
Help to submit xml string/document as ajax request to background page using YUI

I would like to create the XML string on the the aspx page and then submit this request using the YUI ajax request to another aspx page for the processiong. So 1. is this possible by setting some of the ajax requests configurations like we do on ajax response ? 2. How it can be done ? ...

Get full data set, sorted with YUI Data Table with Pagination

I hope I am describing my issue enough.. here goes: I have a YUI data table, get a server side set of records via JSON, and then populates the data. Users can click on the headers to sort the data in three of the 6 columns, (which are using a custom sort function for each column). The sorting is done client-side. When a user sorts th...

Flex, JS libraries like (JQuery, YUI, Prototype) or Silverlight, JavaFx ? ? ? What should we go for ?

If any one want to start developing new web application with real cool and reliable UI, good throughput, maintainability, scalability which one can be the winner ? Also which one can be the winner in case we are migrating age old sites with new look and feel? ...

JSON returned from ASP.NET WebService is inadequate

I have constructed several web services that successfully serialize my .NET types into JSON. However, I'm running into an issue getting the JSON to be fully compatible with the YUI library and the DataTable in particular. The YUI DataTable can be fully configured using JSON objects. I created the following struct in .NET to represent a...

Yahoo.widget.Editor - How to configure font size of text.

I am using the YUI Rich Text Editor (YAHOO.widget.Editor), and I got it working fine, except for one thing. I cannot figure out how to configure the font size of the text that I type in the editor box (input type="textarea"). I want that text to be 150%. I know that I need a CSS rule of the form: some-YUI-related-selector { font-size:...

Can i change the layout of YUI datatable?

My web application uses YUI datatables to show records to the user. I dont want it to be a rows and columns layout. Can I use my own layout for example all data of a record within a single row and single column. Consider StackOverflow questions page. Is it possible for me to do like this with YUI datatable? ...

YUI Calendar, How can I implement it like the jQuery UI Calendar?

With jQuery UI I can simply use .datePicker() or similar and it will automatically attach it to the focus and blur events of a text field. How can I do this with YUI calendar, sample code would be great!! Thanks. ...

Make a YUI asyncRequest call which is not async

I want to make a YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest call, which not is async. Just like open(method, url, async) where false is passed by async. I can't find a "syncRequest" in the Connect class. Is this possible using YUI 2? I tried without YUI instead: function createRequestObject() { var ro; // Mozilla, Safari,... if (win...

Every flash uploader giving bad progress values.

The file upload script I wrote early last year for an internal website has been misbehaving oddly on a number of machines. On some machines it consistently works fine, on others it consistently misbehaves. I am having exactly the same problem with YUI Uploader, SWFUpload (2.2 and 2.5a), and Uploadify. On the misbehaving machines, the pr...

Need: javascript dropdown replacement widget

I need to address the following problem: In IE the dropdown body is what dictates the width of the dropdown. If i set dropdown width to 100px then the body will get cut off if its wider. Last time (4 months ago) i looked for a suitable widget i found the following problems Not all dropdown keyboard shortcuts supported: up/down ar...

synchronized animations in YUI3?

Is it possible in yui3 to synchronize multiple animations so they progress together? Something similar to what is mentioned in the jquery 1.4 roadmap and demonstrated in this example http://ejohn.org/files/sync. ...

Ajax XML issues with XSS validation

While using Ajax in web applications we use XML to transfer the data between server and client. However XSS validation comes into picture, So questions are, 1. Is passing XML like this is correct? 2. Are we exposed to security issues if we turn off XSS validation? 3. Can passing Ajax request with header (content-type = application/xml) ...

Javascript Function Syntax

In my feeble attempt to learn JavaScript, I bought a book which teaches you how to do things in JavaScript, but forgets to mention WHY. Coming from PHP I am familiar with the typical function syntax: function name() {return;} which from what I understand works the same in JS. Then I decide I want to attempt to use the YUI 3 framewor...

YUI - Pros and Cons

I'm about to begin a new project and plan to use YUI and my JS and CSS framework for the following reasons: Treeview with tri-state checkboxes (seems to be the best implementation I could find) Calandar (seen others, but since #1 is on YUI, I'm glad it also has calendar) CSS framework (was going to use 960, but might as well go 100% Ya...

JQuery Treeview with Tri-State Checkboxes

Does anyone know of a JQuery solution for treeview with tristate checkboxes? I'm looking at using YUI, but have more experience in JQuery. ...

YUI: Where are forms?

I am comparing ExtJS and YUI. They seem pretty much tied on the technical side. ExtJs costs money, not much. But YUI is free. Maybe I am missing something obvious, but ExtJs lets you define forms. I didn't see forms in YUI. Where are they? ...

Collapse YUI Treview

How do I set up YUI treeview so that all nodes are in collapsed state initially? Is it possible to set up YUI treeview so that it is collapsed if no nodes are selected, but expanded if nodes are selected (only the branch with nodes selected are expanded)? If so, how? Thanks. ...

Drupal 6 and YUI Editor 2.8, cannot get upload image working

Okay, I have installed WYSIWYG module to my Drupal 6 site. I also installed the YUI module v2.8.0r4 I cannot get the image upload to work. When you click image, you get the option to insert URL etc, but no upload form. I searched and searched for days trying to find the issue but nothing seems to work. I have seen this issue with man...

which approach is more correct to get element in document with focus ?

I have went through couple of questions already asked related with this and i have found two common approach. 1. Have global element and update it by attaching onFocus() event to each of the element. 2. document.activeElement and have following code to update the element in case of old browser which do not support the property var foc...

How do I know how to design my callback function for my event listener in YUI?

I'm just starting to use YUI. I'm trying to understand how to subscribe elements to different events. It seems pretty simple. Here's some code that I've been tweaking from Yahoo's examples: // "click" event listener for the second Button's Menu instance var onMenuClick = function (p_sType, p_aArgs) { var attributes = { width: { to:...