
How to use the .* wildcard in bash but exclude the parent directory (..)?

There are often times that I want to execute a command on all files (including hidden files) in a directory. When I try using chmod g+w * .* it changes the permissions on all the files I want (in the directory) and all the files in the parent directory (that I want left alone). Is there a wildcard that does the right thing or do I ne...

IIS7: Wildcard Mapping and Default Document

Hello, I am migrating an IIS6 website to IIS7 and I am hitting the well known problem of mixing a global ASP.NET handler while using default documents. See here for details: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/david.wang/archive/2005/10/15/why-wildcard-application-mapping-can-disable-default-document-resolution.aspx Right now, in IIS7, I have the...

LINQ to SQL Wildcards

How can I build in wildcards to my LINQ To SQL lambda expression? This is what I have currently: var query = from log in context.Logs select log; foreach (string filter in CustomReport.ExtColsToFilter) { string tempFilter = filter; query = query.Where(Log => Log.FormattedMessage.Contains(tempFilter)); } This works fine up unt...

How to escape wildcard characters in "like" clause in HQL?

How can I escape the wildcard characters in a like clause? E.g.: select foo from Foo as foo where foo.bar like '%' || :filter ||'%' query.setParameter("filter", "%"); query.list(); // I'd expect to get the foo's containing the '%' in bar, not all of them! Any ideas? ...

Java generics question with wildcards

Just came across a place where I'd like to use generics and I'm not sure how to make it work the way I want. I have a method in my data layer that does a query and returns a list of objects. Here's the signature. public List getList(Class cls, Map query) This is what I'd like the calling code to look like. List<Whatever> list = get...

GNU Makefile: multiple outputs from single rule + preventing intermediate files from being deleted

This is sort of a continuation of question from here. The problem is that there is a rule generating multiple outputs from a single input, and the command is time-consuming so we would prefer to avoid recomputation. Now there is an additional twist, that we want to keep files from being deleted as intermediate files, and rules involve wi...

How to determine if a List is sorted in Java?

I would like a method that takes a List<T> where T implements Comparable and returns true or false depending on whether the list is sorted or not. What is the best way to implement this in Java? It's obvious that generics and wildcards are meant to be able to handle such things easily, but I'm getting all tangled up. It would also be ...

Batch File Wildcards

I want to generate a bat file for multiple tag processing and the command lines look like this: "C:\Program Files (x86)\tools\tag.exe" -t Genre="%genre%" "%_folderpath%\%track%. %title%.%_extension%" IF ERRORLEVEL==1 PAUSE I can populate all variables automatically but can I replace the %title% variable with a wildcard? ...

gnu make: match-anything: dependance on existance of prerequisites

Dear gurus, Please consider the following Makefile: CC = g++ CFLAGS = -c -O -Wall EFLAGS = -O -Wall -lm -o UTILITIES = error.o stream_manip.o mat_ops.o GaussElim.o UTILITIES += abstractmatrix.o dvector.o dmatrix.o ConjGrad.o # All objects %.o: %.cpp %.hpp $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< # Executables (doesn't have extension) % : %.cpp $(...

Problem with merging wildcard of subdomains with wildcard of few sub-subdomains

Hello! I have EHCP installed because it's simple and helpful on server with few FTP accounts and websites. It's testing only server. Problem is: I can access *.avki.zgarnijlicke.pl, *.kierowca.zgarnijlicke.pl but *.zgarnijlicke.pl isn't working. My config's are: a) Apache template: #______start of {domainname}paneluser:{panelusername}...

FETCH_ASSOC and SELECT * FROM two tables with the same column name

I have lot of MySQL tables with the same column name. So Im looking for PDO or SQL hack for SELECT * FROM more tables - which will return table names in result sets. Example: 'SELECT * FROM table0, table1'; Where both tables has 'name' column. But FETCH_ASSOC result returns only one 'name' - the last one. Result: echo $result["nam...

Wildcard subdomains using htaccess

Hi all, I'm having some trouble getting the code statement beneath to work as intended. The first part of the code is all good. When a user hits example.com without 'www', he's being 301 redirected to www.example.com to protect the ingoing links. At the same time I'm trying to use subdomains. If a user hits candybar.example.com I want ...

AJAX Control Wildcard Search

I have a text box in my asp page which accepts wild card characters like say "abc a" which should be passed to backend as "abc%a"....Is there any ajax control built in for this type of wild card character as input... plz help. Thanks in advance ...

Matching URL with wildcards

Hi guys, I'm trying to match URLs with wildcards in them to actual URLs. For example: http://*google.com/* Needs to match http://maps.google.com And http://www.google.com/maps What would be the best way of going about this? I've tried using a regular expression and that works fine when I manually program it but I'm not sure wh...

Preg Replace question PHP

Im new to Preg Replace and Ive been trying to get this to work, i couldn't so StackOverflow is my last chance. I have a string with afew of these ('pm_IDHERE', 'NameHere');"> I want it to be replaced with nothing, so it would require 2 wildcards for NameHere and pm_IDHERE but ive tried it and failed myself, so could someone give me ...

Rails SQL query with % Wildcards works in SQLite but not PostgreSQL?

I have a query I'm using for a search with :conditions like this: :conditions => ['family_name LIKE ? OR given_name LIKE ?', "%#{params[:search]}%", "%#{params[:search]}%"] The query works fine locally on SQLite, but when I push to Heroku on PostgreSQL, only the first % works for both family_name and given_name. In other words, it wil...

Can Java connect to wildcard ssl.

Hi We wish to buy a wild-card SSL certificate as we have a lot of sub-domains. However I don't know if Java trusts wild-card certificates. As people connect into our API via SSL it will not be sufficient for us to force all third parties we communicate with to add our SSL certificate into their local truststore. At the moment I'm facin...

Search mySQL with PHP, using a WHERE wildcard or an IF statement?

I'm letting users search my database for data by city. My query looks like: $results = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM mydb WHERE City='".$city."' LIMIT 10"); I want a user to be able to search 'all cities', so I'd like to either remove the WHERE statement if $city=='all cities'; or use a wildcard for the WHERE statement that matches all ci...

How to use wildcards in drupal

I have a website where drupal manage the contents, but another application handle the e-commerce (my customer doesnt like to change his own e-commerce) I dont like to have the e-commerce to looks differently from the rest of the websites, so i've made a drupal Page node with php code in the body, that simply include the external app and...

upcast from List<subclass> to List<superclass> via List<?>

I have a class A and a class B extends A In another class C I have a field private List<B> listB; Now, for some unusual reason, I have to implement this method in C public List<A> getList(); I tried to do so by forcing an upcast of listB field to List<A> via a List<?> cast: public List<A> getList(){ return (List<A>)(List<?>)l...