
yui - liquid header, fix content

How can I create liquid header (100%) and fix content (950px) and footer using yui? Something like this: ---------------------------------- | header (liquid) | ---------------------------------- | left | right | ------------------- | footer | ------------------- Any input will ...

YUI editor not giving output

hi all, am using YUI editor plugins for rails( http://github.com/larsklevan/yui%5Feditor) it render the editor but that is not giving me out put it just send blank field is there any way to manually getting out put from editor and save that to textarea am using 2.8.0 YUI ...

phpUnit config options

what do the following options mean or whats it for <log type="coverage-html" target="./log/report" charset="UTF-8" yui="true" highlight="true" lowUpperBound="50" highLowerBound="80"/> yui: i guess it means use stuff from yahoo ui to make it look good? highlight: maybe have some colors? lowUpperBound, highLowerbound: whats these? ...

Accessibility of the YUI Tree control: how to tab to the tree on Firefox?

Consider this example showing the YUI tree in action: http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/examples/treeview/tv%5Fedit.html Select the title in orange ("TreeView Control: Inline Editing of TreeView Node Labels"). Hit tab a first time: the link "View example in new window" is selected. Hit tab a second time: this selects an anchor inside the...

YUI Datatable In A Panel Not Registering Events

Hi all, I have a datatable within a panel dialog. The datatable displays ok...however....no events are being registered, liked sort, row selection etc. Nothing at all. Not a sausage. If the datatable is not inside a panel then row selection, sorting etc. works perfectly fine. Here is my code. I would be forever grateful if you could po...

"Back" behavior in rich web apps, true user assumption?

Hello Community, Many client side code libraries & tool kits, for example Yahoo's YUI and Google's GWT support managing state history for the user experience. When implemented it allows a user to revert to a previous app state on the same page when they click the Back button or Backspace key. In this video from Google IO the impleme...

Convince me to switch from YUI 2 to YUI 3

Hi ! I've been using YUI Library to develop websites. YUI 3 came out on september. I'm still not convinced if i have to prepare myself for a migration. What are the advantages of 3rd version over the 2nd ? Have you been involved in such a migration, lately ? ...

How can I override an external css?

I'm using the YUI Javascript framework, which gives me a calendar widget that comes with a css file. These are included at the top of my Site.Master file. I'd like to override the style associated with the widget, but I can't seem to figure out how. I've tried adding an entry for the widget's class: .yui-calendar { height:10; width:1...

How does yui improve performance?

Hi Guys, Just curious to know if yui improves performance? As all the css and javascript files are on the YAHOO servers and only a part of it is loaded when needed. so does it help in improving performance? Thanks ...

yui submit buttons and dispatch action

I'm using YUI 2.7.0 and Struts for my project and have a form with two submit buttons. One is for Save and the other is for Delete. The form submits to a DispatchAction. I've added the onclick listeners successfully, but the problem is that the form submits before the listeners execute. I need to set the dispatch parameter before the for...

Upload the image with preview

Hi I wanted to upload images(along with other form details) and preview them, using jsp and servlets. I am able to do the uploading part but could not get, how to preview the images in the frontend. I am using YUI to implement it. Actually I am trying to reuse an example which is implemented in PHP. I am attaching my Servlet code here....

Yahoo UI Custom Button

I have a YUI button defined through HTML markup. I managed to get it loaded and "skinned" properly. The problem is a custom click event. I have tried a number of approaches all of which links the custom function to the 'click' event, but no matter which way I do it, it ALWAYS triggers upon page loading and then it doesn't fire when cli...

YUI date slider?

Does anyone know about a YUI double-thumb slider that could be used for dates? I'd love to have a slider that lets a user select min/max date for a query. Each tick could be for the first day of the month. A user could then pick, for example, Jan 1, 2002 as a min and July 1, 2004 as a max. ...

Grails g:select to autocomplete

I've changed a g:select field to a yui autocomplete (without using the yui plugin) and now I'm getting: Failed to convert property value of type [java.lang.String] to required type... println the params in the controller looks identical in both cases. I can go ahead and use the String id in the params and get the required domain ...

What's the best way to use a YUI TabView in an ASP.NET MVC app?

I'm creating an ASP.NET MVC web app and would like to use the YUI TabView (because I generally like its default look and I'm using a couple other YUI things, so the additional overhead will be comparatively small) to render a set of tabs in the master page. Here's what I want: Each tab should render the result of a particular controll...

Yui files are too heavy and affect site's performance

I ve developed an asp.net web application with YUI as the javascript library... My site was very slow that it took three minutes to view my page on my first visit.... When inspected through firebug, My yui file was too heavy with size 278kb... what can be done to improve performance? ...

Will existing JavaScript frameworks incorporate CommonJS?

JavaScript frameworks like Prototype, jQuery, YUI, MooTools, Dojo, et al. all seem to target client-side developers, with the focus on enabling common user interaction patterns to be implemented more efficiently and with less code. With the emergence of server-side JavaScript, do these frameworks intend to incorporate the CommonJS stand...

jQuery vs. Yahoo UI API design

I am baffled by the difference in design between jQuery and Yahoo UI APIs. Disclaimer: I have a strong dislike of the jQuery api, but I am also a huge ignorant in web programming and javascript in general, so I could be dead wrong and come back here begging for redemption. so long... The point of my question is the following. The two de...

YUI Custom Event for Dropdown value pre-selection ?

I have a dropdown field and its value is pre-selected as soon as its rendered(Say, its a Country field in a signup form). And I have other dropdowns or other components which change the selected value of the first dropdown dynamically. Now I want to fire a method with every "value getting selected" in the dropdown. Is it possible? To pu...

YUI DataTable sort number with link

I have columns that are basically <td><a href="somewhere">399.99</a> If I set parser:"number" on the column, I get a blank column, but if I don't, the sorting is not a numeric sort. Is there a better parser that can handle links around the number? The code is for http://paulisageek.com/compare/cpu/ ...