the same to me, and googling gives me a inconclusive result. Any rational and implications behind for choosing one over the other? (underlying DNS server software? web hosting software? speed?) ...

Understanding kernel assigned local addresses on a udp socket

Hi! i'm developing a java application using the jstun library (hxxp://jstun.javawi.de/), and i need to compare my public ip with the one chosen by the kernel (wildcard address - hxxp://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/net/DatagramSocket.html#DatagramSocket() ) when i create a udp socket. what i don't understand is, if my local ip ...

Lucene: How to do wildcard search inside a Term?

I've the following lucene index: Document A item = level:(1) item = level:(2) item = level:(3) Document B item = level:(1) item = level:(4) Suppose I want to search for all documents which contain level:(1) AND level:(2) ? The Lucene query could be like: "item:level\:\(1\) AND level\:\(2\)" but is it also possible to do something...

how to search all / wildcard in lucern solr

I'm using RoR + acts_as_solr to query a Solr database. I'm used to using "*" to select all, thanks to MySQL, but that command fires an exception in Solr. Are they other wildcards I can use? Suggestions? Thanks! ...

Using a Wildcard SSL Cert for subdomains in Plesk (IIS)

I'm using Plesk running on Windows Server 2003. I have the following domain name on an exclusive IP, for which I have purchased a Wildcard SSL certificate from RapidSSL: webvitality.eu This works fine in both http and https. Should display "Web Vitality Dev Server". Now I have the following subdomain: garyparkerhearing.webvitality.eu...

How to use the LIKE statement correctly in a MySql SELECT statement?

Why isn't this working? DELIMITER ;// CREATE PROCEDURE `blah` ( SearchText varchar(4000) ) BEGIN SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE table_name.StringField LIKE '%' + SearchText + '%'; -- This is where the code is breaking END;// ...

Why can I not get application object in classic ASP when I add a .NET Wildcard mapping to directory?

We're migrating a site from classic asp to .NET. In the process, I need to use .NET authentication to secure the classic asp pages. This works great with wildcard mapping...unless the classic asp pages try to use something like the Application object. I have tried adding an HTTPHandler to pass the request to the asp.dll, but to no avai...

Wildcard search for LINQ

Hi there, I would like to know if it is possible to do a wildcard search using LINQ. I see LINQ has Contains, StartsWith, EndsWith, etc. What if I want something like %Test if%it work%, how do I do it? Regards ...

Wildcard subdomains with GoDaddy giving me 404 error

I have a hosting account with GoDaddy and I enabled wildcard subdomains by adding an A Record pointing to the IP Address. However when I try opening abc.mydomain.com, I get a 404 error. I searched the web and am doubting whether I need a .htaccess file. That file does not exist in my root folder. Can someone please guide me how to config...

Fast string matching algorithm with simple wildcards support

I need to match input strings (URLs) against a large set (anywhere from 1k-250k) of string rules with simple wildcard support. Requirements for wildcard support are as follows: Wildcard (*) can only substitute a "part" of a URL. That is fragments of a domain, path, and parameters. For example, "*.part.part/*/part?part=part&part=*". The...

SQL Server using wildcard within IN

Since I believe this should be a basic question I know this question has probably been asked, but I am unable to find it. I'm probably about to earn my Peer Pressure badge, but I'll ask anyway: Is there a way in SQL Server that I am not aware of for using the wildcard character % when using IN. I realize that I can use OR's like: sele...

Java Generics problem with wildcard

Hi, There is any way to fix this situation (I have try to simplyfy the scenario as much as i could): public class Test { public static void main(String [] args) { /* HERE I would like to indicate that the CollectionGeneric can be of something that extends Animal (but the constructor doesn't allow wildc...

Why doesn't a * in my pipe open in Perl work on Windows?

I am having this strange issue with Perl. I am trying to execute an external program from inside my Perl script and this external program takes string + wildcard as parameters. My Perl program looks like this my $cmd_to_run = 'find-something-in-somedb myname* |' open(procHandle, $cmd_to_run); # I am using open because I want to ...

Setting up Wildcard subdomain (with reverse proxy) on apache 2.2.3

Hey All, What I am trying to achieve is the following: I want to have numerous subdomains such as abc.domain.com redirect to a url such as www.domain.com/something?subdomain=abc Since I am redirecting to a fully qualified domain, I needed to use a reverse proxy to avoid the change of the URL in the browser. (using the [P] Flag and turn...

jQuery wildcard search

I'm trying to find all elements on a page whose element ID contains a certain text. I'll then need to filter the found elements based on whether they are hidden or not. Any help is greatly appreciated. ...

To have wildcard * for LaTeX

How can you have the wildcard character, for example in the following code? \graphicspath{{1/*/pictures/}} ...

iis wildcard redirect - wix issue

<Component Id="WebVirtualDirComponentX86" Guid="E6995A18-BC79-4A72-BD82-F3961D72EC00"> <WebVirtualDir Id="WebVirtualDirX86" Alias="TestWebApp" Directory="INSTALLDIR" WebSite="OurWebSite"> <WebApplication Id="WebApplicationX86" Name="TestWebApp" > <WebApplicationExtension CheckPath="no" Script="yes" Executable="C:\WINDOWS\Microsof...

Win32 API to do wildcard string match

Hello, I am looking for a wildcard string match API (not regex match). I cannot use anything other than Win32 APIs. ...

SQL query to linked index server does not work w wildcards

Hello folks, this statement I use in a sproc (where the search phrase 'reiseportal*' is a parameter) does not work with a wildcard, as I recognized: DECLARE @strSQL NVARCHAR(MAX) SELECT @strSQL= 'SELECT FileName, path, size, vpath from "GRIP-SERVER"."Web2"..SCOPE() where contains ('SELECT @strSQL=@strSQL + CHAR(39) + CHAR(39)+ 'reise...

How exactly does zsh expand globs?

I have a C program that displays it's command-line by iterating through the argv variable. #include <stdio.h> int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ int i = 0; printf("----------\n"); for(i = 0; i < argc; i++) printf("%s\n", argv[i]); return 0; } I invoked the program in a folder containing a large C++ source tree lik...