
Web production: Absolute URLs in external JS files?

Hi guys, I was wondering, are you aware of any best practice for specifying absolute URLs in external javascript files? I'm looking for a maintainable solution. The basic scenario is when i need to include css files at run-time through javascript, or make ajax calls to some URL, and other situations where you would normally need to spe...

A declarative workflow does not start automatically after you install Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 Service Pack 1

That's the title of kb947284 actually. Recently I was involved in a Sharepoint project. I run into this problem where my workflow does not start automatically. If I run the workflow manually, it's just fine. I found kb947284. Apparently the cause of this problem is the installation of WSS 3 SP1. I did what it said in the Resolution secti...

SharePoint and workflows

With MOSS 2007 (the question is probably applicable to WSS as well but I'm working in MOSS at the moment) is it possible to have the same Workflow on every Pages list within the site collection? We're deploying a site with a basic 2-stage approver workflow so I'm not developing a custom one, just using the existing Approver workflow but...

git clone of git-svn tree?

I've got a 'git-svn' working tree. I'd like to clone a "pure" git repo off this, and then use git push/pull to move changes between the git-svn tree and the git tree, while also using 'git svn dcommit/rebase' to move changes between the git-svn tree and the SVN repo it's based on. This seems to work okay as far as moving things back and...

Space-based architecture?

One chapter in Pragmatic Programmer recommends looking at a blackboard/space-based architecture + a rules engine as a more flexible alternative to a traditional workflow system. The project I'm working on currently uses a workflow engine, but I'd like to evaluate alternatives. I really feel like a SBA would be a better solution to our b...

Sharepoint Doc Lib Content Types

Hey, So I would like it when a user creates a new folder in my sharepoint document library that 4 template documents also get added inside the new folder. I get that the user could just click on the document template for each template individual but I want them added all the time. There doesn't seem to be an option to add template d...

Open source document approval system or framework?

We have a new for a fairly simple workflow system, specifically focused upon business documents. It essentially accepts different types of documents (purchase requests, invoices, etc) and routes them to different roles and flows based on variables attached to them (total dollar amount, etc). I'm open to either using an existing one or w...

Which C# design pattern would suit writing custom workflow in

Trying to find some examples on the intertubes. I am thinking of state or strategy pattern but if anyone has any war stories, examples or resources that they could point me to it would be appreciated. I don't/can't use windows workflow. My example is that i have a complex wizard that changes the state of the process based on what user ...

What git workflow to use for 2 non-co-located developers?

I've got a contract to write part of a program. The person writing the other part is in another city. I want to find a convenient way to send changes back and forth. For other reasons, I'd like to learn to use git as a distributed VCS and email changes back and forth. (I've worked with SCCS, RCS, and PVCS before, always with locking. I w...

Is it possible to work in Eclipse with keyboard only?

Hi there, as most of us surely do every now and then, I try to improve my workflow. As Eclipse is my main IDE, I wondered if it may be possible to use it without mouse. I browsed the available shortcuts and tried to use them instead of my mouse. I found interesting features like Ctrl+3 which opens something like the Apple spotlight. I ...

Workflowing an InfoPath form

I have an InfoPath form that requires workflow. The form is build from a cXML schema in BizTalk,then dropped into a forms library for workflow. The user opens the infopath form, reviews and picks one of several options: re-submit, archive, escalate, etc. My question is how best to workflow this? Do you have the buttons on the form up...

Microsoft CRM 4.0 Workflow: How can I email a list of related Entities?

I'm building a workflow in Microsoft CRM 4.0 for an Entity E1. In this wf, I have to send an email. In the email, I have to print all entities of E1 that match certain conditions. For example, it would be great the following mail: Hi Carl, this is your list of account created until yesterday: account1, info account2, info...

SharePoint Workflow working with PDF documents

We’re trying to lessen the amount of clicks to approve a PDF in a workflow. With Word docs in Word 2007, you have the Workflow task bar at the top of the application so when you are viewing the document, you can approve or reject it from there. Our issue is that we need this functionality for PDF documents. Do you know of a way to be abl...

How to modify .rules files without compileing entire workflow assembly?

I have a situation where I need to update/edit/delete rules in .rules file. without re-compileing my workflow assembly. I tried to make .rules file as a 'Content' of my workflow project instead of 'Embedded Resource'. However, the compliler is giving me the compile time error stating that the RuleSet is not defined. Activity 'policyAct...

For a large project, what planning should be done before coding and how should it be approached?

What is your method of "mapping out" an idea before creating it? Say I wanted to take on a big project, for example at the scale of a site like Facebook or MySpace. What planning/design steps should I take before I start the actual work? For example, should I map everything out page by page (their functionalities, data, etc.)? ...

High Level Design for Installation and Upgrade Application

I need to write a very simple WinForms application, but I often get stuck in over analytical mode with these. I get stuck on Yes, No, Retry loops, and with very little thinking to do about the actions of the application, I start thinking about the 'workflow' of the application. Should I just have a method for each task, and call each one...

how to create legal documents workflow app with MOSS

hi, I have a requirement by a client to create a MOSS site which can be used to archive and track legal cases. the requirement is that each case has 4 logical steps which are assigned to particular people...each step requires a legal document.. Once a document for the first step is uploaded, a task should be created, requesting for step...

vim pastebin workflow

Hello i have recently started using vim editor ( actually the plugin for netbeans ) and i am having trouble with the pastebin. What would happen is i would yunk something in, and then do some deletes with dd and so i lose my initial yunk content. So for me as a beginner with vim its very confusing that delete actually does cut. How do...

How to access public workflow properties while in host application code?

I have a workflow that has a public "State" property that returns a custom class storing data about the workflow (it changes during the execution of the workflow). What is the best pattern/practice to get the value of that property while in the code of the workflow host (ASP.NET app in this case) at any point? I looked into the CallExt...

How do you reset the workflow status of a purchase requisition from completed to submitted programatically in X++?

MS Dynamics AX 2009: I need to do this from the Purchase Order Screen, so I only have the Purchase Requisition number available from the PurchLines Table. Your help would be really greatly appreciated as there is nothing yet on the net available (that I can find) and there are missing classes in the AX 2009 Tutorials. All helpful answ...