
Changing Alignment of YUI Multi Page Calendar

I want to change the aligment of YUI Multi Page Calendar Control from its default alignment "Horizontal" to "Vertical" is there any parameters required to change the same. ...

Dynamic loading of stylesheet using YUI3

I am dynamically loading stylesheets using YUI3 'Get'. which is working flawlessly however, as far as I can tell it doesn't give me any way to set id's for these new stylesheets which is causing the stylesheet to be loaded multiple times as the user navigates around the site. var css_obj = Y.Get.css(location.pathname+"/../css/"+jta["iss...

YUI3 IO program flow question

This may also be simple Javascript related but here is the link to IO just in case: YUI3 IO I have a YUI instance created and am using the io function to retrieve data from the server. YUI().use('event', 'node', 'io', function(Y) { Y.on('io:start', onstart, this, true); Y.on('io:success', changecontent, this); Y.on('io:en...

YUI TreeView and DataTable

I have a DataTable whose nodes are HTMLNodes containing DataTables. When I click on the DataTables, it seems the onClick is instead eing handled by the TreeView. Is there a way to get the DataTable to handle this instead? ...

YUI3 autocomplete

I think I would like to make the switch from Scriptaculous to YUI. So, the first thing I am trying to do is an autocomplete feature on the front page of my application demo. Every single search I do for this, refers me to YUI2 examples and instructions. These use YAHOO objects instead of YUI objects, and I just don't trust that this i...

image scroller using yui

Hi Can any one tell me how to implement a yui carousel based image scroller ? Will it also respond to mouse wheel event as well ? ...

Download estimator for web site

I would like to calculate/estimate the amount of time file will take for download. Is there any way using which this can be achieved using JavaScipt or something else? What level of accuricy can be achieved ? (+evs / -evs ) I have tries this by downloading small image and then performing maths to get the bandwidth and time needed. But ...

Text Input Box With Instant Content Duplication

I want to have users be able to enter data into a text box and instantly have that text appear in another div as content with a character limit on the input box. Much like how SO does it when asking a question but for a different application. I am using the YUI3 framework if that makes any difference. Unfortunately I don't know wher...

Fixed Bar like facebook/wibiya with jquery/YUI/prototype

Hello All, I was just wondering if any one knows of a good script to emulate a bar like wibiya or the facebook notification bar that used to appear at the bottom(just before the current facebook homepage change) . I just checked out one of the scripts but it is still under heavy development so looking for some stabler options: http://...

Css background images not being cached by FireFox

I am dynamically adding <link> tags to the page using YUI3 and this works properly. For testing purposes I have two nearly identical css files which include the exact same background images however when I load the second css file, Firebug shows that more http requests are being made for the same images in the first css file. The JS Y...

How to right-align a YUI Menu Button?

I'm using a YUI "Menu Button" combo (See here for the documentation). By default, when the menu appears, it's positioned just under the button, and its left edge is lined up with the left edge of the button, but I need my menu's right edge to be lined up with the right edge of the button. I'm creating both my menu and my button from ma...

How can I get the width of a layoutUnit that doesn't include its scrollbar?

I'm trying to make my layout update the width of another element, but I need to get at its width NOT including its scrollbar (if one is indeed present). getMainContentBounds() in this case seems to be returning the entire width along with the scrollbar. I have also tried getSizes() with the same result. myDataTable.on('postRenderEvent'...

YUI: String works, but a var containing a string doesnt?

var allRows = this.getTbodyEl().rows; for (var i = allRows.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){ var thisRowID = allRows[i].id; // Clean up any existing Drag instances if (myDTDrags[thisRowID]) { myDTDrags[thisRowID].unreg(); delete myDTDrags[thisRowID]; } // Create a Drag instance for each row myDTDrags[thisRowID] = new YAHOO.util.DDP...

How to consume YUI editor events

I think this is a simple question, but I can not find the answer I have a rails app and I am using jquery and the YUI Rich Text Editor, I want to write some javascript/jquery to to have a minimum text length counter (i.e. you have 240 characters left). I have it working with a simple text-area: jQuery.fn.populateCounter = function()...

YUI datatable error

Hi, I'm trying to put together an application which uses YUI's DataTable component but I get the "Data error" message. The datasource is configured to get the records from an ASP.NET web method. The records are returned to the client side successfully (I checked it with IE's debugger). My code looks like the following: YAHOO.example.Ba...

autocomplete in YUI is very slow in IE6 on large dataset

Trying to use autocomplete functionality of YUI, we ran into the fact that it's extremely slow on IE6 for a datasource containing 30000 items (when trying to type in an autocomplete field, it takes several MINUTES for IE to respond). However, the same exact code works pretty much real-time in IE8. Are we doing something wrong? Can we ...

YUI Column Selection

I'm having issues using YUI's DataTable Column Selection Functionality. I've tried, myEndColDataTable.subscribe("theadCellClickEvent", myEndColDataTable.onEventSelectColumn); and myEndColDataTable.subscribe("cellClickEvent", function (oArgs) { this.selectColumn(this.getColumn(oArgs.target)); }); The issue is, I h...

jQuery 1.4 vs YUI3, which one to choose?

jQuery 1.4 vs YUI3, which to use and why? ...

Grails UI Menu flakey behavior in IE

I'm using a GRAILS UI (1.2-SNAPSHOT) an it's implementation of the YUI menubar (YUI I am seeing flakey mouseover behavior in IE (Firefox is ok). When I mouse over the menu item with a submenu, it will show. As I try to mouse over the sub-menu, the submenu disappears before I can click. This happends in a pattern I haven't fully...

How do you get querystring using YUI 2 ?

I need to get the a parameter passed via a querystring. I need to get the value of the parameter and then use it in some javascript. In my specific example, I am using the "tabview" object and would like to set the "selected" tab by getting it from the querystring. The querystring would be something like this http://www.myserver.com/pa...