
Using wildcard for classpath?

G'day everybody, I have been using so many 3rd party libraries(jar files) that my CLASSPATH is completely messed up as i have to include the path for every single jar file that i use. I've been wondering if there is a way to include all the jar files in a folder using wildcard(*) operator (like *.jar). But it seems to be...

Unix: Regex and Wildcards

The reply in my post states that pattern "*@he.com" is not a "correct regexp". Actually, it is not a regex at all, rather wildcard, things like: find . -iname ".gi*" The above example in Regex would be find . -iname "\.gi.*" Questions about Regex and Wildcards How can I use only Regex instead of wildcards? Where do you really n...

Using wildcards in prepared statement - MySQLi

Hi! I'm trying to run the following query, and I'm having trouble with the wildcard. function getStudents() { global $db; $users = array(); $query = $db->prepare("SELECT id, adminRights FROM users WHERE classes LIKE ? && adminRights='student'"); $query->bind_param('s', '%' . $this->className . '%'); $query->...

Jquery wild card character

I have 3 controls with id control_1, control_2, control_3. I want to hide these controls. Currently I am using this: $('#control_1').hide(); $('#control_2').hide(); $('#control_3').hide(); Is there a better way of doing this? Can I do something like $('control_*').hide();? Is there a way to find controls with start with a specific...

Wildcard search on Appengine in python

Just starting with python on google appengine building a contact database. what is the best way to implement wildcard search? For example can I do query('name=', %ewman%) ?? ...

How to fetch all hits in lucene.net

Hi, I want to fetch all hits from lucene. Is there any wild card character which fetches all records? ...

ftp multiple new files using wildcards

I was wondering if there is a way to use ftp to only get files that match a wildcard if the files is newer than the local copy? I know I can use mget * but that will get everything and I only want to get the file(s) if they are newer than a local copy. Is there a way to use mget in combination with newer? ...

Java Generics Curiosity

I have an interface A, which class B implements. The following generic method works public static <T, U extends T> List<T> listFactory(Collection<U> source) { return new ArrayList<T>(source); } but public static <T> List<T> listFactory(Collection<? extends T> source) { return new ArrayList<T>(source); } does not (compilation err...

Retrieve first value with Xquery using a wildcard

In an XmlData column in SQL Server 2008 that has no schema assigned to it, how can I pull the first item at a particular node level? For example, I have: SELECT XmlData.value('//*/*[1]','NVARCHAR(6)') FROM table where XmlData.Exist('//*/*[1]') = 1 I assume this does not work because if there are multiple nodes with different names ...

Wildcard search inside a Boost.MultiIndex data structure?

I'm trying to optimize my application by reducing round-trips to my database. As part of that effort, I've been moving some of the tables into memory, storing them as Boost.MultiIndex containers. As a side-effect of this process, I've lost the ability to do wild-card matching on my strings. For example, when the table was stored in My...

Get element by id via regex jQuery

Html element contains complex & unique id, composed from namespace as prefix and incremented index - as postfix. I try do it with wildcard expression for id. If to use simple way without namespace, that it works fine: $j("[id*=service_selected_]").click(function(){ ... In order to keep uniqueness,i need provide namespace part within...

Crafting a Comparator object for sorting generic List<? extends T> using Collections.sort()

I am trying to implement a generic sort utility method for a List of objects of any class that implements MyInterface. Per Java API (http://java.sun.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/Collections.html), Collections.sort() method signature is: public static <T> void sort(List<T> list, Comparator<? super T> c) I am not sure if List with a ...

Is it possible to use wildcards in the .htaccess file for mass moves?

I am reworking my website, going to be renaming a lot of directories, and need a simple way to write my .htaccess redirects for all of those pages. I am hoping for a solution that does not include a very long list of files. My .htaccess file is huge as it is. Thanks in advance! Lady Aleena ...

Appending a txt file from multiple CSVs in subdirectories

Hi, I am trying to write a batch file which will append all *.csv files in the immediate subdirectories to a single text file in the current directory. From various sources I have managed to piece together this code which works fine for files in the current dir but not sub-dirs for %%a in (*.csv) do (type %%a >> csvreport.txt) If an...

IIS6 with ASP MVC Wildcard mapping

Ok, so Im one of the 100's of people having issues getting ASP MVC running on IIS6. I have followed several tutorials including this and this, but still no joy. All I see is the standard IE 404 file not found page. Now in order to ensure that my site is pointing to the correct location I have added a stub index.html file in the root d...

How do I search for a list of files using wildcard

How do I use wildcards in C# to list down files contained in a selected folder? ...

Pattern Match on a Array Key

Hi. Since I'm finding this site helpful I thought I'd sign up :) I need to get the stock values out of this array: Array ( [stock0] => 1 [stockdate0] => [stock1] => 3 [stockdate1] => apple [stock2] => 2 [ stockdate2] => ) I need to pattern match on this array, where the array key = "stock" + 1 wildcard character. I have tried us...

Complex string matching with LINQ to Entity Framework

We are using LINQ to EF to develop a solution. In my LINQ query I would like string toMatch = "Matt Cool"; newString = toMatch.Replace(" ", "% ") + "%"; // So here newString is 'Matt% Cool%' /*Now in my datasource, there is no 'Matt Cool', there's 'Matthew Coolguy'. I would like this query to return that result. I would expect th...

Wildcard characters in queries randomly switching between Access * and Ansi %

BACKGROUND: I have an Access 2007 application, with a form which builds a Filter string to pass to a Report, which uses a stored query. In Access Options, I have "SQL Server Compatible Syntax (ANSI 92)" checked for This database, and the Filter string includes a LIKE clause with % wildcard characters. ISSUE: Randomly when I save or...

TSQL using a wildcard in a where clause with dynamic sql

It appears that using the LIKE in a condition with wildcards and a variable inside of dynamic sql doesn't work, although it doesn't give an error. Here's an example. The column called code has values like A0B01C02,A0B02C2D05,A0B02C2D05, etc and I am trying to match on rows containing a subset like 'B1'. When I do this it works and ret...