
use win7 as dev-machine operating system enough??

so far i have winsrv 2003 as the operating system on my dev-machine. now my manager asks me if i can switch to win7 because of licencing costs. anybody of you know any good reasons for doing/not doing this? ...

.Net Source Debugging on Windows 7

We are trying to debug through a Sql Server CE issue on a Windows 7 Enterprise RTM (64-bit) desktop running the .Net Framework 3.5, SP1. The application is crashing consistently and we are trying to set up .Net Framework debugging for Visual Studio 2008, SP1. Using the scattered resoures around the internet, we set the options: Symbol...

How to use .NET to Turn the Monitor back on after the Idle Timer has Turned it Off?

How do I turn the monitor back on after the idle timer has turned it off? I have power options in windows 7 set to: Turn off monitor after: 1 minute Go to sleep: Never But I don't know how to turn it back on through code. ...

How to run and debug nunit tests in Visual Studio 2008 on 64-bit Windows 7?

Hello, I've exchanged my dev machine (WinXP/32bit) to a new one (Windows 7/64bit). Now I have trouble running NUnit test from inside Visual Studio 2008. I'm using latest build of TestDrivenNet. What I am looking for is either: a) how to make TestDrivenNet work on Win7/64 b) looking for suggestion for alternative test runner. Free one...

Windows Explorer-like search box on Aero glass frame with WPF

I'm extending the Aero glass frame into the client area and want to place a search box on the extended frame, just like it Windows Explorer does: The default WPF text box has a grey/blue border though, and not the dark, white glowing border that can be seen on the screenshot. How do I change the WPF text box to use the same style as ...

Thumbnail Toolbar Button

Hi everybody Today I have another specific question about a new feature in windows 7 called the thumbnail toolbar or the Aero Peek Toolbar if some might like to call it that way. I have been able to create a new set of toolbar buttons for my application each button with its unique icon and behavior But I haven't been able to add functio...

IIS and Glassfish in Windows 7

I installed the newest version of Windows 7. This is my development box, so I have glassfish installed, which I use for Java applications. Also, I use IIS to run PHP applications. I run both servers on port 80, but never at the same time. However, since I set up IIS, I can't get glassfish to run. In eclipse, it always gives the follow...

side-by-side in Windows 7 - also Vista

I am using a tool from Xenocode that can build a virtual application environment. Our application is complex, with several tools and executables that work together. Initially I used a xenocode tool to take a before and after snapshot to generate the original app. Since then I have modified the build script manually. Now I have to add a n...

Visual Studio 2008 MVC and Run as Administrator

In my visual studio mvc applications I have 4 build configurations; one is to use IIS as the web server, which requires "run as administrator" when running visual studio. So I ran as admin and created some new files. I have a multi-project template that I use for all my web applications. So I copied the new files from the projec...

Delphi issues on windows 7 x64 ?

Hello I searched around but I couldn't find a straight answer to these questions, only bits and pieces: if I install windows seven x64, 1 - will I be able to use delphi 2007+ as I'm used to aka start it, code in it, debug in it, compile in it ? I've seen the debugger issue and the hex edit workaround. 2 - will my application compiled...

GitHub noobian, should I install msysGit or Cygwin?

I intend to use GitHub with Git Extensions and possibly integrate with FogBugz (optional). Looking at the download page and reading some rather technical half related questions I wanted to see what you thought would be better to install on Windows 7, given I want to integrate with Visual Studio 2008 (thinking this would be through GitEx...

Is there a .Net API for querying the Windows 7 Media Center Program Guide?

I'd like to query the Windows 7 Media Center Program Guide from a C# app. e.g. to answer questions like "What time is The Inbetweeners next showing on Channel 4?". I've looked through the Media Center SDK (v6 and v5) but this suggests it is only possible to use the Microsoft.MediaCenter.TV.Scheduling classes to request recordings ("Clic...

Are there any development issues with regards to a specific version of Windows 7?

With the three different versions of Windows 7 (Home, Professional, Ultimate), are there any limitations/ease of use issues that are known of/might become an issue? The WinXP virtualization can most likely improve invaluable on Pro and Ultimate for testing differnet builds (although it's easily circumvented with something like VirtualPC...

Debugging on Win7 HyperV VM, get multiple instances of "0xC0000096 Privileged instruction" exceptions

When I debug a large app (with VS2008) that I maintain on a Windows 7 Hyper V VM, it seems that once I hit a breakpoint, VS constantly throws 0xC0000096 Privileged instruction exceptions( or 0x00000005 Access violation reading 0x03A6E7EB). It doesn't seem to matter where the breakpoints are set either. I can do exactly the same things o...

User Instance Failure error when creating a Service-based database in VS 2008 and using SQL Server Express 2005 on Windows 7

I just installed SQL-Server Express 2005 on my machine and I am trying to create a Service-based Database for a C# application. But when I try to create it I end up with the following error message: Failed to generate a user instance of SQL Server due to a failure in starting the process for the user instance. The connection will be cl...

Java applications with Windows 7 - are there compatibility concerns?

Hi, with some fuzz around Windows 7, does somebody have experiences with Java compatibility with Windows 7? Should this be a concern or do the programs probably work ok? I'd be especially interested if somebody has experiences with Swing applications? The versions available seem to be beta versions so they won't provide perfect basis ...

How to program Multi Tab Task bar Preview like IE on Windows 7 in WPF?

Windows 7 has a new Task bar, and IE can display multiple tabs in the task bar previews, most of programs which does have not implemented this new api only shows one preview, I have an application where I have multiple tabs and I want to show each tab on this preview. Let me elabourate more on it, I know that every new window created ...

Reload display icc current calibrations automation in Windows

I have a problem where Windows discards custom ICC display calibrations whenever an external monitor is hot-plugged into my system. I believe this applies to both Windows 7 and Windows Vista. I want to automate pushing the "Reload current calibrations" button on the advanced tab of the Color Management control panel applet. Ideally, I'd ...

get all opened forms, c#?

Hi! I need to use Windows7.DesktopIntegration.WindowsFormsExtensions functions, such as WindowsFormsExtensions.SetTaskbarProgress, with some opened forms. These forms are not opened by my application. How to get link to Form object of each window? Or maybe there is another way to use these taskbar functions? ...

Application that won't pin to the Windows 7 Taskbar

Kind of stumped - I have an application I've built (it's an old Visual FoxPro app) that won't pin to the Windows 7 task bar. Before you jump and say - FOXPRO is at fault - I have several other FoxPro apps running the same exact environment and they pin to the taskbar just fine. VFP 9 apps are EXEs with a runtime dependency but otherwise ...