
IIS7/Win7 - Make sure that the application pool identity has Read access to the physical path

I am running a localhost instance (so domains are not my issue!) on my laptop utilizing Win7 and IIS7. I am getting authentication errors on my website and my one virtual directory. default website - localhost:80 c:\mydirectory\localhost virtual directory - c:\mydirectory\weborb30 Please notice these are not under c:\inetpub\wwwroot...

cryptoapi windows 7 support

Hello Microsoft has introduced cryptography next generation (CNG) from Vista and server 2008 onwards. But my question is to know whether microsoft supports the old cryptoAPI(say for eg. in windows 2003 and windows xp, - crypt32.dll) in windows 7 and server 2008. Thanks Raj ...

Windows 7 Gadget debugging with Visual Studio 2010

hey guys! i try to debug a windows gadget. Just-In-Time debugging fires up and i can see an VS2010IDE attached to the sidebar process. But there is no source code to debug! Only a blank file with the yellow debug pointer. What is my problem? Configuration of my system is based on this article: Gadgets for Windows Sidebar Debugging (ht...

How to install Sql Server 2008/vs2008 on Windows 7

Hello, I have been trying really hard to install Sql Server 2008 sp1 along with VS 2008 sp1 on my Windows 7 machine. I tried every possible combination: install vs 2008 upgrade to sp1 then install sqlserver 2008 upgrade to sp1 using offline packet/upgrade automatically using windows update. However, I have nothing listed under Sql Ser...

My Subversion keeps excluding my files

Hi Every time I checkout my site from my repository. I notice most of my files that I have are excluded. So I have to go hunt down every file and include it in the project. This is very annoying. I am using Subversion and tortiseSVN for windows. What do I need to do to stop this? ...

PerformanceCounters on .NET 4.0 & Windows 7

I have a program that works fine on VS2008 and Vista, but I'm trying it on Windows 7 and VS2010 / .NET Framework 4.0 and it's not working. Ultimately the problem is that System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory.GetCategories() (and other PerformanceCounterCategory methods) is not working. I'm getting a System.InvalidOperationExcepti...

Access to external window handles

Hello, I am having a problem with the program I am currently working on. It is caused by the increased security in vista/Windows 7, specifically the UIPI which prevents a window with a lower integrity level 'talking' to a higher one. In my case, i am wanting to tell the window with a high Integrity level to move into our application, It...

First Steps on Win7 and Instrumentation

Hello as showed in the last pdc, we as developers can take advantage of SO capabilities and add instrumentation to our code (based on best practices). So in that session they introduce the new Windows PowerShell-based troubleshooting platform, and how it enables you to easily monitor multiple data sources to empower the end user and IT...

Stop/Start service in code in Windows 7

I am trying to write a app and service which monitor a given set of services and a) makes sure they are running and b) based on certain criteria, restart them as needed. I keep running into an access denied error. If I simply iterate through the processes on the system, find the one I want like so: foreach (ServiceController sc in Ser...

How to Save a setting for All users under Vista

I need to save a setting which is then available to all users of the application on the given machine. It needs to work on Vista/Win 7, and the application won’t be started as administrator. Can’t Save to program directory as the Program Files folder is protected on Vista Can’t save to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE as that’s protected too Can’t s...

Setting a Bitmap in Windows 7 thumbnail preview (C#)

Hello, I am currently using the Windows 7 API Code pack for an application I am coding in C#. Currently, I understand how to draw part of the Window region or a control into the thumbnail preview: TaskbarManager.Instance.TabbedThumbnail.SetThumbnailClip((new WindowInteropHelper(this)).Handle, new System.Drawing.Rectangle((int)v.X, (in...

TrustedInstaller is preventing registry writes to HKCR\DirectShow\MediaObjects\Categories

Hi, I'm trying to install a DMO which requires me to write to HKCR\DirectShow\MediaObjects\Categories\57f2db8b-e6bb-4513-9d43-dcd2a6593125, this registry path is protected by TrustedInstaller and it seems that this protection is new in Windows 7 (it work on previous platforms). How am I suppose to install DMOs? There are plenty of p...

How to set application's taskbar icon

How do I set an application's taskbar icon in PyQt4? I have tried setWindowIcon, and it successfully sets the icon in the top-left of the main window, but it does not affect the icon shown in the Windows 7 taskbar -- the taskbar icon remains the default Python pyw icon. Here is my code: from PyQt4 import QtGui app = QtGui.QApplication...

C# How to programatically change the playback device

How can I programatically change the default audio device on a vista / win 7 system? Using C# or a Win API call? ...

As a developer, how should I use the special folders in Vista (and Windows 7)?

Where should I save data related to my application? Where should I save configuration files? Where should I save temporary files? Should I do it in "Documents" ? "AppData" ? etc.... What is the best practice for saving data to the disk (I guess, best practice for special folders?!) Thanks! ...

Why CreateProcessAsUser requires interactive window station on Vista/Windows 7?

I had to delve into this because the code that worked fine on Windows 2003/XP doesn't on Windows 7. Application launched by the use of CreateProcessAsUser fails with 0xc0000142 error code. The difference between my old code and one available from MSDN at Starting an Interactive Client Process in C++ is that I didn't set up privileges and...

A Problem with dynamically created distributed queries in SQL Server 2008 on Windows 7

I'm just doing some stat collection on multiple servers, and as a test I'm working with my machine (Machine A) and another machine (Machine B) on the local network. My Machine (A) is collecting all the information in the staging table from the other Machine (B). I have a sp that runs and dynamically creates something like this: exec (...

Unable to write file in C++

I'm trying to to the most basic of things .... write a file in C++, but the file is not being written. I don't get any errors either. Maybe I'm missing something obvious ... or what? I thought there was something wrong with my code, but I also tried a sample I found on the net and still no file is created. This is the code: ofstream...

MySQL driver for Rails in Windows 7 x64

I've got problem with connecting to MySQL database on my freshly installed Windows 7 machine. I'm getting this error when I try to migrate my database. !!! The bundled mysql.rb driver has been removed from Rails 2.2. Please install the mysql gem and try again: gem install mysql. rake aborted! 193: %1 is not valid Win32 application - C:...

Windows 7 - translucent drag manager?

When dragging a file from Windows Explorer into other apps, I now get a nice icon of the files I drag. I cannot remember this from previous Windows versions so I was hoping that they finally implemented the equivalent of the Translucent Drag Manager where you can associate a transparent image with the drag contents. Does anyone know anyt...