
D3DERR_INVALIDCALL error, TeamCity builder

Hello, I've been trying to use TeamCity 4.5 in order to automate builds of an XNA project but I have a small problem. My projects compile correctly under Visual Studio 2008, but not when compiled with TeamCity as the builder. The configuration file uses the sln2008 setting, and compiling goes well for a while, but as soon as it goes com...

Xna game development - Game background issue

Hi, Im starting with XNA and i need an advice about the following. I have a .jpg file with my space ship game background with the following size: width: 5000px height: 4800px When i try to load the texture i get the following error: Texture width or height is larger than the device supports What is the most used techniq...

xna networking problems

Hi, We're working on a multiplayer game, however we've run into some problems testing. I just realized we need to launch the game on two computers to be able to test it, however it seems I cannot use the same gamer tag (or Live account if you will) for both clients. What exactly do we need to test? I've got a paid XNA creators club memb...

Render buffer to texture2D object in XNA

In XNA is there a way to render the contents of a spriteBatch after drawing to a texture object before rendering to the screen? ...


I'm looking at buying a new gaming PC on which to do some XNA development. Before I buy a machine with SLI graphic cards, does anyone know if XNA has any problems taking advantage of a SLI setup? ...

How do I load pictures in Zune XNA without running out of memory?

Im writing a XNA program that display pictures from a specific picture album on the Zune. The problem is when if I load the textures from all the pictures in the album, the program runs out of memory. I tried loading one by one and call Dispose on the previous picture texture once the user moves on to the next picture. This works but the...

Looking for tutorials/examples for educating myself on per-poly 3D collision

I've been looking for a tutorial on 3D per-vertex collision systems (using C# and XNA, since I have that readily available), but have only been able to put together bits and pieces. I have a pretty good understanding at this point, but there's one rather large, glaring hole in my understanding. Basically, my problem comes down to: how d...

Force garbage collection of arrays, C#

I have a problem where a couple 3 dimensional arrays allocate a huge amount of memory and the program sometimes needs to replace them with bigger/smaller ones and throws an OutOfMemoryException. Example: there are 5 allocated 96MB arrays (200x200x200, 12 bytes of data in each entry) and the program needs to replace them with 210x210x210...

Calculating Screen Space Error

I'm currently working on a Level of detail system for an XNA game, the system subdivides triangles with high screen space error and merges triangles with low screen space error. World Space Error is a heuristic which estimates the error that this triangle has, so for example if there is a triangle which is on an almost flat surface, it'...

Z-fighting between lines in XNA

I'm having a problem where drawing a grid using LineList and another (larger) grid overlapping it will make them flicker due to z-fighting. Using DepthBias will reduce that kind of problem when polygons and lines overlap but it apparently doesn't work when drawing lines in two separate DrawIndexedPrimitives calls. Currently I "fixed" it...

Drawing a textured quad using XNA

Hi all, I'm attempting to render a textured quad using the example located here. I can successfully render the quad, but the texture information appears to be lost. The quad takes the color of the underlying texture, though. I've checked the obvious problems ("Does the BasicEffect rendering the quad have the TextureEnabled property s...

Windowed mode framerate vs Full screen framerate

Hi, I'm developping an XNA game and I usually start my application in windowed mode for debug purposes. For strange reasons, my application is 50% slower in windowed mode than in fullscreen mode. Can someone tell me why and how the windowed mode affects the framerate ? ...

make game window "always on top" in XNA

I want to make the XNA game window be in "windowed" mode but "always on top", is there a way to do this? ...

Does a lambda create a new instance everytime it is invoked?

I'm curious to know whether a Lambda (when used as delegate) will create a new instance every time it is invoked, or whether the compiler will figure out a way to instantiate the delegate only once and pass in that instance. More specifically, I'm wanting to create an API for an XNA game that I can use a lambda to pass in a custom call ...

Completely .NET ZerConf Implementation for XNA

I came across Mono.ZerConf, but from what I can tell it still relies on mDNSResponder on Windows and Avahi on Linux. But I'm trying to figure out if it would be possible to implement on the XBOX 360 / XNA, but I obviously can't run mDNSResponder on the 360, though if there was an implementation that was completely in .NET I may be able ...

XNA on iPhone

I don't know if it's a strange question but how could I run a game made with XNA on the iPhone/iTouch ? Which steps/tools (existing ones or imaginary...) should be used ? note: The goal is to avoid modifying existing C# code UPDATE : If I understand correctly, I must be able to: 1) Run my XNA code on Mono (monoxna or SilverSprit...

How can I find the direction of a Vector2 with only the X and Y coordinates?

Hi, I would like to know 2 things about the struct Vector2 in XNA: Why does this struct only have X and Y instead of X,Y (origin) and X',Y' (destination)? How can I calculate the direction of a vector with only the X,Y? Thanks a lot in advance. Kind Regards. Josema. ...

Where can I find code samples for XNA with WinForms?

I'm trying to make a WinForms application with embedded XNA according to this sample: http://creators.xna.com/en-US/sample/winforms_series1 What I'm looking for are code samples that use code sample above to study more on the subject. I'm creating a desk game. Thanks for help ...

Distributing a PC game written with XNA

I am interested in doing some development with XNA. One of the things that interested me most was being able to distribute on the XBox 360. However I haven't found anyone who uses it to distribute games for Windows. Is it possible? And what kinds of libraries do you need to ship with it (.NET etc.). ...

How do I install Visual C# express?? It says I have old version of Visual Studio but I don't

How do I stop Visual Studio Express SP1 install detecting old version that doesn’t exist? I haven't installed Visual Studio before on my computer. However when I try to install Visual Studio C# 2008 Express SP1 I get an error message: "Setup has detected that this computer does not meet the requirements to install this software. These...