
Finding the matched term in a Lucene.net wildcard search

I'm using Lucene.net and C# to carry out a wildcard search on a folder containing text documents. The content of the text documents is contained in the field using a reader, like this: doc.Add(new Field("contents", new System.IO.StreamReader( pathToFile, System.Text.Encoding.Default))); An example search term might be "poss*" whi...

resolve Makefile wildcard % inside shell function

hi, it seems that make doesn't resolve the wildcard character % before calling the shell function, in cases like this one: %.exe: $(shell cat %.txt) gcc $? -o $@ if I type this on the shell: $ make test.exe the shell complains that it cannot find "%.txt," but I was expecting it to find "test.txt". is there anyway to workaroun...

multiple nested wildcard - arguments not applicable

I've heavily simplified my problem. Here's how it reads. I'm trying to figure out why the following code does not compile: List<AnonType<AnonType<?>>> l = new ArrayList<AnonType<AnonType<?>>>(); l.add( new AnonType<AnonType<String>>() ); where public class AnonType<T> { T a; List<T> b; } The compiler error is saying that ad...

php mysql search query wildcard problem

If I search for LENA, I only want to get results where LENA is one word and not part of a word like Lenason or Anna-Lena or Malena How do I write such a query, not "select * from users where name like '%LENA%'" What should it be instead? ...

Wildcard Tomcat url-mapping or filter-mapping

I'm using Railo 3.1 , Tomcat 6 , Apache 2.2. I'd like to create a servlet-mapping that recognizes any path. e.g. <servlet-mapping> <servlet-name>CFMLServlet</servlet-name> <url-pattern>/default/*.cfm/*</url-patter> </servlet-mapping> I know that this url-pattern is incorrect per the specification. Since this I'm using a conte...

Mixing regex and shell wildcards

I have a python script that reads from a config file. The config file is going to contain some user defined regex patterns. However, I was thinking I'd like to let the user use either full regex patterns, OR shell wildcards. So I should be able to interpret both *.txt as well as .*\.txt$ correctly. So those 2 should be equivalent. How...

how to narrow Google query to educational institution only(but not just to American ones)

I often search educational institutions websites with the following Google query my_query site:.edu or my_query site:edu.pl or my_query site:edu.au but it only crawls through American, Polish and Australian ones respectively. In most countries top level domain for universities is the country domain and edu is only a sub-domai...

ActionScript - Difference Between "Wildcard" and Object Datatypes?

When declaring a variable to have an open datatype, is there any difference, especially a performance difference, between typing a variable as a "wildcard" (i'm not sure of the official name for this) and typing a variable as an Object? var myVar:*; var myVar:Object; ...

doctrine2 dql, use setParameter with % wildcard when doing a like comparison

I want to use the parameter place holder - e.g. ?1 - with the % wild cards. that is, something like: "u.name LIKE %?1%" (though this throws an error). The docs have the following two examples: 1. // Example - $qb->expr()->like('u.firstname', $qb->expr()->literal('Gui%')) public function like($x, $y); // Returns Expr\Comparison instance ...

Including a whole directory in PHP or Wildcard for use in PHP Include?

I have a command interpreter in php. It lives inside the commands directory and needs access to every command in the command file. Currently I call require once on each command. require_once('CommandA.php'); require_once('CommandB.php'); require_once('CommandC.php'); class Interpreter { // Interprets input and calls the required ...

Wild Card in Javascript Bookmarklet

Is there a way to use a wildcard in a javascript bookmarklet? For example, I have this: javascript:(function(){var b=document.getElementsByName('send');for(var j=0;j<b.length;j++){if(b[j].value.match(/^Send Pattarapim a Thank you gift$/i)){b[j].click();break;}}})() That worked great when the item was for "Pattarapim". But that "na...

Lucene wildcard matching fails on chemical notations(?)

Hi All, Using Hibernate Search Annotations (mostly just @Field(index = Index.TOKENIZED)) I've indexed a number of fields related to a persisted class of mine called Compound. I've setup text search over all the indexed fields, using the MultiFieldQueryParser, which has so far worked fine. Among the fields indexed and searchable is a fi...

How to create sub-links for user on sign up?

I am looking to create vanity url for my users. How can i do it? I want something like username.domain.com My second question is, can i also customize this upon client requests? Like let's say, Client says add a feature to my account, will I be able to do it since it's almost like a separate site within my site? ...

Wildcard capture error

The classes I am dealing with are as follows, public interface One{ public Two get(); } public class Foo{...} public class Bar extends Foo{...} public abstract class Parent<T extends Foo> implements One {...} public abstract class Child<T extends Foo> extends Parent<T> I have a static method that will return a Child object giv...

Wildcard in Digester XML rules

Hi, I've seen different threads that discuss the kind of issue I have. Here are few: http://www.mailinglistarchive.com/[email protected]/msg05061.html, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2165168/digester-extracting-node-name). Yet, I still can't find a solution to this issue. Here is my XML data: <rows> <row> ...

Find a files with wildcard

Hy, How to loop through files matching wildcard and find the file that was last date created. This is in VB ... So I have some files that are with a specific prefix and I like to find the one that is last datetime created! How can his be done? Thank you! Adrian ...

Java generics and wildcards: How to make this code compile?

I'm writing some matchers using the Hamcrest 1.2 library, but I'm having a hard time with Java wildcards. When I try to compile the following code public class GenericsTest { public void doesNotCompile() { Container<String> container = new Container<String>(); // this is the desired assertion syntax assertT...

how to avoid shell expansion when running Java app in eclipse

I am running into a peculiar behavior of the eclipse run configuration, and it appears to be a Windows-only problem. Suppose I have a Java app that prints out the command line arguments, like the following: public class WildCard { public static void main(String[] args) { for (String arg: args) { System.out.printl...

Create rule in makefile for just a set of files

I am writing a Makefile, and I want to use a generic rule with wildcards, like %: bkp/% cp $< $@ But I wanted this rule to be valid only for a few specific files. I wanted to define a variable with the list, for example file_list = foo.c bar.c zzz.c and configure the rule so it is only valid for files that are listed in this var...

How to install Wildcard SSL Cert on IIS 7.5

I have a GoDaddy WildCard Certificate Installed in my Windows 2008 R2 Box. I'm running IIS 7.5 My cert is for *.MyDomain.com I plan to use it on 50-100 sub domains. Each one will have a unique IP. I have the cert installed the on server. for some reason it only works on the 1st site i installed, and not other sites. Those other sites ...