
Unbounded wildcards in Java

Is there ever a difference between an unbounded wildcard e.g. <?> and a bounded wildcard whose bound is Object, e.g. <? extends Object>? I recall reading somewhere that there was a difference in the early drafts of generics, but cannot find that source anymore. ...

How to search using the LIKE syntax and % WILDCARD % across multiple tables.

How can you use mysql and the like/wildcard syntax across multiple tables, would it be as simple as: (SELECT * FROM `table1` WHERE `name` LIKE '%tom%') AND (SELECT * FROM `table2` WHERE `name` LIKE '%sam%') Not tested, just thinking about it. ...

Demystify Wildcard for me..

Why do I get a compile time error on this piece of code? public Interface Location { ....... } Class code... Map<Type, List<? extends Location>> locationsTypeMap = new HashMap<Type, List<? extends Location>>(); /** Code to add elements to the hashMap. */ newLocation = getNewLocation() while(mapHasElements){ Location....

Optimization of MySQL search using "like" and wildcards

How can queries like SELECT * FROM sometable WHERE somefield LIKE '%value%' be optimized? The main issue here is the first wildcard which prevents DBMS from using index. Edit: What is more, somefield value is solid string (not a piece of text) so fulltext search could not be performed. ...

Wildcards in Lucene

Why does the wildcard query "dog#V*" fail to retrieve a document that contains "dog#VVP"? The following code written in Jython for Lucene 3.0.0 fails to retrieve the indexed document. Am I missing something? analyzer = WhitespaceAnalyzer() directory = FSDirectory.open(java.io.File("testindex")) iwriter = IndexWriter(directory, anal...

python search replace using wildcards

hi somewhat confused.. but trying to do a search/repace using wildcards if i have something like: <blah.... ssf ff> <bl.... ssf dfggg ff> <b.... ssf ghhjj fhf> and i want to replace all of the above strings with say, <hh >t any thoughts/comments on how this can be accomplished? thanks update (thanks for the co...

The container 'Maven Dependencies' references non existing library

Hi, I use SpringSource Tool Suite 2.3.0. Recently I added the commons-compress dependency to pom.xml as required by jackrabbit 2.0 dependency. Updating maven dependencies console shows: "Missing artifact org.apache.commons:commons-compress:jar:1.0:compile" I checked the Problems view and it shows the following error: The container 'Mav...

Bash for loop with wildcards and hidden files

Just witting a simple shell script and little confused: Here is my script: % for f in $FILES; do echo "Processing $f file.."; done The Command: ls -la | grep bash produces: % ls -a | grep bash .bash_from_cshrc .bash_history .bash_profile .bashrc When FILES=".bash*" I get the same results (different formatting) as ls -a. ...

Why can't I use wildcard with methods receiving a parameterized argument?

For example, I use a method Measure.doubleValue(Unit<?> unit) which returns the double value of a measurement, expressed in the specified Unit. If I pass a Unit<?> variable to it, I get the still very cryptic (to me) error message: The method doubleValue(Unit<capture#27-of ?>) in the type Measurable<capture#27-of ?> is not app...

Find common chars in array of strings, in the right order.

Hello, I spent days working on a function to get common chars in an array of strings, in the right order, to create a wildcard. Here is an example to explain my problem. I made about 3 functions, but I always have a bug when the absolute position of each letter is different. Let's assume "+" is the "wildcard char": Array( 0 => '48ca1...

How to include all boost header files?

In Java if you wanted all the classes in a namespace you could just do this: import com.bobdylan.*; Is there anyway I can get a result similar to: import boost.*; (except in C++) ...

what is the better way to search in millions of file names with wildcard(GLOB) support

i am working on a small search engine to display a matching file names with full path. and important thing is that i need to provide wildcard(GLOB) search like *.doc or *list*.xlx or *timesheet* or ???.doc or something like that. i found some related solution http://stackoverflow.com/questions/954752/search-for-strings-matching-the-p...

Wildcard Search PHP

Hi, I dunno really what its called but basically this is what I want to represent this as a string in PHP : <div class="post" id="post-*Any Content*"> How could i do this. edit: sorry for not explaining it very well guys, basically I'm going to be checking to see if a string contains this text, where any content is basically anything...

Javascript switch statement with wildcard?

If my javascript ajaxes away to my server and returns an ID of 49 in the plain text format of [49] is there a way in which i an do something like this... (i have tested and doesnt work) switch(data) { case '[*]': (..etc.) break; } Where the wildcard is the * and i want to make sure it is enclosed within two square pare...

Match text against wildcard expressions in database?

Given an input string, I'd like to return the rows from a (MySQL) database that contain a wildcard expression that would match the string. For example, if I have a table containing these wildcard expressions: foo.* foo.bar.* erg.foo.* and my input string is "foo.bar.baz", then I should get the rows "foo.*" and "foo.bar.*". Any ideas ...

java -cp "lib/*" versus java -cp "lib/*.jar"

If the lib/ directory contains only .jar files, what's the difference between java -cp "lib/*" ... and java -cp "lib/*.jar" ... If I use the latter I ran into errors regarding main class and I don't understand why. lib/* also contains lib/., but is this the crucial difference? ...

Php search string (with wildcards)

Hi! Is there a way to put a wildcard in a string? The reason why I am asking is because currently I have a function to search for a substring between two substrings (i.e grab the contents between "my" and "has fleas" in the sentence "my dog has fleas", resulting in "dog"). function get_string_between($string, $start, $end){ $string...

Best way to support wildcard search a large dictionary?

I am working on a project to search in a large dictionary (100k~1m words). The dictionary items look like {key,value,freq}. Myy task is the development of an incremental search algoritm to support exact match, prefix match and wildcard match. The results should be ordered by freq. For example: the dictionary looks like key1=a,valu...

mysql query against wildcard

I have a mysql query in php, using match / against to filter results. Im trying to get a wildcard after $string so the next character can be anything. Help? "SELECT * FROM $table WHERE MATCH (message) AGAINST('$string%' IN BOOLEAN MODE)" ...

How to prevent wild card glob expansion for occurring for my command like scp does?

I wish for my application to accept an file specification argument literally, without wildcard expansion. This is because the directory from which my command is being run is not the directory (or machine) where the glob expansion should be performed. I believe the scp somehow manages to do this, but I am at a loss to replicate that in ...