
Why does my Tk application error out with "unknown color name white"?

I just installed tkdiff on a ubuntu machine and when I try and run the program I get the following error: actual font: -family {DejaVu Sans Mono} -size -12 -weight normal -slant roman -underline 0 -overstrike 0 Error in startup script: unknown color name "white" (processing "-foreground" option) invoked from within "text $w(Le...

Why is X11 Composite extension incompatible with Stereo visuals?

In the NVIDIA README for the Quadro card X driver, there is this comment: Workstation overlays, stereo visuals, and the unified back buffer (UBB) are incompatible with Composite. These features will be automatically disabled when Composite is detected Is there some fundamental X reason why this is so? Why are quadro cards ...

Development packages for X11 for CentOS

Hello, Some one know what are development packages for X11 for CentOS 3? Thank you for ahead ...

Would dropping X altogether hurt ?

Hi, I live in the linux terminal all the time under my slackware GNU/linux system (an EeePC). By default, GNU Emacs won't start if It can't find several Xorg libraries. Assuming I will never use X software at all, would it make sense for me to drop all this Xorg stuff and compile emacs again ? Are you aware of anything that could get m...

example code for Xorg/X11 record extension fails

I'm compiling a basic example (as much as using bare X could be simple...) using the X11's RECORD extension on the latest version of Ubuntu, and I'm getting the following error: RECORD extension for local server is version is 1.13 X Error of failed request: XRecordBadContext Major opcode of failed request: 135 (RECORD) Minor opcod...

Which display manager for a non interactive Python app and mplayer?

I am developing an application that will run on Linux to run fullscreen all the time (no menus or trays or anything will be visible). The application is going to be developed in Python, not that that matters as far as the window manager, but what I am having a hard time with is choosing a window manager. I need something with the small...

getting HTML source or rich text from the X clipboard

How can rich text or HTML source code be obtained from the X clipboard? For example, if you copy some text from a web browser and paste it into kompozer, it pastes as HTML, with links etc. preserved. However, xclip -o for the same selection just outputs plain text, reformatted in a way similar to that of elinks -dump. I'd like to pull ...

How can I tell which driver Xorg is using for my video card?

I downloaded and compiled the latest intel video drivers as mine seems to have issues, I installed with prefix as /usr/local. Then I added the appropriate Section "Device" Identifier "devname" Driver "intel" EndSection How can I tell if it's using my new compiled driver or something that comes with my distro? What Xorg command dis...

Are there ways to run Android on XWindows?

I was wondering if there are ways to run Android on XWindows (Xorg) without any emulation and using X11 (or a window) to render graphics... I've read that Android uses the FB device (and I don't know how does this fit with OpenGl). Does anyone have some information about this? Are there projects or other? ...

Xorg, Python, and Current Window Title

After stackoverflow answered my previous question on here about my Wiimote left/right click issue, Not only can I move the mouse cursor, I can now left/right click on things. I now have one more question. What do I use in python to get the title of the current active window? After googling 'X11 Python Window Title', 'Linux Python Window...

How does X11 clipboard handle multiple data formats?

It probably happened to you as well - sometimes when you copy a text from some web page into your rich-text e-mail draft in your favorite webmail client, you dislike the fact that the pasted piece has a different font/size/weight.. it somehow remembers the style (often images, when selected). How is it than that if you paste the same int...

How can I get the current mouse (pointer) position co-ordinates in X

This can either be some sample C code or a utility that will show me either gui or on the console it doesn't matter, but I have to be able to "command" it to grab the co-ordinates at an exact time which makes xev not very useful (that I could figure out). ...

best way to work on / debug Xorg server modules

Hi, I want to work on an Xorg server module and I am wondering how I can reload the module at runtime. Also, maybe someone can give me some good tips about doing this (because I never have worked with Xorg server code before). Esp. I am running the Ubuntu version of Xorg 7.5 (if that matters much -- does it?). What I want to do s...

Touch screen relative coordinates

Hello, I've rotated X environment with xrandr -o left|right|inverse|normal on touch screen device. Everything is working OK beside touch. When moving finger on the screen, it takes absolute coordinates of finger and moves cursor in opposite direction if the rotation is inverse. So if I slide up actually it slides down. So is there a way...

CutyCapt - unable to capture non-latin chars

Hello, i have install Qt44.* which includes libWebKit in order to compile and make the Cutycapt script/app as described at the project homepage (http://cutycapt.sourceforge.net/) The script runs but it is unable to capture non-latin fonts (e.g. Greek). When doing a screen capture for websites with latin characters everything works. The...

How to patch xorg-server (about compositing problem of ATI)?

I'm sorry, the official driver of ATI is just woking!!! Here is a solution: http://blog.jasondonenfeld.com/190 I tried to make install xorg-server, but it seems not working. (Download from:http://xorg.freedesktop.org/releases/individual/xserver/) I change the source code as mentioned above..But why? Should I make install all of xo...

how to start a keymap project

I have take a try dvorak keyboard layout, and i also taked a look of programmers dvorak and colemak layout. But what I'd like create a new layout, which is more better in code and *nix. I've do some statistic from many codes include java,python,ruby,php,c,js, and get a result of which key use most, which symbol use most, which number us...

Run Portrait Video Output Pre-X Server

I know it's possible to rotate video output in X server to display in portrait mode as well as landscape. I'm curious if it's possible to rotate the video output that occurs pre-X server. The white text on black background output as the machine boots (rc.sysinit, bringing up eth connections, etc.). ...

How does one build a new X11 3D driver?

I was wondering why there is no X11 driver for the mali 3D arm gfx chip. I looked into building an X11 driver for the available kernel driver, but could not find any documentation on how to build an X11 3D driver. There exists only the minimal amount of documentation about how to build projects like DRI and Mesa, but no documentation a...