
Freezing a DataGridTextColumn in WPF

I would like to freeze a DataGridTextColumn in WPF but it looks like there is not a property for that in that class specifically. However, looking at the source for the WPFToolkit, there is a IsFrozen in DataGridColumn which is the parent of DataGridBoundColumn, which is the parent of DataGridTextColumn. So...why isn't that property avai...

Xamly bind WPF Calendar to a date-range?

Is there a way to bind WPF calendar to 2 date fields as a date-range (i.e. start date and end-date) with xaml binding? ...

WPF Toolkit Datagrid Bug

Hi i have a tab control with 2 tabs. the content of each tab is binded to a ListCollectionView and the data template has a grid showing the items. The problem is that if you click on any of the columns to sort, if I select the other tab and return to the first tab the sorting is cleared. Is it a known bug? here is the code: <Window x:...

wpf toolkit ribboncontrol's ribbondropdownbutton keyboard shortcut

I am using ribbondropdownbutton from wpf toolkits ribboncontrol. Is there a way to activate the drop down menu via a keyboard shortcut like Alt-S? <r:RibbonDropDownButton Name="searchDropDown" Command="{StaticResource SearchCommand}" ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource SearchFilter}}" ItemTemplate="{StaticResource Searc...

WPF Toolkit DatePicker Month/Year Only

Hi, I'm using the Toolkit's Datepicker as above but I'd like to restrict it to month and year selections only, as in this situation the users don't know or care about the exact date .Obviously with the data being stored in a Datetime format there will be day stored but that doesn't concern me. Is there an easy way to tie this down? T...

Binding a WPFToolkit DataGrid's event to a ModelView's Command (MVVM)

Hello, In particular I would like to know how to bind the 'SelectionChanged' event of the dataGrid to a Command on my Viewmodel. Since DataGrid doesnt have a Command property, how do I call a modelView command as in MVVM fashion? I dont mind using a delegate on the code behind XAML, if I knew how to do that... Since I am new to WPF I ...

WPF DataGrid: edit all cells, new row position, click once to edit

I was wondering if anyone could point me into the right direction with DataGrids. I'm trying to position the new row at the top of the grid When the user clicks a cell all cells in the row move into an editable state. Cheers ...

How to I manipulate cell data being displayed in WPF Toolkit DataGrid at runtime?

The following WPF code displays the contents of FirstName and ZipCode in the WPF Toolkit DataGrid. However, I don't want to just display the data as it is but slightly modified, e.g. I might want to display all the zipcodes to display with a "-0000" on the end, or I may want to display "n/a" if a cell is blank. I could only find Copyin...

WPF - ScrollView Confusion

I am new to WPF and the ScrollViewer is frustrating me. Either I just don't "get" it, or it is a limited control. Here are my Frustrations: Bad Horizontal Scrolling The horizontal scroll bar is only visible at the bottom of the list (I have to scroll to the bottom to see it) Bad Borders I have a ListBox in my ScrollViewer. When I st...

How can I make WPFToolkit DatePicker highlight only the selected date?

I am using the DatePicker from WPFToolkit, but since the current date and the last/first day of the month is highlighted as well, it is confusing which date is actually selected. How can I make it so nothing is highlighted in the calendar except the selected date? ...

How can I search into database with WPF and Linq-to-entities model

Hello, I prepare a WPF project, where I want to implement a more complex search. I use LINQ to entities through the ADO.NET Entity model and plan to do the display in WPFToolkit DataGrid. My search window should allow search by a few different criteria. My idea is to be able to write in (for example) name, surname and occupation textbo...

How can I connect WPFToolkit DataGrid to a search-query source that is in code-behind

Hello, I am implementing a WPFToolkit datagrid and I want to bind it to it's source. Currently I do it programatically in code-behind through linking the query results to the ItemsSource . Still this is not effective enough, as I want to be able to select which columns to display and also to rename the headers, for which I need binding...

Styling Visual States

I am using the VisualStateManager from the WPF Toolkit. I've created a custom control, part of a reusable controls library, with numerous visual states. Now I want to allow the client of my library to easily restyle the fonts and colors of these visual states. What's the standard way of doing this? Must I require the client to replac...

Sorting a WPF DataGrid, MVVM style

I'm trying to get sorting to work with a WPF Toolkit DataGrid. My DataGrid's rows are instances of view models. The row's view model exposes a view model for each column. Each column is data templated to a different user control. This is what my DataGrid's column declarations look like: <tk:DataGrid.Columns> <tk:DataGridTemplateColu...

MvvmLight EventToCommand and WPFToolkit DataGrid double-click

Trying to figure out how to use EventToCommand to set a datagrid double click handler for rows. The command lives in the viewmodel for each row. Just that much out of my experience, since I haven't used interactions yet. Thanks. I would have used mvvmlight tag, but I don't have high enough rep yet to make new tags. ...

Freezing columns in wpf datagrid

I have some tabular data which has a lot of fields in it, and when my WPF application is resized a lot of them are cut off. However, I want to see the first 6 columns always as they are important. How can I achieve this in a grid format? I am using the WPFToolkit DataGrid but can be persuaded to change to a different control if one exist...

wpf charting column series data binding problem

I'm trying to build a chart using the columnSeries from the wpf toolkit and I appear to be having trouble with the data binding. Here is the xaml: <Grid> <chartingToolkit:ColumnSeries Height="18" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="188,169,0,0" Name="columnSeries1" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="18" IndependentValueBinding="{Binding ...

Set DataGridTemplateColumn.SortMemberPath to navigation property?

Hi. I want to set the sorting of a WPF DataGridTemlpateColumn to a property of one of the child members in the row. For instance, the DataGrid's ItemsSource is an Array of computers, each of them has a screen, each screen has a button. I want the sorting should be {Binding Screen.Button.Name}. How do I do that? ...

Exception handling with the WPF toolkit datagrid

I have searched around but have been unable to find out the recommended pattern for generic exception handling when using a control such as the wpf toolkit datagrid. As an example, at the moment I am getting unhandled exceptions caught by my shell application. This happens when a user clicks on a column header to sort it, and it is unab...

IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem (or equivalent) for a DatePicker?

I currently have a combobox with bound to an ObservableCollection <ComboBox ItemsSource="{Binding Past}" DisplayMemberPath="Date" IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True"/> Using, 'IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem' it "synchronizes" with a set of labels that show the data below in a set of labels like: <Label DataContext="{Binding ...