
In Scala, what is the difference between using the `_` and using a named identifier?

Why do i get an error when I try using _ instead of using a named identifier? scala> res0 res25: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) scala> res0.map(_=>"item "+_.toString) <console>:6: error: missing parameter type for expanded function ((x$2) => "item ".$plus(x$2.toString)) res0.map(_=>"item "+_.toString) ...

SVNServ deny write access to a directory via wildcard match.

Hi, We have a requirement that every piece of code that makes it into production will be reviewed by a senior developer. The way I have envisioned this working is by a naming convention for branches that regular developers cannot check code into. Following the SVN recomended directory structure this translates into something like. [p...

Lucene wildcard queries

Hello, I have this question relating to Lucene. I have a form and I get a text from it and I want to perform a full text search in several fields. Suppose I get from the input the text "textToLook". I have a Lucene Analyzer with several filters. One of them is lowerCaseFilter, so when I create the index, words will be lowercased. Ima...

Grant permissions to a set of databases matching a pattern in MysQL 5.0

I'm lead to understand that the following grants all proveleges to all databases that name begin with 'xian_', but mysql complains about a syntax error near ''xian_... GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON 'xian_%.*' TO xian@'192.168.1.%'; What is the correct syntax? Am I right in thinking that the _ needs escaping to \_ too as it is also a wildcard...

C++/STL string: How to mimic regex like function with wildcards ?

Hello, I would like to compare 4 character string using wildcards. For example: std::string wildcards[]= {"H? ", "RH? ", "H[0-5] "}; /*in the last one I need to check if string is "H0 ",..., and "H5 " */ Is it possible to manage to realize only by STL? Thanks, Arman. EDIT: Can we do it without boost.regex? Or should I add y...

Can I use the CSS :visited pseudo class on 'wildcard' links?

Let's say I have a site with multiple links as follows: www.example.com/product/1 www.example.com/product/2 www.example.com/product/3 I also append tracking info to links from time to time so that I can see how my site is being used, e.g, if somebody visits the products page from the product browser I would set a ref parameter: www.e...

Exclude a string from wildcard search in a shell

Hello everybody I am trying to exclude a certain string from a file search. Suppose I have a list of files: file_Michael.txt, file_Thomas.txt, file_Anne.txt. I want to be able and write something like ls *<and not Thomas>.txt to give me file_Michael.txt and file_Anne.txt, but not file_Thomas.txt. The reverse is easy: ls *Thomas....

Classic ASP and wildcard mapping

Hi, We have enabled the wildcard mapping for an existing classic ASP site to handle through aspnet_isapi.dll. Ever since then, the performance of the site has dropped? Does the .asp files get compiled before it served by IIS? Any help is greatly appreciated Jyothish George ...

wildcard mapping for classic asp

Is there a way to enable wildcard mapping for selected file extensions in IIS6? ...

How can I use TMask when the mask contains "["?

I have been experimenting with TMask in Delphi 2010 and it seems to work as expected except in one situation: when the mask name contains [ or ] the mask always seem to return false. For example: var MaskObj : TMask; begin MaskObj:= TMask.Create('c:\[test]\*'); try Result:= MaskObj.Matches('c:\[test]\text'); finally Free...

Wildcard query expansion resulted in too many terms.

I am receiving a "wildcard query expansion resulted in too many terms" error when executing a query similar to the following: SELECT * FROM table_a WHERE contains(clob_field, '%a%') > 0; Does anyone know a workaround/solution to this problem? ...

Writing a batch file to delete files with wildcards

I have multiple websites set up in the same folder, and I want to create a batch file that will delete the cache in each of them without having to add a new line for each site. For example I am using this: del /S /Q D:\www\site-name\cache\* Which works, but I have to add a new line for every site in D:\www. The del command doesn't sup...

Python Windows File Copy with Wildcard Support

I've been doing this all the time: result = subprocess.call(['copy', '123*.xml', 'out_folder\\.', '/y']) if result == 0: do_something() else: do_something_else() Until today I started to look into pywin32 modules, then I saw functions like win32file.CopyFiles(), but then I found it may not support copying files to a directo...

wildcards to use in codeigniter routing?

in codeigniter you can use wildcard to reroute. i never heard the word wildcards before. is this a set of rules you can use like regexp? cause in codeigniter documentation they just gave some examples eg. $route['product/(:num)'] = "catalog/product_lookup_by_id/$1"; is there a list/reference with all the available wildcard expressio...

Controlling shell command line wildcard expansion in C or C++

I'm writing a program, foo, in C++. It's typically invoked on the command line like this: foo *.txt My main() receives the arguments in the normal way. On many systems, argv[1] is literally *.txt, and I have to call system routines to do the wildcard expansion. On Unix systems, however, the shell expands the wildcard before invokin...

Lucene query: bla~* (match words that start with something fuzzy), how?

In the Lucene query syntax I'd like to combine * and ~ in a valid query similar to: bla~* //invalid query Meaning: Please match words that begin with "bla" or something similar to "bla". ...

Solr 'text' fields not accepting wild-cards

Hi, I am trying to search on a field declared as 'text' using the wildcard '*' but am getting mixed results. Basically, it seems to me that it's stripping off the '*' character and isn't handling numbers or spaces well. I'm using the 'text' field type for case insensitive fields but after running an analysis, am starting to think it...

SQL Server Full Text Search Leading Wildcard

After taking a look at this SO question and doing my own research, it appears that you cannot have a leading wildcard while using full text search. So in the most simple example, if I have a Table with 1 column like below: TABLE1 coin coinage undercoin select COLUMN1 from TABLE1 where COLUMN1 LIKE '%coin%' Would get me the results I ...

Python Wildcard Import Vs Named Import

Ok, I have some rather odd behavior in one of my Projects and I'm hoping someone can tell me why. My file structure looks like this: MainApp.py res/ __init__.py elements/ __init__.py MainFrame.py Inside of MainFrame.py I've defined a class named RPMWindow which extends wx.Frame. In MainApp.py this works: from res.elemen...

How to verify if file is according to mask in PHP without reading filename from disk.

I have a list of file names(I already have the filelist let's say in a text file). I want to process this list in the following way: filenames of type /dirX/subdirX//.ext will be written in a new file all the other filenames will be written in a separate file. Is there any option to verify if a filename corresponds to a mask, without...