
Why does this random, unexpected horizontal line appear in IE7?

I am using YUI's datatable (http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/datatable/) to make a table. But notice something very wrong...sometimes, there is a line that appears on top of a result, only in IE7. This may or may not be related to the YUI plugin. Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks.! Edit: For some reason, it only appears at that p...

How does it work? - Javascript function to make non-IE fixes using YUI

Here's the code I'm trying to understand: noniefix.js: function fixNonIE() { if(YAHOO.env.ua.ie > 0) { return false; } var divs = YAHOO.util.Dom.get('bd').getElementsByTagName('div'); if(divs.length > 0) { YAHOO.util.Dom.batch(divs, pushup); alert (divs.length+" divs in file!"); } } function pushup(el) { if(el.id.search('f...

Is there a JQuery plugin for this?

I am currently using YUI datatable, but it is buggy: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/datatable/ Is there another similar plugin that can do this , in JQuery? ...

Need to write online circuit builder: please compare/contrast YUI3, GWT, and jQuery... what would YOU use?

I need to write a sophisticated website that does AJax, drag and drop, component re-sizing, with a tree view of all components. If this is controversial, please just close it, but could someone please recommend a good JavaScript Application Framework to use? I know YUI3 is still under development so I'd have to use the tree view from...

Are HTML-based AIR apps equally fast/powerful v. Flex AIR, or just a "lesser" sibling?

I've got a HTML/JS (YUI framework) photo-organizer that needs access to the local FS. Should I move HTML/JS to AIR, or bite the bullet and "port" it to Flex AIR? I know what the marketing says, but I want the real answer -- what an I "giving up" by going HTML/JS AIR? I'd like to get some feedback from people with deep experience buildi...

AIR: Should I use a Sandbox Bridge to provide access to local FS for HTML-based AIR app?

I've got a HTML/JS (YUI 2/3 framework) photo-organizer, and I want to get access to the local FS to organize desktop photos. Searching for the best approach to deal with security/sandbox issues and also maximize HTML/JS code reuse. Some key issues to consider: HTML/JS codebase still lives on for web-only content, ideally I could load ...

AIR: Does YUI3 work in the AIR application sandbox?

This page only lists YUI 2.5.1. Is it outdated? http://www.adobe.com/products/air/tools/ajax/community/ I know it works fine in a remote sandbox. ...

YUI datatable get contents of selected row?

Hi, all. I'm trying to get the contents of a cell in a row in a YUI datatable. I can use myDataTable.getSelectRows()[0] to get teh first selected row, however, how do I get the contents of the first cell in that row? Thanks! ...

How to pass arguments to YUI3's 'on' method callbacks?

I have 2 event handlers: Y.all(".ptl").on("mouseover", handleOverlay); Y.all(".ptl").on("mouseout", handleOverlay); And I would like to pass an arugment to handleOverlay on mouseout so that the function knows that the user has exited the node and to exit the handleOverlay function. I have attemped to follow the API http://developer...

How to manually check a YUI radio "button".

<script type="text/javascript"> (function () { var ButtonGroup = YAHOO.widget.ButtonGroup; var onCheckedButtonChange = function (p_oEvent) { }; YAHOO.util.Event.onContentReady("mediaFilterButtonsFieldset", function () { var oButtonGroup = new ButtonGroup("mediaFilterButtons"); oButt...

What is the JQuery equivalent of YUI buttons?

http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/button More specifically, I want radio buttons. that can be checked/unchecked. ...

Problem with YUI Calendar widget

I managed to get the YUI calendar widget working fine. But When it displays it doesn't "float" over the page, that is, it pushes content around out shape. I need it to float above the page and not affect other elements. There doesn't seem to be a property to force the calendar to float over the page. Does anyone know how to ensure that...

Comparing YUI and Ext JS

I've been using Ext JS as my rich-widget toolkit for a while, but I'm thinking of moving to YUI, partly because of the less restrictive license. The component-oriented model used in YUI seems quite similar to the one that I've enjoyed so much in Ext JS, but I'm interested in how deep those similarities are. So I'm interested in feedbac...

What is the equivalent of YUI 3's Y.Array() in jQuery

What is the equivalent of YUI 3's Y.Array in jQuery? Y.Array() takes array like inputs and converts them into array. More info at http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/3/api/yui-array.js.html ...

YUI-css problem in IE 6 and 7

If you look at the screenshot below you can see that the right menu box in red has the wrong position in IE6 and 7: <div id="doc4" class="yui-t2"> //yui-t2 = 180px on the left <div id="bd"> <div id="yui-main"> <div class="yui-b"> <div class="yui-gc"> // yui-gc 2/3, 1/3 <div class="yui-u first">content</di...

How do I set YUI2 paginator to select a page other than the first page?

I have a YUI DataTable (YUI 2.8.0r4) with AJAX pagination. Each row in the table links to a details/editing page and I want to link from that details page back to the list page that includes the record from the details page. So I have to a) offset the AJAX data correctly and b) tell YAHOO.widget.Paginator which page to select. According...

Accessing YUI RichTextEditor node

I'm inserting images to editor with id param. after that i'm trying to access it with Dom.get('id'), but it returns null. I understand that it returns null because it works under parent window's scope. Is there any standard way to access it? ...

Exporting data from a YUI DataTable

What's the easiest/fastest way to grab data out of a YUI DataTable and turn it into a single CSV or TSV string? I basically just want to implement a one-click way to get the entire DataTable (it should preserve the currently-applied sorting) into a form that users can paste into a spreadsheet. My DataTable can get pretty big - 5000 to 1...

Async file uploads in Firefox reset on any DOM change

I'm pretty sure this is a Firefox or flash-related bug, but I just want to check if anyone has ran into this problem or knows how to fix it. Basically, we have a multi-file upload widget for our highly dynamic web app (think Gmail). We've tried both uploadify for jQuery, and YUI uploader. We've also tried taking those out of our app int...

Show/hide glossary page in YUI

Hello All, I am trying to develop a toggle function like http://www.lutsr.nl/yui/toggle/ But it works a little different as them. When user enters the glossary page, he sees a full list of Alphabet with all the techical terms explaination All — A | B | C | E | G | H | M | P | Q | R | S | T | U | Z | Acti...