
VB6.0 compatible control that will work on Win 7 for SSL3 communication

Our VB6 application uses a 3rd party control (PowerTCP from Dart) for SSL3 connectivity. However, this doesn't seem to work on Windows 7 - and I have not found any useful information on what I can do to make it work. Is there a VB6.0 compatible control that will work on Win 7 for SSL3 communication? ...

EntryPointNotFoundException when using TaskDialog in C#.

I'm using the following code to call a TaskDialog. [DllImport("ComCtl32", CharSet = CharSet.Unicode, PreserveSig = false)] internal static extern void TaskDialogIndirect( [In] ref TASKDIALOGCONFIG pTaskConfig, [Out] out int pnButton, [Out] out int pnRadioButton, [Out] out bool pfVerificationFlagCh...

What are the benefits of Windows 7 for software developers?

I'm trying to make the case for upgrading my development machine to Windows 7 - I'm currently on Windows XP 32bit. I've already identified the fact that moving to a 64bit OS should help performance by allowing me to max out the amount of RAM in my system. But what other features new to Windows 7 are a boon to software developers? ...

Windows 7: Change Windows Snap edge padding?

The global windows 7 snap function lets you snap windows to max or to the left/right edges of the screen. Is it possible to change the default padding between the snapped windows frames and the very edge of the screen? The default padding is 0, as everything snaps to the very edge. But I think putting a padding in there would help re...

Windows 7, A Good Platform for Developers?

I know of a similar question that got closed. But this one is from a developer's point of view. I must say my experience in terms of software development (not including testing) has been more painful on Vista than on XP. I'm wondering if you guys have had similar experience; and if so, does Windows 7 eases the pain? I'm using Vista on ...

Anyone successfully installed .net framework 4.0 Beta2 on Windows 7 (64 bit)?

Hi, I've just installed windows 7 (64 bit) and sql server 2008 with sp1. Everything seemed fine until now. I've now downloaded .net Framework 4 beta 2 and am trying to run the installer and i get "unable to create new files in the folder into which files are being extracted." Can any one tell me what i'm missing? Has anyone been success...

WM_SIZE with loword==hiword==-1 ?

Just tried some small graphics application of mine on Windows 7, and I'm getting a WM_SIZE event with loword==hiword== -1 -- can this be safely ignored, or does it have some special meaning? I never saw such sizes on XP/Vista, only with Windows 7. The docs don't tell much about what hiword/loword can be, so I wonder if -1 has some specia...

Access Windows 7 features with .NET

I just upgraded my operating system to Windows 7. Visual Studio 2008 also seems to work perfect. Next step is to upgrade my .NET application to use the new Windows 7 features. A quick seach with Google returned the following links: Windows API Code Pack for Microsoft .NET Framework Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework...

How to make Visual Studio 2008 debugger halt at the line where an error occurs?

Whenever I am in debug mode my application closes whenever an error has occurred. The expected outcome is for the VS debugger to halt at the line where the error occurs. I am running VS 2008 on Win 7 Pro x64. Is there anyone out there with the same issue and has successfully resolved? ...

Trying to create a Math Input Panel in C#

How do I create a Math Input Panel in C#? I have tried to put it into a dll and call it but it just closes right away. #include <stdafx.h> #include <atlbase.h> #include "micaut.h" #include "micaut_i.c" extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int run() { CComPtr<IMathInputControl> g_spMIC; // Math Input Control HRESULT hr = CoInitializ...

Is it possible to cast a .NET class into a COM library class?

I am using the MathInputControl class in C# through the micautLib COM library. Example: MathInputControl mic = new MathInputControlClass(); mic.EnableExtendedButtons(true); mic.Show(); I am using Microsoft.Ink and I would like to be able to send an Ink object to the MathInputControl object through the MathInputControl....

IFileSaveDialog - choosing folders in Windows 7

In Vista, I have been using an IFileSaveDialog to let users pick a "save-as" folder. Users export a folder of images, say, and need to choose a new or existing target folder. Briefly, the code goes like this: IFileSaveDialog* dialog; // created dialog->SetOptions(FOS_PICKFOLDERS); dialog->Show(NULL); dialog->GetResult(&shellItem) In ...

Setting up IIS7.5 for local ASP.Net Development

Are there any particular settings one should optimally enable/disable/tweak when doing ASP.Net MVC development on local test machine Windows 7 using IIS 7.5 and moving in and out the debugger & recompiling refrequnetly (integration/troubleshooting stage now before TDD fantactics throw stones - although admittedly I could have more under ...

Window glass in .NET

Normal border glass is nice, but how can I do the second type of transparency like middle part in the window with the list of gadgets? And what about white light on the back of text? ...

converting TForm win32 app to Win7 gadget (delphi)

What is the process of converting win32 application (a small popup window actually) to win7 gadget? Do I need to convert my exe to activex component, can I still use TForm ? it would be nice to have support for both Win7 + Vista. ...

installing gadget to user desktop

Is is possible to install gadget to user's desktop somehow? I believe its needed to copy files to folder: C:\Users\curusername\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Sidebar\Gadgets\test.gadget but how to register/activate my test.gadget? Is it enough to shell execute test.gadget? ...

Kubunutu/Windows 7 dual-boot and git

I've been using Kubuntu and Windows 7 on my laptop for some time. Recently I also started using git to keep track of a project I'm working on. At first I thought I'd use the same git repo for editing from both Kubuntu and Win, but I soon discovered that committing changes on Win would make git on Kubuntu think all the files have changed ...

crash when building with Visual Studio 2005 on Windows 7

I ran Visual Studio 2005 on Windows Vista (32-bit). I recently upgraded to Windows 7, and Visual C++ began crashing when building release executables. The actual crash is in mt.exe. I get the message, "mt.exe has stopped working". Is there a way to solve the crash, or do I need to upgrade to Visual Studio 2008? ...

Pimp my UAC and a few questions about it

Hi, I have this application that need to do some things in protected paths (like %PROGRAMFILES%), I know that I should be using %APPDATA%, but I can't change that for now. I have isolated all the things that could require UAC to show up on another project, here's a sample code: using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; u...

The procedure entry point_except_handler4_common could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll

As I had feared some of our old VB6 projects are not playing nice with Windows 7. Some of our customers have already upgraded and our one product is returning this error every time you run the executable: The procedure entry point_except_handler4_common could not be located in the dynamic link library msvcrt.dll First thing I tried was...