
Pre-sorting a DataGrid in WPF

I have a DataGrid in WPF app with several columns, including a Name column. If the users switches to a particular view, I want the data to be pre-sorted by Name (and I'd like a sort arrow to appear in the Name header just as if the user had clicked that header). However, I can't find the expected properties to make this happen. I was loo...

Outlook Plug-In - Visual Studio closes on build

I am running Windows Vista using Visual Studio 2008 to build a Office 2007 Plug-in making use of WPF. Everything used to work fine until I installed .NET 3.5 SP1 and the WPF Toolkit. What happens is that when I build the solution Visual Studio closes unexpectedly. I have read up on this issue and the only related issues I could find wa...

Edit WPF Toolkit to get the DatePicker only.

I am doing a small application and i need a DatePicker control, So i use the WPF toolkit datepicker. After completing my application I notice that my application exe has of size 250k and the WPFToolkit dll has a size 442k. So i am extracting the datepicker control from the toolkit by deleting the other controls from it. But it is not wor...

Stop navigation to current control on validation error. How?

I have a problem with my WPF application. I have a datagrid (Wpf Toolkit), I have to manage a Row validation...if validation result is false I would that the other row isn't selectable. Therefore I have to block the selection to current row that I edit. How can I do? Any ideas? ...

Access to DataTemplate Control of WPF Toolkit DataGridCell at Runtime, How?

I have a DataGrid defined with WPF Toolkit. The CellEditingTemplate of this DataGrid is associated at runtime with a custom function that build a FrameworkElementFactory element. Now I have to access to control that is inserted inside DataTemplate of CellEditingTempleta, but I do not know how to do. On web I found a useful ListView Hel...

Populate WPF DataGrid with 2d array during run-time

I have 2d array with unknown size (nxm), how can i populate wpf datagrid with such a array.I found solution to create DataTable from 2d array and it works fine. Is there a way to populate it directly from 2d array? Thanks in advance. ...

How to listen for AffectsParentArrange events when you're not the parent

There is an attribute "AffectsParentArrange" that implicitly invalidates the parent's layout - but I want to attach an event handler to the "event" triggered by that attribute. When a child property with the attribute changes, the parent's arrangement is invalidated. I have a custom control (which is not the immediate parent) that need...

Limitations of using .NET 2.0 (Windows Forms) controls in WPF?

I want to start a new application on WPF. The new User interface in WPF needs DataGridView control and PropertyGrid Control. But it looks like that these two controls won't exist in WPF and I want to host these two controls using WindowsFormsHost. However, if I do that, is there any limitation anybody forsee with this approach? ...

Problem binding DataGridComboBoxColumn.ItemsSource

Hello! I have 3 tables: Item - which is the DataContext - it has a navigation column Group Group - has a navigation column Category. I want to have in the DataGrid both (Category & Group) columns and when I choose a category it should display in the group col only the Category.Groups. Here is the code I am working on: <tk:DataGrid Au...

Unable to set DataGridColumn's ToolTip

I tried the following: <tk:DataGridTextColumn Header="Item" Binding="{Binding Item.Title}" ToolTipService.ToolTip="{Binding Item.Description}" /> And I don't see any tool tip. Any ideas? Is it even implemented? ...

WPF Datagrid, Setting the background of combox popup

Hi, I would like to change the color of the popup background when using a DatagridComboboxColumn in the WPF Toolkit datagrid. I've edited the Template for a normal Combobox and it works great for selected item and other properties but the background stays white. I've used Snoop to do some research into the template and it claims that the...

Where is DataGrid RowDeleted event??

Hello I am looking for an event I can handle for row deletion. ...

WPF DataGrid style Silverlight DataGrid?

That's not a secret: Silverlight's DataGrid default style is beautiful while WPF's is poor. Instead of reinventing the wheel let me ask the community if anyone has copied the SL styles to use in WPF. Silverlight default-style DataGrid: WPF default-style DataGrid (updated after Saied K's answer): ...


How do I set the MaxLength property of the DataGridTextColumn? ...

How can I use the WPF Toolkit Datagrid with XamlPad (latest version)?

I want to work with a DataGrid in XamlPad. How do I reference the WPFtoolkit dll? I've tried adding a xml namespace reference (below) but w/o any luck. xmlns:toolkit="clr-namespace:Microsoft.Windows.Controls;assembly=WPFToolkit" Any thoughts or help would be appreciated - thanks! ...

How do I change the background color of a cell using WPF Toolkit Datagrid

I'm using the WPF toolkit datagrid, and I'd like to set the background color of a cell, not the row, based on the content of the cell. For the sake of simplicity, lets say the column is called Foo and I'd like the background of the cell to be blue when Foo is 1, red when Foo is 2, Yellow when Foo is 3 and Green when Foo is greater than ...

How to use WPF Toolkit Datagrid DataGridTemplateColumn and a combobox?

I have a data grid that looks like this <tk:DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Parents}" AutoGenerateColumns="False"> <tk:DataGrid.Columns> <tk:DataGridTextColumn Header="Description" Binding="{Binding ID}" /> <tk:DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Description" > <tk:DataGri...

WPF Toolkit DataGrid MultiSelect with MVVM - Please Help

Hi, We're using the WPF DataGrid from the WPF Toolkit and are employing MVVM. I'm finding some challenges in using MultiSelect in MVVM and am sure that I'm just missing something simple. I can use the "IsSelected" in the ViewModel to get the event when selecting a row in the DataGrid. This works fine for a single selection. If I set "Se...

how to get the wpf toolkit datagrid to show new rows when bound to dataset

Is there a way to get the wpf toolkit datagrid to show new rows when its bound to a dataset? In other words, I have a datagrid, I've set its Itemssource to a DataTable, and everything seems to work fine, except I can't get the grid to show rows that I add to the DataTable programatically. ...

How can I programatically create a WPF Toolkit DataGridTemplateColumn?

I was able to recreate this XAML DataGridTextColumn: <tk:DataGridTextColumn Binding="{Binding FirstName}" Header="First Name"/> in code like this: DataGridTextColumn dgtc = new DataGridTextColumn(); dgtc.Header = propertyLabel; dgtc.Binding = new Binding(propertyName); theDataGrid.Columns.Add(dgtc); But how do I recreate th...