
Wildcard searches using dismax handler ?

Hi, I have successfully indexed files, and want to be able to search using wildcards. I am currently using the dismaxRequestHandler (QueryType = dismax) for the searches so that I can search all the fields for the query. A general search like 'computer' returns results but 'com*er' doesn't return any results. Similary, a search like 'c...

Using generics with wildcards does not allow using methods with generic as a parameter

If i declare a generic class as something like public class Driver<V extends Car> where Car is an interface. Then, I use it with something like this: Driver<?> driver = new Driver<Chevrolet>(); I don't want to specify a specific implementation of car as the generic. Why is it that I cannot call methods implemented in driver that ...

Problem using Wildcard search in Solr

Hi, I am having a problem doing wildcard searches in lucene syntax using the edismax handler. I have Solr 4.0 nightly build from the trunk. A general search like 'computer' returns results but 'com*er' doesn't return any results. Similary, a search like 'co?mput?r' returns no results. The only type of wildcard searches working currren...

How to EasyMock a call to a method that returns a wildcarded generic?

We're looking at switching to Spring 3.0 and running into problems with the intersection of Spring 3.0, EasyMock, and Java Generics. In one place, we're mocking a Spring 3.0 AbstractBeanFactory, specifically this method: public Class<?> getType(String name) throws NoSuchBeanDefinitionException { ... } Under earlier versions of Spring...

tsql using like with wildcard and trailing space?

I cannot get the like statement to work with space and trailing wildcard. My query goes as follows: select * from Table where Field like 'Desc_%' The data is space-delimited such as, Desc Top, Desc Bottom and so on. The query works when I use the pattern 'Desc_%' but not when I use the pattern 'Desc %'. The field is nvarchar(255). A...

Solr's SnowballPorterFilterFactory and Wildcard parameters

Hi, I'm having an issue querying Solr using the following field type: <fieldType name="text_ci" class="solr.TextField" positionIncrementGap="100"> <analyzer> <tokenizer class="solr.WhitespaceTokenizerFactory"/> <filter class="solr.LowerCaseFilterFactory"/> <filter class="solr.StopFilterFactory" ignoreCase="true" wo...

Python search file using wildcard

If I want get a list of filenames with a search pattern with wildcard. Like: getFilenames.py c:\PathToFolder\* getFilenames.py c:\PathToFolder\FileType*.txt getFilenames.py c:\PathToFolder\FileTypeA.txt How to do this? Thanks. ...

How Do I Tell ASP.NET Forms Authentication to Not Authenticate Certain File Extensions ?

I have an asp.net 2.0 (.net3.5) website on II6. It is setup to use forms authentication. I have set up "aspnet_isapi.dll" as an entry in the "Wildcard application map" in IIS so all requests would go through asp.net. In web.config I have disallow all anonymous user via the following setting: <system.web> <authorization> <den...

MySQL: Possible to have wildcards in AS aliases?

I have a bunch of fields named the same across multiple tables (I inherited it - don't blame me ;). Instead of setting up all of the aliases verbosely, is it possible to assign/prepend an alias automatically by way of a wildcard? I'm envisioning something like (which of course doesn't really work): SELECT t1.*,t2.* as alias2.*, t3.* ...

Sphinx wildcard searching won't work

I have used the following code: function searchSphinx2($tofind,$jobtype_id,$payper_id,$onetimeBounds) { $this->load->library('session'); $this->load->library('sphinxclient'); global $result; global $functionresult; $functionresult=array(); $this->sphinxclient->setServer('localhost'...

Java nested wildcard generic won't compile

I have a problem with bounded nested wildcards in Java generics. Here's a common case: public void doSomething(Set<? extends Number> set) {} public void callDoSomething() { Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(); doSomething(set); } This is standard Java generics, works fine. However if the wildcard becomes nested, it ...

SQL wildcards not returning data?

I have a select statement that is used in a gridview via a stored procedure: SELECT * FROM T_Computer WHERE (ISTag LIKE '%' + @ISTag + '%') AND Status <> 'Trashed' AND Status <> 'Sold' AND Status <> 'Stored' The @ISTag, an nchar is determined by a textbox value, if the textbox is empty I have the default value set to %, which in my mi...

How to get a list of files matching a filemask (wildcard) in Clojure?

Is there an easy way to get a list of files matching a specified filemask? By filemask I mean classic wildcard, not regexp. I can use file-seq and then filter with regexp created from a wildcard. However, it is not trivial (consider escaping etc.) I am also aware of FilenameUtils.wildcardMatch() from Apache Commons, but I'm reluctant t...

When does Java type inference produce an infinite type?

The JLS mentions in the type inference algorithm (§15.12.2): It is possible that the process above yields an infinite type. This is permissible, and Java compilers must recognize such situations and represent them appropriately using cyclic data structures. However, I'm unable to find an actual example where javac produces an inf...

SSL renewal problem.

I can't seem to find the answer for this through google, so hopefully someone here can help me out. I have a wildcard certificate that is about to expire in 9 days. I received a new certificate from the CA that will expire in 2012. I installed the certificate in the personal certificate store. So I now have both certificates in there. ...

how do I use a NSIS wildcard in the middle of a relpath

I have a directory structure that has the USER_ID in it, I'd like to distribute an nsis script that goes to a wild-carded directory ... something like File ..\*Project\a\b.exe ;or File ..\B???Project\a\b.exe to go to ..\B123Project\a\b\c.exe or B234Project\a\b.exe. The wild card does what I want for files, but not directories. ...

Multiple wildcards on a generic methods makes Java compiler (and me!) very confused

Let's first consider a simple scenario (see complete source on ideone.com): import java.util.*; public class TwoListsOfUnknowns { static void doNothing(List<?> list1, List<?> list2) { } public static void main(String[] args) { List<String> list1 = null; List<Integer> list2 = null; doNothing(list1, list2...

MySQL LIKE wildcard for table

Hi, I have a PHP document which will execute some MySQL and echo it back. Code: $query1 = "SELECT * FROM feed, recipients WHERE feed.title LIKE \"%recipients.suburb%"\ ORDER BY pubDate DESC"; recipients.suburb (table.column) is in my MySQL DB. How can I perform wildcards on this? This works, but I cant do it to tables? $query1 = "SE...

problem with lucene wildcard search at the end of search term

hello, i noticed a problem by searching, when i search for "myword" for example in textfiles (with lucene.net), but when i search for "myword*" myword isn't found! in the description of using wildcards it says: Multiple character wildcard searches looks for 0 or more characters.[...] 0 or more, but it doesn't work actually. my...

How to wget a file when the filename isn't known?

I am trying to automate the download of a file using wget and calling the php script from cron, the filename always consists of filename and date, however the date changes depending on when the file is uploaded. The trouble is there is no certainty of when the file is updated, and hence the final name can never really be known until the ...