
Sign in as different user when using Integrated Windows Authentication

I have restricted access to a site by using Integrated Windows Authentication and turning off anonymous access. This way I can then show them their real name (from looking up on Active Directory and using the server variable LOGON_USER) and do other related Active Directory tasks. How can I then prompt again for their user credentials, ...

Setting Sql server security rights for multiple situations

We have an application which uses an instance of Sql Server locally for its backend storage. The administrator windows login has had its sysadmin right revoked, and instead two sql logins have been created; one for the application with a secret password and one read only login we let users view the raw data with. This was working fine u...

How would I access the Windows Login (Authentication) API from a C++ Service Application?

Let us imagine for a moment that I have a piece of hardware that can act as an authentication for a user on a given system. I want to write an application in C++ to run as a service, look for this device and if found log the appropriate user in. I believe I have found the API's I would need to use to perform the hardware and service port...

How to upload a file in WCF along with identifying credentials?

I've got an issue with WCF, streaming, and security that isn't the biggest deal but I wanted to get people's thoughts on how I could get around it. I need to allow clients to upload files to a server, and I'm allowing this by using the transferMode="StreamedRequest" feature of the BasicHttpBinding. When they upload a file, I'd like to ...

How to configure an ASP.NET app to work with a URI-referenced folder, in IIS7

I am not certain this is the correct forum for my question, but it is probably solvable by using an aspx file. The problem is that I have an IIS server that has a virtual directory that is referenced via an UNC, on the same intranet. When I have Windows Integrated Authentication turned on, the application does authenticate me, as I can...

Not able to connect to TFS Server from TFS Proxy

In our office we have setup TFS for project development. The TFS Server is WIN 2003 server SP2 with VSTFS 2008 and is running fine. Now we need to setup a TFS Proxy server on client site for client to access. Before going for the client setup, I wanted to build and test proxy in our office on a dummy server (will call it Proxy server her...

Silverlight + SharePoint Web Services : Avoiding Browser Login Prompt

Environment: SharePoint 2007 (Integrated Windows Authentication) Silverlight 3.0 (Communicating with SharePoint via WCF) On the SharePoint site, we have a list that contains links to other sites throughout the SharePoint web application. The silverlight app traverses this first list via Web Service call to /_vti_bin/Lists.asmx and m...

IIS7 Itegrated Pipeline Mode: Context.User is intermittently null for Windows Auth

Our code relies on checking the Context.User.Identity value in the Global.asax Application_AuthenticateRequest(...) method to retrieve some information about the logged in user. This works fine in classic mode but when I flip IIS to use the Integrated Pipeline "Context.User" comes back as null, but only intermittently. Any ideas why? ...

.NET Integrated Windows Authentication (on Server 2003, 2008 R2 and Win7)

I'm having a nightmare creating my first Window Authenticated app... There is a lot of documentation available on the web but despite trying to follow the most common approaches, I'm still limping along. My requirements are initially very simple: I have a page for viewing records (in a separate SQL Server), which I want any authenticate...

Need Users to Re-authenticate with NTLM

I'm NTLM (authenication="windows" in the web.config) with an mvc 2.0 site. Right now once a user logs in it keeps them logged in for weeks at a time. The use of the application is being opened up to users who share computers that use logged in service accounts. I need the site to reprompt each user for their AD credentials...

Tinymce.init interferes with windows authentication

I am retrofitting an intranet application to uses integrated windows authentication. The application is built in asp classic/vbscript. The application authenticates users by obtaining their username from the Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER") method, and checking the name against a list of registered users in a MSSQL database. This ...

MOSS 2007 authentication

Hi, I have a MOSS web site configured with Windows Integrated Authentication. I added a couple of local users in the server, added them to Sharepoint groups, and I can log into my site (as long as the local user is part of the administrators group... odd). If I add a domain user to the Owners group, I can't access the site with it. An...

How to force BitmapImage to use NTLM Authentication for HTTP download of Image

The following code worked nicely until our admins enabled KERBEROS on our servers: var image = new BitmapImage(new Uri("http://sharepoint/sites/Symbols/Symbols/ABCD.png")); The server is in the local intranet zone and requires windows authentication. After our admins also enabled KERBEROS in this domain, http downloads and webservice ...

sql db problem with windows authentication

Have a SQL Server 2008 db which I connect to the Windows Authentication .. has worked good for 7-8 months .. but now when I come to work today it no longer worked to connect, without that I had done something Error message was: Can not open user default database. Login failed. Login failed for user 'Jimmy-PC \ Jimmy'. where the first...

SharePoint 2010 - two web applications - single sign on --> do I need claims based auth.?

Hi! We are planning to create two sharepoint web applications using SharePoint 2010 Enterprise Edition. All Users that have access to web app 1, should also be able to access web app 2. This authentication shall be powered by server 2003 active directory. --> do I need to use claims based authentication? If so --> can I use Windows Base...

why does windows authentication / impersonation fail on application with iis 7.5 / windows 7 /

hi there; i'm troubleshooting why i cannot get past the login dialog on an site configured for windows authentication and impersonation. help me before i switch to os x development and objective-c i have an 2.0 application and i'm trying to deploy it on windows 7 with iis 7.5. i've created a new site, and bound it to loc...

BITS, TakeOwnership, and Kerberos / Windows Integrated Authentication

We're using BITS to upload files from machines in our retail locations to our servers. BITS will stop transferring a file if the user who owns the BITS job logs off. Therefore, we're using a Windows Service running as LocalSystem to submit the jobs to BITS and be the job owner. This allows transfers to continue 24/7. However, it raises ...

Forms authentication for users and Windows for Database?

On our production servers, the admins created a WebUser active directory account which is users for anonymous access to IIS and is also used to authenticate database access with our SQL Server instances using Integrated Security=SSPI in the connection string and identity impersonate="true" in the web.config. I've often come across situ...

Windows Authentication results in 404 live

I have an mcv site I'm trying to build, and integrate windows authentication for domain user groups. I have Authentication mode = windows on, and have messed with several other settings and switches both in the website and the iis manager, but all result in the same thing. Everything works in testing on the localhost, pages dis...

How to eliminate authentication on my MVC app that is called from forms app

Curious what recommendations anyone has. I have an existing forms application that does a Forms Authentication and has identity impersonate turned on. The application has a link to a questionnaire that I would like to develop separately in an MVC application, but I don't want the users to click on the link and be prompt...