
Wildcard Subdomains

I know there have been a few threads on this before, but I have tried absolutely everything suggested (that I could find) and nothing has worked for me thus far... With that in mind, here is what I'm trying to do: First, I want to allow users to publish pages and give them each a subdomain of their choice (ex: user.mysite.com). From wh...

Using Web.SiteMap with Dynamic URLS (URL Routing)

I would like to match "approximate" matches in Web.SiteMap The Web.Sitemap static sitemap provider works well, except for one thing. IT'S STATIC! So, if I would have to have a sitemapnode for each of the 10,000 articles on my page like so : site.com/articles/1/article-title site.com/articles/2/another-article-title site.com/articles...

SQL Server - Fulltext search for %book%

Folks, I'm trying to wrap my head around how to search for something that appears in the middle of a word / expression - something like searching for "LIKE %book% " - but in SQL Server (2005) fulltext. How can I do that?? It almost appears as if both CONTAINS and FREETEXT really don't support wildcard at the beginning of a search expre...

What is the best way to do a wildcard search in sql server 2005?

So I have a stored procedure that accepts a product code like 1234567890. I want to facilitate a wildcard search option for those products. (i.e. 123456*) and have it return all those products that match. What is the best way to do this? I have in the past used something like below: *SELECT @product_code = REPLACE(@product_code, '*', '...

Wildcard search on column(s) in a large table (>10.000.000 rows) in MySQL

Which techniqes would you use to implement a search for contents in a column on a very big table in MySql? Say for instance that you have 10.000.000 emails stored in a table in the database and would like to implement a subject search, that would enable me to search for one or more words that was present in the email subject. If the us...

Is there a wildcard expansion option for .net apps?

I've used the setargv.obj linking for Expanding Wildcard Arguments in the past for a number of C and C++ apps, but I can't find any similar mention for .net applications. Is there a standard way to have your app's command line parameters automatically wildcard expanded? (i.e. expand *.doc from one entry in args parameter to all that mat...

Filtering file names: getting *.abc without *.abcd, or *.abcde, and so on

Directory.GetFiles(LocalFilePath, searchPattern); MSDN Notes: When using the asterisk wildcard character in a searchPattern, such as ".txt", the matching behavior when the extension is exactly three characters long is different than when the extension is more or less than three characters long. A searchPattern with a file extension of e...

Wildcard subdomains in IIS7. Is it possible to make them like it is in Apache?

Hello! Is this possible to configure IIS7 to achieve the same functionality like Apache has regarding wildcard domains? I'm interested in routing user in ASP.NET web application based on subdomain user used in URL. Something like is described here: http://steinsoft.net/index.php?site=programming/articles/apachewildcarddomain Thanks ...

Leading wildcard character throws error in Lucene.NET.

If the search query contains a leading wildcard character (* or ?), the QueryParser's Parse function throws an error. Dim q As String = "*abc" Dim qp As New QueryParser("text", New StandardAnalyzer()) Dim query As Query = qp.Parse(q) Is there any way to solve this problem in Lucene.NET v2.0.0.4? ...

How to create a self-signed wildcard SSL certificate for IIS 6?

I'm trying to create a self-signed wildcard SSL certificate for use on a number of development and test servers running IIS 6. Following various guides has led to a couple ways of generating the certificates, but I haven't had any luck getting it to work. The most successful ways I've had were following this OpenSSL guide and using mak...

Wildcard Subdomain Setup on Windows 2003

I am trying to setup an internal staging server for a web application that relies on wildcard subdomains. I would appreciate some guidance in how to setup wildcard subdomains with Windows Server 2003 DNS. (I don't seem to be able to enter "*.domain.tld. IN A" directly) Thanks. More information: I have a zone MY.LAN, under...

Generics in Java, using wildcards

Hello, I have a question about Generics in Java, namely using wildcards. I have an example class GenClass like this: public class GenClass<E> { private E var; public void setVar(E x) { var = x; } public E getVar() { return var; } } I have another simple class: public class ExampleClass { } I have ...

Wildcard usage for find and replace

I have a get method in my code which is currently taking a parameter. I want to remove this parameter from this method. For this I have to update all those pieces of code where this method is used. I tried find and replace in VS2008 with the wildcard option as get(?*) to get(). But unfortunately this is matching for if(get() > 1) type of...

Wildcard character in CHECK in Create table taken as string

I created an info table that stores employee record, the SQL query for it as follows... CREATE TABLE info1 (empid VARCcHAR(8) PRIMARY KEY CONSTRAINT empchk CHECK (empid IN ('kh\%' ESCAPE '\''), initials CHAR(6), fname CHAR(25) NOT NULL, lname CHAR(25), userstatus INTEGER NOT NULL, designation CHAR(10) NOT NULL); Now, as...

Select * from Table and still perform some function on a single named column

I'd like to be able to return all columns in a table or in the resulting table of a join and still be able to transform a date to a string by name. For example Select ID, DESCRIPTION, TO_CHAR(CHANGE_DATE,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') AS FORMATED_DATE FROM MY_TABLE; This is all well and good for just these three columns. But, the table will...

Wild card search in C#

I have a list of wild card based patter in a XML file. If the input string matches the pattern present in the XML doc, then a specific action would be taken. I did find the approach mentioned here http://www.codeproject.com/KB/recipes/wildcardtoregex.aspx but in that case, I need to create a RegEx object for every entry in the XML whic...

Is it possible to use variables in a ClearCase config spec?

For example, instead of writing the following: element * .../my_branch_01/LATEST element * .../base_branch/LATEST -mkbranch my_branch_01 I would want to write something like this: MY_BRANCH=my_branch_01 element * .../%MY_BRANCH%/LATEST element * .../base_branch/LATEST -mkbranch %MY_BRANCH% Is this even possible? What is the correc...

Java Generics Wildcarding With Multiple Classes

I want to have a Class object, but I want to force whatever class it represents to extend class A and implement interface B. I can do: Class<? extends ClassA> Or: Class<? extends InterfaceB> but I can't do both. Is there a way to do this? ...

How to find files that match a wildcard string in Java?

This should be really simple. If I have a String like this: ../Test?/sample*.txt then what is a generally-accepted way to get a list of files that match this pattern? (e.g. it should match ../Test1/sample22b.txt and ../Test4/sample-spiffy.txt but not ../Test3/sample2.blah or ../Test44/sample2.txt) I've taken a look at org.apache.comm...

MySQL Wildcard for "=" - is there one

So, "SELECT * FROM table WHERE col LIKE '%'" will return everything. Is there a wildcard for the query "SELECT * FROM table WHERE col = '*'"? - clearly * doesn't work, I just put it there to indicate where I'd like a wildcard. The column I'm selecting from contains an integer between 1 and 12, and I want to be able to select either all r...