
How to make Xcode Python friendly?

I have started using Xcode as my main code editor. How might I make Xcode do things like using # instead of // for comments, and otherwise making the IDE friendlier? ...

Question on importing strings

I'm learning Xcode through templates and incorporating the codes in my app. Anyways this template I'm learning from has a string file under the groups and files. I tried to import that file into my project but it doesn't show up. So my question is which file do I need to create to make this string file? Do I just get a regular .m file an...

How can I add the following extra linker flags?

To support OS 3.x, please set Base SDK to iPhone Device 4.0 and iPhone OS Deployment Target to iPhone OS 3.x. Extra linker flags may be needed if NSConcreteGlobalBlock and UIBackgroundTaskInvalid runtime error occur under 3.x. The linker flags are: -weak_framework UIKit -weak_library /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib EDIT: im still getting th...

The 'rootViewController' outlet of UIWindow is not available on releases prior to iOS 4.0

I am getting the following error on pre-iOS 4.0 builds: The 'rootViewController' outlet of UIWindow is not available on releases prior to iOS 4.0. Remove the connection and instead programmatically add the view controller's view to the window after the application finishes launching. How and where do I do this programmatically? ...

how to centre the image when scrollviews are used

hello every one .My problem is i would like to display images more like photo App.I found the answer for only one image zooming and panning.But i have three images on the view and i need to provide zooming and panning functionality for three of them synchronously how can i do this.Please help me.I have been scraching my head for the pas...

importing strings?

I've been learning Xcode programming trough incorporating ideas from templates into my own apps. I've been trying to import a string file from the original project but it doesn't show up on my new project. so I'm deciding to just recreate it but I don't know hoe. can I just add a new file and rewrite the code? if so, what file do I use? ...

Optimize loading of many images on iPad

I'm working on a project for the iPad where I'm trying to simulate the rotation of a 3D-body with touch by switching pre-rendered images. I'm not the sharpest man when it comes to memory management so I wonder if anyone has any tips on how to optimize this. My solution now looks something like this: - (void)touchesMoved:(NSSet *)touch...

Memory Management

Hi, I have resolved memory leaks from my app but my app was still crashing with Program received signal 0. i have checked my app in developer tools. it is showing 30 mb when app launches. It is taking too much memory. how'll i resolve this? anyone has any solution? Thanks rajni ...

Why [Debug] button is replace by a [Morph] button in Xcode?

In Xcode (3.2.4), View > Layout > Show Page Control. In my old MacBook's Xcode, the Page Control shows [Project] and [Debug] buttons. In my new MacBook, the Page Control shows [Project] and [Morph] buttons. How can I get the old [Debug] button back and get rid of the [Morph] button? Thanks! ...

Renaming XCodeProject gives error.

I created a xcodeproject named ABC.xcodeproj and successfully build it. Later i have renamed it to XYZ.xcodeproj. Bt while building it shows error like this- i686-apple-darwin9-gcc-4.2.1: /Volumes/Partition 2/Client/ABC/ABC_Prefix.pch: No such file or directory i686-apple-darwin9-gcc-4.2.1: warning: '-x objective-c-header' after...

can Any one suggest me how to begin with nested scroll view?

hello all.I need to keep a scrollview of size our view size,in that large scrollview again i have to keep six image views and six scrollviews.Please,can any one suggest something how to start with it. ...

How can I get the ISO language code in IOS?

How can I get the current ISO language code in IOS? ...

apple has rejected my iPhone app saying it must run on iPad as well

Hey, I've just submitted my app to review (for the App-Store), and apple has rejected my app, saying the following: "On iPad, the application displays a black screen and no content loads. This review was conducted on iPad running iOS 3.2.2 as well as iPhone 4 running iOS 4.1. A screenshot has been attached for your referen...

How do you change the PATH used in an external makefile build using XCode?

I currently have a project that I'm building with a makefile. This project includes some additional software (jflex) which is not on one of the default system search paths (it's installed to (/opt/local/bin/). My .profile file adds this directory to my PATH, and so building the project from a terminal window succeeds. However, if I try ...

How can I center a UIMapView around an array of MKAnnotation?

How can I center a UIMapView around an array of MKAnnotation? ...

Get Device Memory Xcode

Hi, I really need to know of a way to get the current users device: 1. Active Memory 2. Inactive Memory 3. Wired Memory 4. Free Memory 5. Total Memory. Any information, code or anything is helpful. Thanks In Advance. ...

iPhone communication with Windows C# App

I am create an iPhone app that needs to talk to a Windows C# app. The app will run as either a Service or Form Application. What would be the best way to accomplish this? Ideally exposing a service-type architecture would be best as I don't need a stateful connection (stateless is fine in this case). Can a WCF service hosted by my app...

Iphone:More than one textfield in a table view cell

Hi ...I think is a little complete problem about textfield in tableview cell it looks like [IP xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx ] <--this is a cell in tableview So...It means at least 4 textfield in a cell But I have some questions *1.*How to add more textfield to cell.accessoryView ?** This is how I set a textfield in a cell UITextField *tex...

Objective C: What is the best way to create and use a dynamic boolean array?

I have been struggling with the best way of creating, accessing and updating values from a dynamic boolean array for more than a week now. @interface myDelegate : NSObject { NSMutableArray *aShowNote; } @property (nonatomic, copy) NSMutableArray *aShowNote; This is how I have initialised my array: NSMutableArray *aShow = [[NSMutab...

How can I support iOS 3.0 and not iOS 3.2

I have set my base SDK to 3.0 but don't want my app available for iPad (3.2). How can I accomplish this? ...