
tweak old delphi exe to work with Win7 (windows size issue)

How to tweak old legacy delphi exe to work well in Win7, there are no source codes, but luckily just one small GUI issue: The main window size is fixed to be too narrow and now the text in control does not fit to screen. adjusting compatibility settings do not help at all. ...

VS 2008 with Windows 7

I have installed VS 2008 in Windows 7 (Ultimate) and I've been getting a COMException every time that I try to open an application project. The funny thing is, if I start my VS in "administrator" mode, the exception will not occur. Anyone knows what the issue might be? ...

Change windows 7 hotkey or disable monitor orientation

Hi! Windows 7 (may be Vista too) has the hotkey to change display orientation (Ctrl+Alt+[Up, down, left, right]). This hotkey correlates with the one of my IDE. So I would like to disable windows's action on pressing. Does any body now how to disable it? ...

[WPF] Button turns invisible on Windows 7 machines without Visual Studio installed

We have a window that displays fine on all of our Windows 7 development machines with Visual Studio but not on the ones without Visual Studio installed. We have a simple OK/Cancel button pair and on the affected machines the OK button is invisible but if you click in the place where it should be it still works. Here are the styles used:...

WNetAddConnection2 in Windows 7 with Impersonation and no Error Code

I'm doing some crazy impersonation stuff to get around UAC dialogs in Windows 7 so the user does not have to interact with the UI (I have the admin creds of course). I have a process running as the Administrator and elevated past UAC. The issue that I'm facing is that when I make a call to WNetAddConnection2, within this process, I am ...

Codewright problems with 64-bit Windows 7

I'm a huge Codewright fan and have been using it since before Premia released it back in the day. All of a sudden (when I switched to Windows 7, I think) it behaves oddly. I can't save a file to disk. Out of the blue I get an error message that CW has run out of memory. Anybody else seen this? ...

Windows 7 Desktop Gadget + Silverlight 3 (GDR2) Issues

I am having load of issues getting my SL-based gadgets to work! I do the following: Create a standard silverlight application (Silverlight 3 GDR 2 - 3.0.40818.0) and run it - it works! I then take the ClientBin folder, the test page (html) and the silverlight.js files and place them in a folder! I then double click on the html test page...

localhost problem on windows 7

Hi there I m using windows 7 prof. and i want to run my web project but url modife to if use it working. i checked host file which in the C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\Etc\hosts. i deleted that rows : # localhost # ::1 localhost but anything changes. h...

Program Compatibility Assistant thinks my app is an installer

I have created a .NET C# WinForms application on Win 7 RTM x64, which let's say I have called DataInstaller. When I run this program outside of the debugger (just an empty form with no functionality at the moment), it works fine until I close the form. I then get a message from the Program Compatibility Assistant that says: This progra...

Use Django and MySQL on Windows

I am just starting to get into Python and decided to download the Django Framework as well, I have that working just fine but then I tried to create my first "Django App" (the tutorial at the Django website) and when I ran into the "Database setup" I start having issues I am using Windows 7 and I've always played around with MySQL in WAM...

How can I filter by file type in an IExplorerBrowser in Windows 7 Libraries?

I've created an instance of IExplorerBrowser in my code to create a custom I/O view in one of my dialogs. I've implemented the IServiceProvider and ICommDlgBrowser interfaces in my host class. I use the IExplorerBrowser::BrowseToIDList method to fill the view. I would like to filter the file types displayed (ex. only PNG files). If I c...

De-referencing null in VS with Windows 7

I have noticed that when I was running Windows XP, if my code dereferenced null I would get a crash in debug and I could then easily identify where the bug was coming from. It seems that in Windows 7 (I'm running 64-bit), instead of crashing or creating any sort of notification, the code will simply break its current iteration and start...

PHP and Windows 7 error reporting

i have installed php 5.3.0 on windows 7 & IIS and i configure it for CGI i fond a great article at its really easy and it works (thanks who have uploaded this) php run fine, but problem is when there is any error in script instead of getting err...

What the minimum edition of Windows 7 to work with Visual Studio/

With Windows Vista/XP, I needed at minimum the Home Premium edition. In the Home Basic edition of Vista/XP I cannot work with ASP.Net... What the minimum edition of Windows 7 to work with Visual Studio? What the minimum edition of Windows 7 to work with ASP.Net? ...

Rules to Develop a Delphi Windows 7 App

Where can I find the best set of rules to follow for developing a Delphi application for Windows 7? ...

Windows 7 OpenLDAP Curl DLL Dependency Hell

Hi, I really hope someone can be of help to me because this problem has me totally stuck and frustrated. Yesterday I installed a fresh and shiney new Windows 7 x64 onto a development box. I got VS2008 installed, Tortoise SVN, did a checkout, compiled my currently project, all fine and dandy. But when I go to run (either F5 in VS or ...

How do I fetch the folder icon on Windows 7 using Shell32.SHGetFileInfo

I have the following code which works on Windows XP and Vista - both 32 and 64 bit: public static Icon GetFolderIcon(IconSize size, FolderType folderType) { // Need to add size check, although errors generated at present! uint flags = Shell32.SHGFI_ICON | Shell32.SHGFI_USEFILEATTRIBUTES; if (FolderType.Open == folderType) ...

How can I mount an ISO file on Windows 7 to install software that reboots during install?

I have Windows 7. I downloaded the Visual Studio Express 2010 beta ISO file. In installed Virtual Clone Drive and mounted the above ISO file as a drive. I installed from that drive, but upon the necessary reboot, it couldn't find the drive, even after I mounted it again and clicked Try Again, it still couldn't find the file and hence ...

Powershell script to enable 'IIS Management Scripts and Tools'

After looking around (for not terribly long I have to admit) I wonder if anyone can point me to a Powershell script that checks if 'IIS Management Scripts and Tools' is enabled and if its not then it enables it like you would from Add Windows features. I checked and and couldnt find one I never touched Power...

How to advance the wallpaper slideshow on windows vista/7 programatically?

I readed on a forum that the "Next Desktop Background" command in Windows Aero Slideshow feature calls the stobject.dll file. So I runned the dumpbin to check wheter I could se an exported method to call: Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC\bin\dumpbin.exe /EXPORTS Windows\System32\stobject.dll Microsoft (R) COFF/PE Dumper Version 9.00....