
windows7 set the "show icon and notification" programmatically

I want my application (written in c#) which needs to run on Windows 7 and show an icon in the notifiaction area. The default is "only show notifivcation" I my icon to be shown by default. looking for the api in c# or to wite a script for this. If there's no direct way to do this is there any overriding way? Any idea will help- urgent is...

VS 2005, SQL 2008, KB954961 Won't Install - Win7 x64 Issue?

I recently installed Win 7 x64 on my machine. I have Visual Studio 2005 Standard, and need to install the update for SQL 2008 support, so I can connect to the remote SQL Server within VS. When I try to run the update, I get ...

SWT Table with SWT.VIRTUAL raises StackOverflowError

After recently installing Windows 7 Professional, I'm getting a strange problem removing a TableItem from a populated Table in SWT. It is specific to Windows 7 and to the SWT.VIRTUAL style constant for the table. Consider the following code: table = new Table(parent, SWT.VIRTUAL | Skin.SCROLL_STYLE | SWT.FULL_...

How can I add an 'enhancement' sound filter in win7?

In windows 7, if one right clicks on the speaker icon in the taskbar, clicks playback devices, opens properties for one of the devices tab, then clicks the enhancements tab, one gets a list of filters ("Bass Boost" etc) that can be applied to that sound device. How can I register my own custom filter here? Please note that I am not an I...

Installing Visual Studio 2005 on Windows 7 X64

I am trying to install Visual Studio 2005 Professional on Windows 7 X64 and it fails quickly while installing Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 64bit Prerequisites (x64). The install error logs includes the following: [08/25/09,14:46:14] Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 64bit Prerequisites (x64): [2] Component Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 64...

Changing background image of logon screen programmatically?

I'd like to replace the bitmap on the logon screen of Windows 7 64-bit with one that is on disk. I have a program that periodically switches the background image of my desktop, and it has a configuration to run a program after it has changed it, which I thought I could use to also copy the same bitmap to the logon screen. Does anyone kn...

System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following error: 80070005.

Hello. I have a problem with a C# ASP .NET project in Visual Studio 2008 This problem started when I reinstalled my computer with Windows 7 ultimate 64-bit. To this I'm also using Office 2007. The error message I'm getting is: {System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {000209FF-000...

NPLogonNotify not called for smartcard login (Windows 7)

Hello: I have some code which acts as a network provider and can intercept both traditional logins and smartcard logins via the NPLogonNotify callback. This is running on XP (32 bit). I am porting to Windows 7 (64 bit). NPLogonNotify is still supported according to MSDN and indeed my code captures traditional logins successfully. The i...

Why am I not receiving either WM_GESTURE or WM_TOUCH?

My window is not receiving WM_GESTURE messages, nor WM_TOUCH messages. According to the msdn touch troubleshooter, I ought to be receiving WM_GESTURE messages unless I have called RegisterTouchWindow, which I have not. My code calls GetSystemMetrics as described in the help page for "Getting started with Windows Touch", and it tells me t...

XBAP with FireFox and Windows 7

Firefox depends on an extension and plugin installed by the .NET 3.5 installer to run XBAPs. Unfortunately, in Windows 7 the .NET 3.5 runtime is already installed. Does anyone know how to get a hold of these plugins/extensions so you can actually deploy XBAPs to FireFox on Windows 7? ...

memory problem when calling unmanaged code from managed code in Windows 7

When I call an unmanaged C++ code from my C# code, I seem to have some kind of a memory leak. The C++ reads data from a file using, and writes it to a Vector. This happens only after upgrading to Windows 7, doesn't happen on Vista, but if I use a version of the native dll that was compiled on Vista, it doesn't change anyth...

Opening VS2008 Project from VSS under Windows7

I have a fresh install of VS2008 and VSS under Windows 7. When opening a project I get a file requester that has a Source Safe icon on the left, but when I click it, there's nothing listed. I've launched VSS and setup my repository and that's all good. How do I open VSS projects? Never had this issue until Windows 7. ...

How to get a list of recently opened documents for an application?

I've found that it's easy to add a recently opened document with help of SHAddToRecentDocs Windows 7 Jump Lists somehow do it by knowing only program shortcut. Programs added to Windows 7 start menu also allow to access their corresponding recently opened list. A .NET wrapper for Windows API is prefered but anything will do :) ...

running sql server 2008 on windows 7 and setup its sp problems

I installed sql server 2008 on my windows 7 rtm, but as you see in the screen shot all its services are stop and when i try to start it fail, also when i try to install SP, it give me a big error message. Is it not possible to install sql 2008 on windows 7 or what should i fix? feel free to ask me to know more about the problem. ...

Problem installing visual studio service pack on Windows 7

I recently installed Windows 7, then installed Visual Studio 2008. I would like to install SP1 for Visual Studio in order to use MVC but I got an error. I found an answers on SO that suggested a certain patch. I anstalled the patch but still have a problem, see a screenshot here. What to do now? ...

Windows 7 XP Mode and Visual Studio 2003

Hey all! So with Windows 7's XP Mode, will this allow developers to run Visual Studio 2003 on Windows 7 without hacks? Thanks all! -Steve ...

Internet Explorer 8 64bit and Selenium Not working.

I am trying to get selenium tests to run. Yet every time I try to run a tests that should run IE I get a error on line 863 of htmlutils.js It says that I should disable my popup blocker. The thing is I went to IE tools-> turn of popup block. So it is disabled and I get this error. Is there something else I need to disable. I actually d...

Qt: what is the current status of Windows 7 Taskbar Extensions support?

Windows 7 Aero Theme has a brand new taskbar with extensions. What is the current status of Taskbar Extensions (jump lists, etc.) support in Qt? ...

Windows API to make Windows Vista and 7 semi-transparent screenshots

Windows Vista and Windows 7 display semi-transparent forms when Aero is activated. And some screen-taking applications such as WinSnap or Windows Clippings are able to capture those windows as a semi-transparent PNG image. What Windows API are they using to obtain such a beautiful capture ? ...

How hard would it be to port a directx 7 application to run on Windows 7?

We had an arcade/redemption game running on Win98, but hardware which can run it has finally gone obsolete. The game used a number of scaling effects, some through the 3D path, and played some tricks moving things in and out of video memory. If I was to undertake porting it to run on Windows 7, how much trouble would it likely be? Wou...