
Windows 7 Libraries

Hi there I hope someone can help me with this as I'm unable to find the right method to do it. I am currently developing an application that should ,in a part of it, be able to enumerate all the Windows Libraries and display their contents as well. For now I was able to get the included folders for all the standard windows 7 libraries, ...

How to detect and disable Windows 7 virtual wifi adapter

Windows 7 has a (neat?) new feature called a 'virtual wireless adapter'. Read about it here: I have an application that directly controls the windows wifi interface card using the Native Wifi API (

Slow web service (and WCF service) calls from Windows 7

Hello, I am building a .NET 3.5 Winforms app that uses WCF services (wsHttp binding) to communicate to my server which gets data from SQL Server and passes it back to the Winforms app (Smart Client). I noticed since running Windows 7 RTM there is about a 30 second delay the first time the WCF communicates, from that point forward it's ...

Windows Games Explorer Play/Support Tasks

I'm trying to get a game I'm working on to integrate with the Windows Games Explorer. So far I have embedded a Game Definition Format XML file as a resource in my binary (my actual executable) and I've been able to register the game inside the Games Explorer. However, In Vista, the play tasks and support tasks that I have defined in my...

Side-by-side assemblies, Windows 7, and Visual Studio 2005

I have a Windows 7 machine with Visual Studio 2005 SP1 installed. Using this, I build an application which loads a DLL at runtime compiled with VS2005 SP1 but on Windows XP. This fails, with the following error: "...\foo.dll": The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the appl...

Custom Windows 7 Start Menu Search Provider

I'd like to write custom providers for start menu searching, but I can't seem to find where to begin. Things I'd like to be able to do when I type in the search box on the start menu Type "thomas" and see "IM Thomas" (if a Pidgin/whatever-IM-client-with-API contact exists with the name match) Type "=1+2*3" and see "7", or "=2 gallons ...

Security issue with Azure

I need my application to run in FullTrust mode so I added this line to my web/config file: I also modified the .csdef filr to enableNativeCodeExecution. But when I want to run my application (which runs with no problems as a standard Asp.Net web app) I get the following message : "Role isntances did not start within the time allowed. P...

Does Windows7 uses WPF ?

In Windows 7 (and Vista) is WPF used for the taskbar, the widgets, explorer or for anything else of the OS ? ...

Can SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition install to Windows 7 Professional Edition?

I want to install SQL Server 2008 Enterprise Edition to Windows 7 Professional Edition. I tried many times, but it also failed. Is it possible to do that? Anyone has successful to install on this case? Best regards, On ...

C# Getting/Setting BIOS Settings?

I work with a Dell XPS M1710. The laptop has lights in the lid, the side speakers, and the front speakers (3 sets of lights that can be individually adjusted) and a light under the mousepad. In the BIOS I can change the color of these lights, at least, each group. Also, I can turn a light on/off under the mousepad, I can't change it's co...

Problem on Windows 7 using Image.FromStream to open cmyk+alpha tiff file

I'm having a problem running the following code om Windows 7 x86 when creating an Image from a lzw encoded cmyk + alpha TIFF file. The FromStream call throws a System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not validRunning When I run the code on Vista or Server 2008 (both x86 and x64 bit) it just works. using System; using System.Drawing; us...

Windows 7 Action Center

I would appreciate it if someone can guide me to the new MS APIs necessary for modifying/controlling the Windows 7 Action Center. What I need to do is integrate the Backup notification messages in my application which is a backup application in the Action Center. In other words, I want Windows to show that the backup operation was succes...

How do I enable debugging with Visual Studio on Win7 when an application crash unexpectedly?

I have a .NET application that crashes because something is wrong with its configuration file. In Windows XP it asks me if want to debug my application with Visual Studio but in Windows 7 (and I guess in Vista) it shows this error message: How switch this functionality off and get back the Windows XP behaviour? Additional informatio...

VS2008 on Win7 64-Bit: Debugging a Windows Service

Hi all, I'm trying to debug a Windows Service using VS2008 on Win7 64-Bit. The problem I'm having is that none of my breakpoints are being hit, regardless of which build configuration I choose: x86, x64 or AnyCPU. Using "Attach to Process" after the service has started, none of the breakpoints are hit - yet the IDE doesn't inform me th...

How to pin Visual Studio Solutions in Windows 7 Taskbar

As in the title. Is it possible? When I rightclick on Visual Studio in a Taskbar I have a "Recent" category there i have but 1 .cs file that I can pin. Now the question is: what to do to pin a .sln solution there? ...

How to add Windows 7 Jump Lists to a application

I want to add custom jump list entries to my application in Windows 7. The menus I am referring to are the following. Pin a application to the taskbar. Now right click on the application. Some applications like windows media player etc. have custom options that you can run. How do I go about adding these to my application. ...

Windows 7: Decoupling game sound and midi volume?

I am maintaining an OpenGL port of a computer game classic (Descent). It controls sound via SDL_mixer. On Windows 7 the following problem has appeared: Whenever the midi volume is changed, the overall sound volume changes as well. This was not the case on Windows XP. Is there a way to decouple the sound volume from the midi volume, be it...

Watir not working in Windows 7

I recently did a fresh install of Windows 7. I installed Ruby 1.8.6 and Watir via RubyGems. When I try to run a Watir script, IE opens and the first page is called, but the problem seems to be that the script doesn't wait for the page to finish loading (which it's always done in the past). Subsequent lines in the script try to access ...

Not able to find "Use Custom Web Server"

I just installed Windows 7 on my development machine, along with Visual Studio 2008. Everything works fine, except for one thing - I have lost my "Use Custom Web Server" setting! What am I missing? :| Action shot: ...

Why does debugging keep timing out in IIS7?

When I am debugging on my Windows 7 IIS7 machine, I get this error during a debug: The web server process that was being debugged has been terminated by IIS. this can be avoided by configuring application pool setting in IIS. see help for further details. What am I doing wrong? ...