
Why most applications create and destroy a camera COM device multiple times ?

I tried to open a camera device in MSN and many other applications, all of them create and destroy the device multiple times before display the video,why? ...

How to check whether there's enough space before WriteFile in c in windows?

hPipe = CreateNamedPipe( lpszPipename, // pipe name PIPE_ACCESS_DUPLEX, // read/write access PIPE_TYPE_MESSAGE | // message type pipe PIPE_READMODE_MESSAGE | // message-read mode PIPE_WAIT, // blocking mode PIPE_UNLIMITED_INSTANCES, // max. instances 10...

How do we configure SSH using Perl in Windows?

Can anyone suggest a a very simple way to use Net::SSH::Perl in Windows without all those cygwin hacks and all. Whenever I am trying to install the modules it's taking me to some other dependent modules and the process seemed never ending.. Thanks beforehand ...

Accessing Windows registry with PHP and DOTNET class

Hi, This is a simple question: How do I access Windows' registry with PHP and the DOTNET class? What I want to do is to read a value that another program wrote. Googling did not reveal much. I appreciate any answer! ...

why i can't install mobione on my pc .

this is the mobione,iPhone Emulator for Windows the error is : !SESSION 2010-09-11 17:19:34.359 ----------------------------------------------- eclipse.buildId=unknown java.version=1.6.0_21 java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc. BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=zh_CN Framework arguments: F:\MobiOne_1.0M9_Installer.exe...

How to convert double to REFERENCE_TIME in c++?

typedef LONGLONG REFERENCE_TIME; I want to convert double Time to REFERENCE_TIME Time, how to do it? ...

Grid row double click performs action on main window

This issue regarding WPF window (XAML application) I have a two windows one window getting launced from another window. Both window get into maximized state when gets open the child window which gets open has a grid on it and we have operation (double click on row click should close the window). Problem is happening that when we double...

In Python, how can I get the correctly-cased path for a file?

Windows uses case-insensitive file names, so I can open the same file with any of these: r"c:\windows\system32\desktop.ini" r"C:\WINdows\System32\DESKTOP.ini" r"C:\WiNdOwS\SyStEm32\DeSkToP.iNi" etc. Given any of these paths, how can I find the true case? I want them all to produce: r"C:\Windows\System32\desktop.ini" os.path.normc...

Design Pattern for XML Based Project Files in C#

I am developing a C# application where the majority of the code base is in C# class libraries. I want the application to support saving and loading of XML based project files and be able to determine if any modifications have occurred since the last save. My current design idea is: Each class that needs to store settings implements IX...

Is FreeResource required on 64-bit ?

According to afxv_w32.h, FreeResource and UnlockResource are not required on Win32 platforms (see last line of this file). What about Win64 platforms? I guess this remark also applies on these platforms. Can anyone confirm this? Thanks. ...

Missing directive or assembly reference using WMI ManagementObjectSearcher?

I have found this link: However when I try this code in visual c# express edition 2008 it says : Error 1 The type or namespace name 'ManagementObjectSearcher' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) C:\Users\Andy\D...

WPF Windows program displays in large fonts but only on one PC

I have a WPF application rendering fonts to a larger size than I expect. The catch is that only WPF applications I write seem to have this effect, and the problem happens only on one computer. The effect also happens with all WPF programs I write (not just one), and all windows exhit the effect. I am using Visual Studio 2008 with .N...

Unexpected behaviour on deploying MVC app.

Hi there, today I have deployed my first MVC 2 application on Windows Server 2008, and something strange happen. Authentication was requested on almost every pages, even to access 'scripts' and 'contents' folders. This was strange because this behavior doesn't occur on my development environment. Then I have setup IIS in my Win7, to t...

Load ink to a MathInputControl in C#

Hi, I'm trying to use use the LoadInk method of an mathinputcontrol but I can't figure out where to create the IIDispInk object from, as it just appears to be an interface. Any guidance would be highly appreciated. Thanks :) Edit: for clarity, here is my code so far [edit...

What are those stuff in C:\WINDOWS\ASSEMBLY\ directory?

I just came across this directory and it seems totally a different world. Anyone knows what's that? ...

windows python script to traverse directory to remove folders, restart PC and continue the next line of the script?

I want to remove a incorrectly installed program and reinstall it. I can remove the program with subprocess.Popen calling the msiexe on it and install new program the same way BUT ONLY with two independent scripts. But i also need to remove some folders in C:\Programs files and also in C:\Doc& Settings. How can i traverse through the dir...

on screen keyboard template software

Hi all, I'm after an on screen keyboard for windows that I can change the keys on so that I have a set of buttons that have thing like 'for' 'while' etc. I would like to then click (actually on my touch screen) on these while I'm editing code and it inserts the text. I'd have thought these would be everywhere but I can't seem to find ...

Private key not associated with x509 certificate on Windows 7 (C#)

Hello I am trying to add a X509Certificate2 to a X509Store using: X509Store store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine); store.Open(OpenFlags.ReadWrite); X509Certificate2 certificate = new X509Certificate2(); certificate.Import( Convert.FromBase64String(strCert), "", X509KeyStorageFlags.Per...

is there a way to automate changing filenames in <link> , <script> tags

when we use Expires header for text files like js, css, contents are cached in the browser, to get new content we need to change in the html file the new names in the link and script tag. When we add changes. How can we automate it. In a Windows Box, I may have some bunch of html files in multiple folders also in subdirectories. There ...

HTML5 drag and drop between windows

Hi, is there anyway with the HTML5 Drag & Drop functionality or/and the File API to drag an jpg image from one window to another? The idea is that I could drag and image from Facebook to a different browser's window with a custom HTML that would get that image. Or, at least, a way to drag from the Desktop to a browser? Thanks a lot ...