
Where Do I Put The Logic For Desktop App To WebServer Using XML-RPC?

I am using xml-rpc to insert data from a desktop app to a webserver database. I want to do basic things like AddUser. Should I have the desktop app figure out if the user exists before adding a new user or not adding the user? Or should I just send all of the information needed and let the xml-rpc server figure out if the user needs t...

Output Django Object into XML-RPC response

I'm trying to return a django object in a XML-RPC response. Is it possible to serialize a model as XML-RPC methodResponse? ...

Having a problem with XML-RPC and Delphi

unit Unit2; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, IdBaseComponent, IdComponent, IdTCPConnection, IdTCPClient, IdHTTP, IdIOHandler, IdIOHandlerSocket, IdIOHandlerStack, IdIntercept, IdCookieManager, IdZLibCompressorBase, IdCompressorZLib, IdSSL, IdSSLOpenSS...

httpclient - use cookies with POST message

I want to create a small java application to copy some wiki content from one server to another. The API is based on the XML-RPC. Basically I have three methods, login, getPage and putPage. I use Apache HttpClient 3.x and managed to use login to login successfully and getPage to get a page from the old wiki correctly. Authentication is ...

sending file throught xml::rpc

How can i send a file through xml::rpc from xml-rpc client to xml-rpc server i use 2 languages for the client and the server (c# and python ) any ideas ? ...

Handling unicode data in XMLRPC

I have to migrate data to OpenERP through XMLRPC by using TerminatOOOR. I send a name with value "Rotule right Aurélia". In Python the name with be encoded with value : 'Rotule right Aur\xc3\xa9lia ' But in TerminatOOOR (xmlrpc client) the data is encoded with value 'Rotule middle Aur\357\277\275lia' So in the server side, the data value...

Joomla XML-RPC & .NET

I Want to build a .NET application that can Communicate with Joomla so that i can Access the Joomla Database and components to Perform Various Functions. So how do i get started in order to do so. I need to access the Joomla Articles and Jcal Event Calender and display the Data on .NET WinForm and Windows Mobile Application later on. ...

Has anyone got the API working with browsershots?

I can't get the API xmlrpc to work with browser shots its really annoying. The first method $method = 'nonces.challenge'; http://api.browsershots.org/xmlrpc/nonces.challenge/ How do I get the hostname that it meantions it seems just against me. The nonces.verifyUser says it needs 2 inputs and I'm using $params = array(); $params[usern...

Magento XMLRPC API Fails Using finset Operator

Magento version I'm trying to retrieve a product list filtered for a specific website using the XMLRPC API (catalog_product.list method call). The server returns "unknown error". I can call this same method and filter by status, sku, etc. But anytime I try to filter on a field that can contain multiple values (e.g. websites, cat...

allow_none in twisted XML-RPC server

I am building xml rpc service using twisted and I would like to use None just as it can be done in standard python lib. How can I pass allow_none to the twisted version of xmlrpc server? EDIT In [28]: sock = rpc.ServerProxy('http://localhost:7080',allow_none=True) In [29]: sock Out[29]: <ServerProxy for localhost:7080/RPC2> In [30]: ...

xmlrpc4r keeps giving me Missing Return Value

Anyone know of a better XMLRPC testing program for ruby? ...

How to get IP when using SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher in Django

Having a code inspired from http://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/XML-RPC : from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher from django.http import HttpResponse dispatcher = SimpleXMLRPCDispatcher(allow_none=False, encoding=None) # Python 2.5 def rpc_handler(request): """ the actual handler: if you setup your urls.py pr...

Reading and writing in .NET from and to Wordpress: XML-RPC or AtomPub?

Hi, I need to read out posts and maybe write back comments to a WordPress blog. I found some documentation on their API's XML-RPC and AtomPub. But what would be the recommended way to go. XML-RPC seems more documented, as far as I can see. Any experiences/recommendations? ...

Eclipse using Android XML-RPC help

I know this is a noobish question, but I cannot get android-xmlrpc properly hooked into my android project in eclipse. The project website offers no advice and I have little experience developing with eclipse. Could someone please tell me the necessary steps to get the library properly into my android project? ...

Android, Drupal & DrupalCloud or Android-xmlrpc tutorial?

Does anyone know of a good tutorial for any of the above? I need to send data to Drupal from and Android phone. Data is stored in XML but can be converted to JSON easily. Then it needs to be stored in a user's profile. thanks ...

Base64 encode and image in Adobe Air

Hi there I am writing an adobe air app in html/javascript and I am trying to base64 encode an image so I can add it to and XML RPC request. I have tried many methods and nothing seems to work. I see that actionscript has a Base64Encoder class that look like it would work, is there any way to utilize this in javascript? Thanks, Jordan...

How are REST Array Parameters handled over MultiPart Form and XMLRPC?

Im using an API and one of the ways this API works is it lets you declare an array of parameters for some calls. The way they describe the rest request looks like this: http://example.com/?params[]=option1&amp;params[]=option2 This declares 2 array parameters in the array of parameters (option1 and option2) How would these be sent ov...

PHP remote procedure calling

I have two servers on PHP that need to communicate, calling remote methods of each other. XML-RPC for PHP is not very good solution because it's very slow, and I can't call multiple methods in one request. ...

Java XML-RPC multiple clients

Hi, I am using apache.xmlrpc. I have an XML-RPC server running on several hosts, each server does things like restarting IPs connected to the host. This works fine with an individual server but I want to be able to specify multiple host IP addresses to the client which will create a thread, connect to each server and perform the same th...

XML-RPC Server in Cocoa

I need to create an XML-RPC server on the iphone for testing purposes. Is there is a library I could leverage? ...