
Choosing between ExtJS and YUI based on application parameters.

Hello. I need help in taking call to choose between Ext JS and YUI libraries. Here are the key factors I have derived from my application requirements & development process: Complex, windows forms like controls Widgets, Layouts, Utilities Inter widget communication Easy to extend Easy to learn Intuitive & concise coding Strong exceptio...

I'm using YUI datatable. How do I tell once everything is loaded?

http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/docs/YAHOO.widget.DataTable.html Is it an event or something? ...

Facebook Style YUI Tabs

Does anyone know how to style YUI Tabview component [1] so it will look like Facebook tabs [2]? I am using YUI 2. A very crude attempt is below (I modified the example code given in Devtacular [3]). But it does not handle the spacing between the tabs, nor the outer lines around the selected tab. http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/tabview/...

How can I replicate YUI's getElementsBy using Prototype?

I'm moving some code from YUI to javascript and some of it is using YUI's YAHOO.util.Dom.getElementsBy(function). I've been reading through the prototype API docs and haven't been able to find something equivalent. It needs to be able to take an arbitrary function not just select off a CSS selector or the like. Can anyone suggest to me t...

YUI Menu rendering below "fold" on first open

I have a YUI menu on the bottom navigation of the screen which creates a large white space beneath it where the action list would be rendered if visible... On the first click the menu will render in that white space which requires the user to scroll to see it... on the second click however it will draw upward (ideally) so that the user ...

Chart for list of boolean values

I have a rather odd scenario. I am creating a web service for a scientific experiment. The output is like the following [0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 ...] I want to display this in a chart in our web page. This experiment is an ongoing one, and thus, the list is updated every 2 seconds with 20 more fields. This is a time bas...

Charts - Column chart with extra data

Hi, I have some data similar to the following chart: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/examples/charts/charts-seriescustomization_clean.html Only difference is that for each of the fields - I have some other extra data - say For utlilities - I have a cash reserve for utility - as another field. I would prefer this data point to come abov...

How to "chain" modal dialogs in YUI 2 ?

I have a modal dialog box presented in Yahoo UI. The user selects a value from dialog "A", and then I want to present another modal dialog box to collect some more data in dialog "B". I have been using the YAHOO.widget.Dialog successfully. The problem seems to be that you can't initiate dialog window "B" from the handler function of dia...

Jquery/YUI - Find image and set CSS to display:none

I have the following image in a CMS that I want to hide, I dont really want to change source code but would like to hide a specific image which does not have a class applied. Here is the HTML: <td class="right side"> <a title="Show only topic 1" href="view.php?id=3&topic=1"> <img alt="Show only topic 1" src="http://vl3.co.uk/i...

Where can I get advanced YUI training, either online or classroom based ?

I have recently been asking a few questions of YUI. The responses to date have been great, so thanks for your help. There is a quite a bit of documentation online, but it is still rather superficial, and fragmented when compared to the depth of YUI. I have already read through this book for the Yahoo UI. I can recommend it as a good beg...

yui datatable inline cell editor problem

Hi, When using inline cell editor in my datatable I want to round value to 10 multiple This is my code : mydatatable.subscribe("cellDblclickEvent",datatable_DetailsCommande.onEventShowCellEditor); var onCellEdit = function(oArgs) { var oColumn=oArgs.editor.getColumn(); var column=oColumn.ge...

YUI Uploader hangs after choosing file

Below is my entire code from a User control that contains the YUI Uploader. Is there something I'm missing. Right now, when I step through the javascript code in Firebug, it hangs on the first line of the upload() function. I have a breakpoint on the first line of the ashx that handles the file, but it is never called. So, it doesn't ...

Updating the value of a math equation with YUI slider and simple radio buttons.

I have a form that is used to show a price for a product. I have a YUI slider setup that changes the price, and it works perfectly. Now I'm trying to add in radio buttons that also should update that same price value. The price displayed should take into account all 3 fields, and update dynamically as any are updated. This is the code I ...

YUI TreeView Selection destroyed on recreate.

I have a YUI Treeview that allows selection with checkboxes. After some operations, I destroy the tree (with tree.destroy()), and then create a new tree using the same containerID. This new tree should allow selection using checkboxes, but does not. What could be causing this? ...

How to integrate yahoo user interface with cakePHP

Hi all I am very new to cakePHP, I want to add YUI accordion in the default layout of my application. A simple explanation could be like this - I have a table 'lecturers' in my database. I have baked the model lecturer (file) I have baked the controller lecturers_controller (file) I have baked the view lecturers (folder) I need to over...

What are the typical reasons Javascript developed on Firefox fails on IE?

I developed some javascript enhanced pages that run fine on recent Firefox and Safari. I missed to check in Internet Explorer, and now I find the pages don't work on IE 6 and 7 (so far). The scripts are somehow not executed, the pages show as if javascript wasn't there, although some javascript is executed. I am using own libraries with ...

YUI Image Loader Images Above Fold Not Loading Until Scroll event.

I have a function that is called on the window.onload event to create a group of images and render via the scroll event. function LoadImages(){ var foldGroup = new YAHOO.util.ImageLoader.group(window, 'scroll'); for(var i=0; i<someCounter; i++){ var locationId = locationsArr[i]; foldGroup.registerSrcImage('Loc...

YUI DataTable with JSON and client side filtering Data Error

Hi, I don't understand what I'm doing wrong here ! I keep getting a Data Error. But I validated the JSON and it's ok... Here is the javascript from the YUI Datatble example (slightly modified). <pre class="prettyprint"><code> <script type="text/javascript"> YAHOO.util.Event.addListener(window, "load", function() { //var Ex = YA...

YUI DataTable - multiple columns filtering

Hello, I know, that it is possible to filter dataTable Control on client as it is shown in this exaple: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/examples/datatable/dt_localfilter.html Is it also possible to filter more columns? I'd like to have 2 textfields, and when I type sth to the first one, DataTable would filter according to the 'areacod...

YUI and/or jQuery for a new project?

If I am starting a new project how should I pick between using YUI 2, YUI 3 and jQuery? I know there are a bunch of questions/answers already about can you use them together, but I am trying to figure out what criteria I should be thinking about to make my decision. Are they overlapping? Is one better at GUI and the other better at in...