
Dual vs. Quadcore on a Webserver

The discussion of Dual vs. Quadcore is as old as the Quadcores itself and the answer is usually "it depends on your scenario". So here the scenario is a Web Server (Windows 2003 (not sure if x32 or x64), 4 GB RAM, IIS, 3.0). My impression is that the CPU in a Webserver does not need to be THAT fast because requests are usually r...

Is this a good way to determine OS Architecture?

Since the WMI class Win32_OperatingSystem only includes OSArchitecture in Windows Vista, I quickly wrote up a method using the registry to try and determine whether or not the current system is a 32 or 64bit system. private Boolean is64BitOperatingSystem(){ RegistryKey localEnvironment = Registry.LocalMachine.OpenSubKey("SYSTEM\\Curr...

Windows Equivalent of 'nice'

Is there a Windows equivalent of the Unix command, nice? I'm specifically looking for something I can use at the command line, and not the "Set Priority" menu from the task manager. My attempts at finding this on Google have been thwarted by those who can't come up with better adjectives. ...

How do you create your own moniker (URL Protocol) on Windows systems?

How do you create your own custom moniker (or URL Protocol) on Windows systems? Examples: http: mailto: service: ...

Verifying files for testing

I was working with quality yesterday doing some formal testing. In their procedure they were verifying all files on the test machine were pulled from the release. The way they were verifying these files were the same was by checking the size and the date/time stamp windows put on them in explorer. These happened to be off for another ...

Does it still make sense to learn low level WinAPI programming?

Does it make sense, having all of the C#-managed-bliss, to go back to Petzold's Programming Windows and try to produce code w/ pure WinAPI? What can be learn from it? Isn't it just too outdated to be useful? ...

Better windows command line shells

Is there a better windows command line shell other than cmd which has better copy paste between Windows' windows and console windows? ...

What is a good plotting library for .Net?

I'm writing some data acquisition software and need a gui plotting library that is fast enough to do realtime updated graphs. I've been using Nplot which is pretty good for a free library, but I'm wondering if there are any better libraries (preferably free or cheap)....

How do I edit work items in the Visual Studio 2008 xml editor?

I'm trying to customize some TFS work items via the VS2008 xml editor, but every time I open a work item xml file it jumps to the graphical designer. All that gives me is a "View XML" button that doesn't let you edit the xml directly. ...

Tabbed file browsing in Windows

I'm so tired of not having tabbed browsing when navigating through windows explorer. I've tried a few solutions in the past, but what I really want is just an extension/addon/plugin/something that lets me browse my file system with tabs. Does anyone have any good solutions that they have found to do this? Alternatively, I'm willing to ...

Registry vs. INI file for storing user configurable application settings

I'm a new Windows programmer and I'm not sure where I should store user configurable application settings. I understand the need to provide a user friendly means for the user to change application settings, like an Edit | Settings form or similar. But where should I store the values after the user hits the Apply button on that form? ...

Fear and Loathing in Windows

I noticed as a JR programmer, bright eyed and excited about new technologies, is the serious amount of loathing Windows developers have for Windows platform. It's starting to take it's toll. Really. My question is: How do you deal with the constant carcinogen? Especially when you are afraid to publicly disagree with EVERYONE on you...

Windows C++: How can I redirect stderr for calls to fprintf?

I am wrapping existing C++ code from a BSD project in our own custom wrapper and I want to integrate it to our code with as few changes as possible. This code uses fprintf to print to stderr in order to log / report errors. I want to redirect this to an alternative place within the same process. On unix I have done this with a socketp...

Packaging Java apps for the Windows/Linux desktop.

I am writing an application in Java for the desktop using the Eclipse SWT library for GUI rendering. I think SWT helps Java get over the biggest hurdle for acceptance on the desktop: namely providing a Java application with a consistent, responsive interface that looks like that belonging to any other app on your desktop. However, I fe...

How to display unicode text in OpenGL?

Is there a good way for displaying unicode text in opengl under Windows? For example, when you have to deal with different languages. The most common approach like #define FONTLISTRANGE 128 GLuint list; list = glGenLists(FONTLISTRANGE); wglUseFontBitmapsW(hDC, 0, FONTLISTRANGE, list); just won't do because you can't create enough list...

Best way to wrap rsync progress in a gui?

I use rsync to synchronize files to Windows clients in a server agnostic way. What methods are available to send the progress of rsync to the parent process for display in a gui progress bar? I imagine two or three choices exist. (1) Watch STDOUT (2) Watch rsync.exe log file, similar to unix tail (3) Watch rsync console output in memory...

How do you get the icons out of shell32.dll?

I'd like to get the Tree icon to use for a homegrown app. Does anyone know how to extract the images out as .icon files? I'd like both the 16x16 and 32x32, or I'd just do a screen capture. ...

MSVC6: Breakpoint stops program - WTF?

Using Microsoft Visual Studio 98, Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 SP6 When running under the debugger, there's only one problem. If I pause the program and resume, everything's fine. The problem? When I hit a breakpoint, my program stops. But not in a good way; execution halts, I'm thrown out of debug mode into edit mode. All's fine until...

Watch for change in ip address status

Is there a way to watch for changes in the ip-address much the same as it is possible to watch for changes to files using the FileSystemWatcher? I'm connecting to a machine via tcp/ip but it takes a while until it gives me an ip-address. I would like to dim out the connect button until I have a valid ip-address. ...

What is the best MySQL Client Application for Windows

Are there any MySQL Client applications for Windows that get even close to what the Enterprise Manager / Server Management Studio is for Microsoft SQL? I have two requirements and one "nice to have" feature: Editing table structure should not be a pain in the a** -> I don't want to click an "add another column" button, then edit the c...