
Shadows under windows in Ubuntu: How are they accomplished?

Hi, There are shadows under all the windows in Ubuntu. My question is, is this done through X11, Compiz, GTK+, or otherwise? Thanks! ...

Raising X11 urgent flag from webbrowser.

The global picture is that I want my Firefox X11 window to have its urgent flag set when (say) a new Gmail mail arrives. I feel confident that I can produce the code to check Gmails arrival by reading some other Firefox extensions' code. What I can't figure out is how to get the Window ID of the webbrowser, so that I can call, say, a...

How to change transparency of X11 window under Mac OS X (Xquartz)?

XChangeProperty() with atom named _NET_WM_WINDOW_OPACITY returns BadRequest error code... ...

What is the Linux/X11 (and Mac OS X) equivalent to Win API SetCapture() function?

On Windows you can "capture" the mouse to continue receiving mouse events even when it goes outside the window's client area. Here the SetCapture() documentation: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms646262(VS.85).aspx I would like to know what is the equivalent function in Linux (X11) and Mac OS X (Cocoa). ...

in X is it possible to detect when shift is pressed and released when it isn't modifying another key?

as in the title, it doesn't appear to generate an event unless another key/button is pressed at the same time. thanks, james ...

Add OS X Native Fonts to X11

I am starting to use xterm for my default terminal. My only issue, is that I don't like any of the fonts. Is it possible to install more fonts for use in X11. I'd really like to get Monaco. Thanks. ...

In X11, how do I set the window title before creating it?

Context: I use glfw under xmonad. Glfw apparently sets the window title after creating the window, thus not allowing xmonad to properly handle it. I want to modify the glfw source so that I can set the window title before creating the window. Problem: So I download glfw-2.6, and I look into lib/x11/x11_window.c ; the lines causing the...

QWidget create issue in x11

I want use qt to control some other windows, so I write this code: #define protected public //just for test ... WId id = 0x00000001 //some real wid QWidget w; w.create(id, false, false); w.hide(); after I run this code, the window crashes, and I got: :X Error: BadAccess (attempt to access private resource denied) 10 I'm using ubunt...

Are there ways to run Android on XWindows?

I was wondering if there are ways to run Android on XWindows (Xorg) without any emulation and using X11 (or a window) to render graphics... I've read that Android uses the FB device (and I don't know how does this fit with OpenGl). Does anyone have some information about this? Are there projects or other? ...

Creating a window manager for Linux

I want to create a simple stacking window manager (in C) for private use, mainly for the purpose of learning and challenging myself. I've looked through twm's source code which has relatively few bells and whistles but it seems very low level since it's not based on a widget toolkit.[1] Would using a toolkit such as GTK+ be preferable? ...

What's the best way to determine the process ID of X server

I am assuming it can be found by reading /tmp/.Xn-lock where n is the display number, but I'd like to hear if this is guaranteed to work across all flavors of X under Linux (XFree86 and Xorg) ...

How to handle "switch from" and "switch to" events in X11?

I'm making a fullscreen OpenGL application, and I want it to restore original desktop mode when user switches away from it, and to restore mode back when user switches to it. This looks like "FocusIn" and "FocusOut" events, but they are not suitable for this. Window will get "FocusOut" as soon as user presses Alt+Tab and window selector ...

Transparent X11 Cursor Theme - Why does the X cursor appear in GTK+ subwindows?

Hi, I am using the transparent cursor theme trick (see http://obiltschnig.com/2010/08/14/hiding-the-gtkx11-mouse-cursor/) to hide the X11 cursor in a fullscreen Linux GTK+ application for a touchscreen-based device. I am basically running a WebKit GTK+-based application using the Xorg server with no window manager in fullscreen mode. No...

Xlib getting events of a child window

I am writing a simple window manager using xlib. The code reparents client windows into a window slightly larger than the client window called frame window. I am trying to implement a click to focus policy. I am getting buttonpress events when the mouse button is pressed in the frame window and am able to raise the frame window on button...

Xlib : how to get CAPS LOCK status

Hello, How to retrieve CAPS Lock key information using Xlib if it is on or off ? Regards, Levon ...

Portable keycodes in X11?

I want to get mapping-independent key codes, but documentation says that "keycode" in XKeyEvent structure depends on hardware and driver and I can't rely on it. How can I get some portable key codes like VK_* in Windows? ...

How does X11 clipboard handle multiple data formats?

It probably happened to you as well - sometimes when you copy a text from some web page into your rich-text e-mail draft in your favorite webmail client, you dislike the fact that the pasted piece has a different font/size/weight.. it somehow remembers the style (often images, when selected). How is it than that if you paste the same int...

C++ - change the cursor in an X Window

I thought this would be easy to find, but a google search has been very unhelpful. Is there a simple api to change the mouse cursor in your X window? (I know in windows you can just call "SetCursor") ...

X11: wait until a requested event is finished.

I want to resize some window with XResizeWindow(display, xid, width, height), which was created by another application and wait until it is really resized. XSync(display, 0) does not work. Any suggestions? ...

Selenium RC: Running browser on another X11 desktop

Hello, I'd like not to be disturbed by the browser that is launched by Selenium RC. Is there any way how to force it to run the browser on another X11 desktop? Running Selenuim server on another desktop does not solve the problem. Vít Šesták 'v6ak' ...